
  • 网络Software outsourcing
  1. CMM在软件外包项目开发中的应用研究

    Research on the CMM application in software outsourcing projects

  2. 在分析了武汉软件外包产业的发展现状的基础上,结合SWOT分析方法提出了阶梯战略,产业链战略、人才战略、品牌战略。

    Based on the analysis of the software outsourcing industry in wuhan , the thesis combines the SWOT method to put forward Step Development Strategy , Industrial Chain Strategy , Human Resource Strategy , Brand strategy .

  3. 目前,BPO已经发展成为继软件外包之后的一个潜力巨大的业务模式。

    As a main part of outsourcing , BPO ( Business Process Outsourcing ) has been developing into an important business with great potential after software outsourcing .

  4. 涉及软件外包业务,特别是离岸外包(OffshoreOutsourcing)的软件组织的过程管理。本课题的研究有助于提高这些组织的软件开发管理能力。

    The results of the research can be applied into two fields including software process improvement and management in medium and small software organizations , and improvement of the capacity of development management in software organizations which provide outsourcing services , especially offshore outsourcing .

  5. 在基于ESB服务模式的基础上,对软件外包公共服务平台的运营机理和服务能力进行了分析,由专门成立的江苏虚拟软件园股份有限公司承担平台建设和运营。

    On the basis of ESB service mode , it analyzes operating mechanism and service ability of software outsourcing public service platform , its construction and operation shall be undertaken by Jiangsu Virtual Software Group Co. , Ltd which is specially established .

  6. 同时IDC数据显示,2005年中国整体软件外包收入的60.1%来自于日本客户;其次才是欧美市场,为20.4%。

    At the same time , IDC data show that in 2005 60.1 % of the over all Chinese software outsourcing revenue was from Japan customers , followed by the European and American markets , for 20.4 % .

  7. DHC公司作为大连本地的软件外包行业巨头,对其现状和存在问题进行研究,将对整个行业的研究起到一定引导作用。

    As the leader of Dalian local software outsourcing industry company , DHC studies the present situation and the existence question , and the research on the industry plays a leading role .

  8. 通过深入比较已有的基于J2EE的框架的优缺点,根据软件外包公司对HelpDesk平台的实际需求,选择了适合HelpDesk平台需求的解决方案:整合了Struts、Spring和Hibernate的SSH框架。

    According to the advantages and disadvantages of the existing framework based on J2EE , and the actual requirements of the software outsourcing company on HelpDesk platform , the resolution was chosen : SSH framework which integrate Struts , Spring and Hibernate .

  9. 通过对软件外包公司对HelpDesk服务需求的分析,定义了HelpDesk平台业务设计和系统开发模式;并对整个项目的技术相关资料以及开发环境做了基本的介绍。

    Through the requirements analysis of the HelpDesk service , the business design and system development model of platform has been defined , and the project related technique and development environment have been introduced .

  10. 我国积极参与国际软件外包的竞争。

    China actively participate in the competition of international software outsourcing .

  11. 山东承接离岸软件外包影响因素与发展战略研究

    The Influence Factors and Development Strategies of Shandong Offshore Software Outsourcing

  12. 对特色培养本科软件外包适用型人才的探索

    Training Software Outsourcing Practical Talents with Undergraduate Lever by Characteristic Education

  13. 你对软件外包的前景是怎样看待的?

    How do you think about the prospective future of software outsourcing ?

  14. 我国软件外包产业的区域竞争力实证分析

    An Empirical Research on the Regional Competitiveness for China Software Outsourcing Industry

  15. 基于软件外包服务支撑平台的软件度量模型的研究

    Research of Measurement Model Based on Software Outsourcing Service Prop up Platform

  16. 我国软件外包企业商务模式创新初探

    A Study on the Business Models Innovation of Software Outsourcing in China

  17. 印度由于抓住了此次机遇,成为了国际软件外包中心。

    India seized this opportunity to become an international software outsourcing center .

  18. 基于证据理论的软件外包服务商的综合评价模型

    A comprehensive evaluation model of software outsourcing server based on evidence theory

  19. 国际软件外包行业的发展趋势是什么?

    And what 's the international developing trend in software outsourcing service ?

  20. 所以越来越多的企业选择在全球范围内寻求专业的软件外包公司。

    So more and more companies worldwide seeking professional software outsourcing company .

  21. 这对于我国软件外包业来说是千载难逢的机遇。

    This for our country software outsourcing industry is a golden opportunity .

  22. 对日软件外包中的一种软件工程过程局部模型

    A Part Process Model of Software Engineering in Offshore Software Development to Japan

  23. 因此,近几年软件外包服务业得到了迅速的发展。

    Therefore , software outsourcing services obtained a rapid development in this years .

  24. 软件外包服务要维护业务规模的优化型业务。

    Software outsourcing services to maintain the business scale of the optimization service .

  25. 印度软件外包产业发展对中部崛起的启示

    The Enlightenment of India ′ s Software Outsourcing Development to Chinese Middle Region Resuscitation

  26. 重塑中国软件外包新概念

    Refigure the New Concept of Chinese Software Outsourcing

  27. 软件外包企业员工离职的影响因素及对策研究

    Study on the Influential Factor and Countermeasure of Employee Turnover for Software Outsourcing Company

  28. 服务外包主要分为软件外包、技术研发、信息技术服务等。

    Service outsourcing is including software outsourcing , technology development , information technology service .

  29. 关于高职计算机教学与对日软件外包对接的思考

    Thought on the high-vocational computer teaching and the connection to the counterglow software epiboly

  30. 浅谈对日软件外包企业的软件配置管理

    Software configuration management on outsourcing for Japanese companies