
  • 网络regional economic policy
  1. 区域经济政策理论及其误区超越

    Theories of Regional Economic Policy and the Surmounting of its Misleadings

  2. 湖南省粮食主产县的区域经济政策调整研究

    Study on Adjustment of Central Regional Economic Policy in the Major Grain-producing Counties of Hunan

  3. 这就要求我们的区域经济政策进行全面的支持,既要符合WTO的基本要求,又要为西部的可持续发展奠定基础。

    It requires the support of regional economic policies which not only meet the needs of the rules of WTO , but also lay a foundation for the sustainable development in west .

  4. 预测区域经济政策的影响效果是一项艰难的任务,因为未来充满了不确定性。

    It is hard to anticipate effects of regional economic policies .

  5. 中国区域经济政策的环境取向及社会持续发展

    Environment target on china 's regional economy and social sustainable development

  6. 美国的区域经济政策及其启示

    American regional economic policies and their revelations for China

  7. 有关区域经济政策的一些思考

    The Policy of Regional Economic : Some Reflections

  8. 中国区域经济政策的法律考量

    Legal Review of Regional Economy Policy in China

  9. 俄罗斯区域经济政策与东部地区经济发展的实证研究

    A Positive Study of Russian Regional Economic Policies and Its East Area 's Economic Development

  10. 第五章从投资、财政和金融三个方面对区域经济政策与区域经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。

    The fifth chapter analyzed the relationship between the regional economic policy and regional economic growth .

  11. 我国区域经济政策目标的演变及未来展望(1992&)

    A Review and Prospect on the Objects of Regional Policy in China ( 1992 - );

  12. 我国区域经济政策和区域经济发展,经历了“三次”公平与效率转换变化。

    The district economy policy and district economy development have experienced three times switch of fairness and efficiency .

  13. 本文主要介绍了宏观经济政策与区域经济政策分析、区域环境分析及供求分析三个主要方面。

    This paper mainly introduces the macroeconomic and regional economic policy analysis , environmental analysis and supply-demand analysis .

  14. 中外区域经济政策的比较及其对西部大开发的启示

    The Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Regional Economic Policies and the Enlightenment on Western Development of China

  15. 第一章是引言部分,主要就地区差距扩大问题作总的介绍,同时还包括区域经济政策的研究现状、提出本文的任务和结构。

    The first chapter is introductory remarks , mainly on the general issue of the widening gap between regions .

  16. 区域经济政策作为宏观经济政策的重要组成部分,是影响区域经济发展的关键性因素之一。

    As an important part of the macroeconomic policies , the regional economy policy affects the development of regional economy .

  17. 首先,系统地梳理了我国区域经济政策的历史演变和制度变迁。

    First of all , we systematically review the historical evolution of regional economic policy in China and institutional change .

  18. 超越区域经济政策误区,关键在于区域合理分工。

    In order to surmount the misleading regional economic policies , it is critical to realize reasonable division of regional labour .

  19. 随着区域经济政策的制定与实施,中国区域经济格局发生了深刻变化。

    Along with the adoption and implementation of economic policy profound changes have taken place in the Chinese regional economic structure .

  20. 区域经济政策在引导区域资源优化配置和生产要素合理流动上具有重要作用。

    Regional economics policy plays an important role in guiding optimized collocation of regional resource and reasonable circulation of production factors .

  21. 试论东南亚因素与中国发展战略作用下广西区域经济政策的演变(1950-2006)

    On the Evolution of Guangxi Regional Economic Policy with the Factors of Southeast Asia and China s Development Strategies ( 1950-2006 );

  22. 实施西部大开发是对国家经济布局指向和区域经济政策重心作出适时调整的重大战略举措。

    The Grand West Development is the state 's significant strategic move in the economicdirectional layout and timely adjustment of regional economic policy .

  23. 区域经济政策法是国家区域政策的法律化,旨在以法的作用推动其贯彻实施。

    The political law of regional economy is the laws of national polices which is to promote the policies to implement by laws .

  24. 给出了状态反馈系数矩阵和政府制定的区域经济政策执行评估状态增益矩阵。

    The state feedback coefficient matrix was given and the state gain matrix was then obtained to evaluate the regional economic policy implementation .

  25. 以项目管理理念促进欠发达地区区域经济政策实施、评价;

    Promote effectively implemented the regional economic policy in LDR , and the evaluation of it by the means of projects management mechanism .

  26. 区域经济政策制定与实施过程中的政府行为选择的博弈分析&以我国财政转移支付制度的博弈分析为例证

    Games Analysis of Behavioral Choice of Government in Formulating and Implementing Policies of Regional Economy & With Games Analysis of Financial Transfer Payment in China

  27. 我国区域经济政策对重庆经济发展的影响今天是国庆节,国庆节,国庆节。

    Effects on Economic Development of Chongqing Produced by Regional Economic Policy in China Today is our National Day , National Day , National Day .

  28. 中国的区域经济政策与其他国家实施的区域经济政策相比,在政策目标、政策的制定与实施和政策内容方面有很大差异。

    Compared with other nations ' regional economic policies , Chinese ones have great differences in aims , stipulations , implementation and content of the policies .

  29. 区域经济政策协调内容包括税收政策协调,其理论基础是国相互际相互依存理论和博弈论。

    The contents of regional economic policy includes tax policy harmony , and the base of theory of regional economic policy are interdependence theory and game theory .

  30. 本文将区域经济政策定义为:区域经济政策是由政府或其它权威部门在特定时期针对特定区域制定的经济政策的总和。区域经济政策可分为中央政府的区域政策和各级地方政府的区域政策。

    We believe that regional economic policy is the sum of economic policy that is made by the government and other authoritative department in the particular time .