
  1. 一些人指出FIT只能用于进行业务沟通或者客户沟通的交叉功能测试(cross-functionaltest),而且这一点是相当重要的。

    Others have suggested that FIT should be used almost exclusively for cross-functional tests where communicating with the business , or with a customer , is of paramount importance .

  2. 协助市场部与各运营点进行业务沟通和信息反馈;

    Help a market department to carry on business communication and information feedback with each luck camp point ;

  3. 必须具备较强的英语及普通话的业务沟通能力,包括写和说;

    Strong business communication skills in English and Mandarin Chinese , including written and spoken , is a MUST ;

  4. 负责协助产品线总经理与各个大区进行业务沟通和管理;

    Be responsible for helping product line a general manager to carry on business communication and management with each one big area ;

  5. 协助客户进行业务沟通和管理,包括项目前期资料收集整理、实施、后期跟进。

    Responsible for the communication with the customers and business management , including gathering the item data in earlier stage , implementation and tracking in latter stage .

  6. 近年来,随着以TCP/IP为核心协议的互联网的快速发展,IP技术作为一种承载业务和沟通传输的中间体得到了极大的发展,基于IP的业务应用发展迅速,网络的规模日趋庞大。

    With the great development of Internet , the IP network technology , as a carrier of service and communication , having got rapid growth in recent years .

  7. 这些价值观贯穿于天合团队的日常工作之中,成为他们与客户、供应商和业务伙伴沟通所奉行的准则。

    The Trina Solar team applies these values everyday and they serve as the foundation for interactions with customers , suppliers and business partners .

  8. 独特的品牌价值需要塑造来避免产品的趋同化,不同客户群体的获利性决定了业务和沟通战略。

    The value of the brand needs to be sustained to avoid commoditisation , while the profitability of different customer segments helps define business and communications strategies .

  9. 沟通计划:说明SOA团队将如何与其他项目团队和业务用户进行沟通。

    Communications plan : Explains how the SOA team will communicate with other project teams and business users .

  10. SOA的一个重要成功要素是,它在两个级别同时取得了成功;它既能与业务部门成功沟通,也能与IT部门产生共鸣。

    A major success factor for SOA has been that it is a message that has succeeded simultaneously on two levels ; it reaches the business , and it also resonates with IT .

  11. 加强业务联系,沟通经济信息,相互提供服务。

    Strengthening business contacts , communication economic information , mutual provision of services .

  12. 中国移动业务监控项目沟通管理研究

    Research of Communication Management in China Mobile BAM Project

  13. 这样做的目的是与业务分析师进行沟通,从而在图表中包括高级实体描述和它们之间的关系。

    The goal is to communicate with the business analysts so that the diagram includes high-level entity descriptions and the relationships between them .

  14. 二是同行业相关单位在专业交流、人员引进、专家聘请、技术培训等相关业务方面的沟通协调。

    Communication among related units in the same industry for professional communication , personnel introduction , experts hiring , technical training and related business .

  15. 竭诚欢迎国内外同行和我们加强业务联系、沟通信息、发展贸易。

    We sincerely wish to strengthen Business relations with counterparts Both at home and aBroad , to share information and develop Business with them .

  16. 中国移动面向市场积极开发新业务,提出沟通从心开始,努力改善服务质量。

    China Mobile has been vigorously developing new market-oriented services and striving to improve service quality , following the motto of " communication with customers from the heart " .

  17. 公司建立了科学的管理机制,聚集一批专业化的海运人才,他们有多年的海运经历,精通租船业务,善于沟通,勤于工作,是航运界的精英。

    Now our company has a batch of employees who are proficient in and good at chartering and brokering , they are all elites of operating business of shipment .

  18. BP伦敦总部和美国分公司在平衡内部控制与业务推进方面存在沟通上的失误,这可能是导致事故发生的重要原因之一。

    An important factor appears to have been a failure in communication between BP 's London headquarters and its US operations over the balance between internal control and operational aggression .

  19. 例如,CIO想要驱动创新,包括成本和业务单元之间的沟通。

    For example , a CIO may want to drive innovation , contain costs , and improve communication with business unit counterparts .

  20. CIO识别各种收益,从业务和IT之间沟通的改善,到可重用的IT资产的开发。

    The CIO identified a range of benefits , from improved communication between the business and IT , to the development of reusable IT assets .

  21. 架构师还是IT和业务之间重要的沟通者。

    Architects are also important communicators between IT and business .

  22. 良好的业务、管理、沟通和表达能力。

    Strong business , management , communication and presentation skills .

  23. 《郭亮村的电信业务代办点》沟通是无处不在的。

    Here is an agent of telecom business in Guoliang village Communication is everywhere .

  24. 开展与审计业务客户的初步沟通。

    Initiate preliminary communication with engagement client .

  25. 您需要技术娴熟、经验丰富的开发人员,这样的人员需要有就项目中的业务相关问题进行沟通的经历。

    You want to look for skilled and experienced developers who have a history of taking the initiative to communicate with business interests in projects .

  26. 企业门户已被越来越多的企业熟悉并接受,为企业业务管理、信息沟通开创了新的局面,成为构建企业综合资源平台的首选工具。

    The enterprise portal has been accepted by more and more enterprises , and has become the preferred tool for constructing the integrated enterprise resource platform .

  27. 结论规范护理记录单书写标准,加强法律知识的学习、护理记录质量管理、业务培训和医护沟通是提高护理记录质量的保证。

    Conclusion Standardization of criterion of nursing records , reinforcement of education of law , improving the quality management of nursing records , strengthening professional training and intensifying communication between doctors and nurses are important for the improvement of quality of nursing records .

  28. 特别采用基于XML的数据格式易于同相关的业务系统进行连接,解决了传统办公系统同业务系统信息沟通困难、难以同步的问题。

    In particular , with the data format of XML it can facilely connect relational business system , and then solves the problem of communication synchronization between the traditional work system and the business system .

  29. 它不仅要求能够整合企业内部的业务流程,同时还要求能够在地理位置分散的联盟企业之间进行业务流程的沟通协作。

    It 's required not only integrating internal business process of organization , but also communicating and collaboration between allied enterprises distributed over the world .