
  • 网络Corporate financing strategy;Corporate Finance Strategic
  1. 引入企业生命周期理论的企业融资战略讨论将企业融资问题在传统理论的基础上向外延伸,拓展了传统融资结构,两者的融合使传统融资理论更宽泛,更切合实际。

    The combination of corporate life-cycle theory and corporate finance strategic theory make the traditional financing theory more realistic .

  2. 实现企业融资战略目标的途径及其风险分析

    The Path to Realize the Enterprise 's Financing Strategic Target and the Risk Analysis

  3. 企业融资战略属于企业主要职能战略之一。

    Corporate finance strategy is one of the main functions of the corporate strategy .

  4. 基于动态能力观的民营企业融资战略研究

    Research on Private Enterprises ' Financing Strategies Based on the Concept of Dynamic Capability

  5. 创业期企业融资战略的理性思考

    Financial Strategies for Initiating Enterprises

  6. 高新技术中小企业融资的战略博弈

    The Strategy Game Theory in Financing of Hi-Tech SME

  7. 搞好企业的融资战略,可以降低企业的融资成本,实现企业的理财目标,提高企业的经济效益。

    A good financing strategy of an enterprise can deduce the enterprise 's financing cost , realize the enterprise 's financial management target , upgrade the enterprise 's economic efficiency .

  8. 在这一背景下,集团型企业需要树立融资战略管理思想来指导整个集团的融资行为。

    Within this context , it is imperative for a group enterprise to establish guiding principles to manage its financing behaviors .

  9. 债务期限结构作为债务结构研究的一个重要部分,对企业合理制定融资战略,提高绩效和公司治理水平有显著的帮助。

    It should be noticed that the debt maturity structure as an important part of debt structure , contributing to improve the company performance and corporate governance .

  10. 本文选择上海证券交易所电子信息与通信行业全部上市公司2001年-2005年的财务数据作为研究样本,对企业生命周期与企业融资战略制定相关性进行实证研究。

    The paper selected the listed companies in electronic information industry in Shanghai Stock Exchange as the sample of studying .

  11. 一个企业能否保持生产经营成果,防范财务风险,并迅速扩大规模,获取竞争优势,最终获得成功,在很大程度上取决于企业投融资战略是否卓有成效。

    To some extent , whether the corporation is able to continue the production , keep away the financial risk , extend the investment scope , gain the competition advantage and finally succeed in the competition arena is lied on whether the investment and financing strategy is highly effective .

  12. 因此,如何筹集企业发展所需资金,不断提高企业的融资能力,如何构建企业合理的资本结构,以合理的成本,较低的风险获取资金就成为我国电力企业融资战略中的重要内容。

    Therefore , it is important for the power enterprises how to raise the capital for development and constantly improve the financing capability and how to construct a reasonable capital structure , that will lead to lower risks , remains an objective to be obtained .