
ruǎn zhuó lù
  • soft landing;soft-land
软着陆 [ruǎn zhuó lù]
  • [soft-land] 在天体(如月球)上作不损坏飞行器的着陆

软着陆[ruǎn zhuó lù]
  1. 行星软着陆LIDAR导航传感器仿真与数据处理技术研究

    Research on LIDAR Navigation Sensor Simulation and Data Processing for Planetary Soft Landing

  2. 如何实现房地产市场的软着陆,这确实将是一个严重的挑战,中信银行国际(CiticBankInternational)首席经济师廖群表示。

    How to achieve a soft landing of the property market will really be a serious challenge , said Liao Qun , chief economist at Citic Bank International .

  3. ADAMS用户子程序在软着陆动力学仿真中的应用

    Application of ADAMS User-Written Subroutine to Simulation of Soft-landing Dynamics

  4. 以某型号着陆器软着陆机构为研究对象,采用MSC。

    By the modal analysis of lunar lander based on MSC .

  5. 一种基于LIDAR的精确月球软着陆目标点选定方法

    A LIDAR-Based Autonomous Landing Site Selection Method for Pinpoint Lunar Soft Landing

  6. 基于SQP方法的常推力月球软着陆轨道优化方法

    Study on the Optimal Trajectories of Lunar Soft-Landing with Fixed-Thrust Using SQP Method

  7. 摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorganAssetManagement)的戴维•谢普(DavidShairp)表示,尽管许多迹象表明中国经济将实现软着陆,但目前远不到解除警报的时候。

    David Shairp at JPMorgan Asset Management says that while there are signs that China is heading for a soft landing , it is too soon to sound the all-clear .

  8. 世界银行(worldbank)称,正在降温的中国经济今年将拖累整个东亚地区的增长,但北京方面仍有足够财政资源帮助策划一场“软着陆”,并且应当考虑减税和提高福利支出。

    A cooling Chinese economy will weigh on growth in East Asia this year , but Beijing still has plenty of fiscal resources to help engineer a soft landing and should consider tax cuts and higher welfare spending , according to the world bank .

  9. 不过,多数经济学家预期中国经济将出现软着陆,他们预测,中国的实际国内生产总值(GDP)在2011年将增长约9%,低于去年的10.3%。

    Most economists , nonetheless , expect a soft landing for the Chinese economy , forecasting real gross domestic product growth of about 9 per cent in 2011 , down from 10.3 per cent last year .

  10. 国际货币基金组织(imf)上周五表示,尽管价格压力的迹象日益增多,但随着经济增长放缓到了一个更慢但可持续的水平,美国经济有望实现软着陆。

    The US economy was likely to achieve a soft landing as growth eased to a slower but sustainable pace , the International Monetary Fund said on Friday , though there were growing signs of price pressures .

  11. 本文针对月球软着陆仿真任务的需求,对HLA联邦成员的开发等关键技术进行了较深入的研究,主要研究内容如下:研究了HLA系统的结构和联邦开发过程。

    Based on the demand of lunar soft landing simulation tasks , the paper deeply studies the development of key technologies of HLA Federate . Main contents are as follows : The structure of HLA system and development of the federate process is studied .

  12. 然而,Brahmbhatt说,人们仍然一致认为,美国和其它发展中国家会实现“软着陆,因此可能会在某种程度上减轻影响。”

    Brahmbhatt , however , says that consensus expectations are still for the US and other developed economies to have a " soft landing , so the effect may be somewhat muted . "

  13. 开放:中国股市软着陆

    Open : the " Soft Landing " of Chinese Stock Market

  14. 月球探测器直接软着陆最优轨道设计

    Optimal Design of Direct Soft - Landing Trajectory of Lunar Prospector

  15. 用于月球登陆器软着陆的磁流变缓冲器设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of MR Bumper about Lunar Damper Soft Landing

  16. 月球垂直软着陆轨道初步设计

    Preliminary Design and Characteristics of Vertical Soft-landing Trajectory to the Moon

  17. 从概率来看,中国经济软着陆的可能性更大。

    On balance of probability a soft landing looks more likely .

  18. 月球探测器软着陆制导控制方法研究

    A Study of the Guidance and Control Strategy in Lunar Soft-landing

  19. 迄今为止,数据显示中国经济正在实现软着陆。

    So far the data suggests a soft landing for growth .

  20. 月球软着陆制导律设计及其误差分析

    Guidance Law Designing and Its Errors Analyzing for Lunar Soft Landing

  21. 月球软着陆的二次型最优制导方法

    A Linear Quadratic Optimal Guidance Method for Lunar Soft Landing

  22. 这将不太会是大家希望看见的软着陆。

    This is unlikely to be the hoped-for soft landing .

  23. 月球着陆器软着陆机构着陆稳定性仿真分析

    Touchdown Stability Simulation of Landing Gear System for Lunar Lander

  24. 而仿生感知机器人的关键技术是自主软着陆系统。

    The key technology of biomimetic sensing robot is autonomous soft-landing system .

  25. 软着陆:盈科并购案简析

    Brief Analysis of the Soft Landing of the Pacific Century Merger Case

  26. 实用飞行器软着陆控制律设计

    Practical Design of Control Law for Flight Vehicle Soft Landing

  27. 月球探测器软着陆机构发展综述

    Review of the Development of Soft-landing Mechanisms for Lunar Explorations

  28. 软着陆气囊缓冲特性与参数设置的理论研究

    Cushioning characteristic and parameter design of a soft landing airbag

  29. 江门用友软件20年,软件咨询软着陆。

    Enterprise information for20 years . Software ( management ) consulting soft-landing .

  30. 小天体软着陆自主光学导航与制导方法研究

    Autonomous Optical Navigation and Guide Method for Soft Landing on Small Bodies