
  • 网络blockchain;block chain
  1. 伊士曼柯达公司近日表示,该公司将与区块链开发商WENNDigital合作推出一款名叫柯达币的加密货币和一种图像授权工具。两家公司声称,上述产品将有助于摄影师和代理机构管理图像版权。

    Eastman Kodak said it will team with blockchain developer WENN Digital , to launch a cryptocurrency called KodakCoin and image licensing tool that the companies say will help photographers and agencies manage image rights .

  2. 去年8月,北京市的农业官员对利用ABCD的智慧养猪大加赞赏。A是人工智能,B是区块链,C是云计算,D是数据技术。

    In August , Beijing city agricultural officials praised " raising pigs in a smart way " using the A-B-C-Ds : artificial intelligence , blockchain , cloud computing and data technology .

  3. 昨天他在Twitter上发消息称,继续信任这位澳大利亚企业家:“不会出现早期比特币区块链的签名,但也不会出现另一个中本聪。”

    Yesterday , he appeared to stand by the Australian entrepreneur with a tweet that said : " There won 't be an on-chain signing from early bitcoin blocks , but there also won 't be another Satoshi . "

  4. 区块链人才行业平均月薪达2.5万元。在线招聘平台Boss直聘在一份报告中称,今年前两个月,区块链相关人才的招聘需求是2017年同期的9.7倍,刊登区块链相关职位招聘广告的企业数量同比增加4.6倍。

    In the first two months of this year , the recruitment demand for blockchain-related talents reached 9.7 times that of the same period in 2017 , with the number of companies advertising blockchain-related positions rising 4.6-fold year-on-year , online recruitment platform Boss Zhipin said in a report .

  5. 拥有一枚比特币即拥有一个密码——它将你确定为一个特定钱包的所有者,公共账簿(或者叫“区块链”(BlockChain))会证明钱包内东西的归属。

    To own a bitcoin is to possess a secret code that identifies you as the holder of a particular wallet , to whose contents the public ledger ( or " blockchain " ) attests .

  6. 所以比特币区块链是比特币能顺利运行的关键。

    So the Bitcoin blockchain is core to how Bitcoin works .

  7. 第一,理论上讲区块链可以即时执行交易。

    First , in theory a blockchain can execute transactions instantly .

  8. 区块链可以应用于无数问题,它只是其中之一。

    which is one of countless problems that blockchains are applicable to .

  9. 以太坊区块链由加拿大人维塔利·布塔林开发。

    The Ethereum blockchain was developed by a Canadian named Vitalik Buterin .

  10. 就是那区块链上完整的交易历史,

    the entire history of commerce on that blockchain ,

  11. 六个月前,安娜丽·多明戈使用了一款名叫阿布拉的区块链应用。

    Six months ago , Analie Domingo used a blockchain application called Abra .

  12. 第二,区块链也可以匿名完成交易。

    Second , blockchains can also perform transactions anonymously .

  13. 它叫做区块链。

    It 's called the blockchain . Blockchain .

  14. 好吧,金融业有了区块链,将不再会有交易说明,

    Well , with a blockchain financial industry , there would be no settlement ,

  15. 而比特币的区块链只是其中之一。

    So the Bitcoin blockchain is just one .

  16. 区块链,这就是它工作的原理。

    Blockchain . That 's how it works .

  17. 区块链是系统中曾开展过的每笔数字化交易的账本。

    A blockchain is a ledger of every digital transaction ever made on the system .

  18. 在区块链上有一个分布式的应用,我们叫它B-Airbnb,

    there was a distributed application on a blockchain , we 'll call it B-Airbnb ,

  19. 所以现在,公司正在与政府合作将土地所有权置于区块链中。

    So today , companies are working with governments to put land titles on a blockchain .

  20. 奇虎360则愿意为招募到的区块链技术人员,提供5万至10万元的月薪;

    Qihoo 360 is willing to offer 50000 to 100000 yuan per month for recruiting blockchain technicians ;

  21. 这些计算机也在逐渐加强比特币区块链的安全性,并把它添加入交易列表中。

    these computers are actually helping to secure the Bitcoin blockchain and add to the list of transactions .

  22. 而有了区块链,他们将在区块链上得到滋润。

    and with blockchains , they 're going to be able to make it rain on the blockchain .

  23. 报告指出,腾讯正在寻找资深的区块链产品架构师,并提供了2.5万至5万元的月薪;

    Tencent is looking for senior blockchain product architects , offering a monthly salary of 25000 to 50000 yuan ;

  24. 韦伯认为区块链技术可以取代银行业,委托付款,保险和抵押领域的中介。

    Webb believes blockchain will disrupt the middle men in the banking , escrow , insurance and mortgage sectors .

  25. 渣打银行协助完成了第一笔使用区块链的人民币计价国际信用证交易。

    Standard Chartered Bank has facilitated the completion of the first international yuan-denominated Letter of Credit transaction using blockchain .

  26. 当有人想租借一间房间,他们进入区块链的数据库和标准库,

    And when someone wants to rent a room , they go onto the blockchain database and all the criteria ,

  27. 一些科技创业公司甚至愿意为区块链人才提供高达100万元的年薪。

    Some tech startups even would like to offer a yearly salary as high as 1 million yuan to blockchain talents .

  28. 但是这种加密账簿也可以用于通过区块链技术进行金融交易,该技术有三个显著特点。

    But the cryptoledger can also be used to make financial transactions through blockchain technology , which has three notable features .

  29. 他们细细筛选,帮助他们找到合适的房间,随后区块链帮助签订合约。

    they sift through , it helps them find the right room , and then the blockchain helps with the contracting ,

  30. 美图公司正在招聘一名区块链产品主管,其薪水从2万到4万元不等。

    and Meitu is hiring a blockchain product director whose salary will range from 20000 to 40000 yuan , according to the report .