
sān jiǎo zhài
  • chain debt;debt chain;debt in chains;troublesome defaults
三角债 [sān jiǎo zhài]
  • [debt chain] 指三方或三方以上相互之间的债务关系,如甲欠乙,乙欠丙,丙又欠甲

三角债[sān jiǎo zhài]
  1. 本文定义了两个状态的Markov链的收敛性,证明了相应的收敛性定理。提出了运用Markov链收敛原理处理简单三角债关系的方法。

    This paper advance a method to handle simple relation of triangle debt , this method to use convergence principle of Markov chain .

  2. 解决三角债问题的线性规划模型及解法

    A linear programming model for solving triangle debts problem and its algorithm

  3. 浸润理论及其在三角债问题中的应用

    A Theory of Soaking and Its Application for Triangular Debts

  4. 这一制度对于解决我国当前存在的三角债问题具有重要的意义。

    It is important for solving the problem of triangle debts at present .

  5. 如何解决三角债问题

    How to solve the problem of debt dispute

  6. 它的确立为解决现实生活中的“三角债”问题提供了法律依据。

    It offered the legal principals to solve the " triangle debts " issues .

  7. 三角债的数学模型及其研究

    A Study on the Model of Triangle debts

  8. 清理三角债的最优方法

    The Optimal Method to Clear Up Triangular Debts

  9. 企业关系中的三角债问题研究

    Research on Triangle - Debts between Enterprise Relationship

  10. 大陆艺术市场的三角债

    The Triangle Debts in Today 's Art Market

  11. 清理三角债问题的一种方法

    A method to cancellations of triangular debts

  12. 三角债清理的图论模型分析

    Graph Model of Triangular - debt

  13. 对于三角债和多角债,通过调整账务科目冲抵、核销或化转。

    Multi-debts and triangle debts are solved by the adjustment of account subjects , concealing and transferring .

  14. 三角债是我国当前经济领域中存在的一个突出问题。

    Triangular-debt problem is the major problem in the economic front at the present time in China .

  15. 形成了大量的三角债,严重破坏社会经济秩序。

    It forms a mass of the triangle debt which badly damages the order of the societal economy .

  16. 于是解答了文[3]中提出的清理三角债的三个基本问题。

    Consequently we solve completely three basic problems of optimal cancellations of triangular debts posed in [ 3 ] .

  17. 本文用图论和网络的理论和方法研究三角债问题。

    The theory that the article uses graph talking and network and problem of debt of methodological research triangle .

  18. 在我国经济生活中,存在的银企债务危机和企业三角债等反信用经济行为已经严重阻碍了市场信用的建立和市场体系的完善。

    In economic life , anti-credit economic behavior such as banks ' debt crisis and enterprises ' triangle debt hampers deep reform .

  19. 经过探索,江铜成立了资金结算中心,通过搭建结算平台,集中结算,彻底清算了集团内部三角债,提高了集团资金运行效率和对所属单位资金控制力度。

    After the establishment of JCC 's cash settlement center , the capital utilization and control on unit members are greatly improved .

  20. 给出了清理三角债网络模型的图上作业法,以解决为清理三角债所需投入的最少资金以及清理顺序。

    A graphic operation method is devised which helps to settle the minimum input of capital for clearing the debts and the order of their clearing .

  21. 用图论和网络观点对“三角债”问题进行了分析,建立了“三角债”问题数学规划模型并给出相应的解法。

    This paper analyzes the problem of chain debts by means of graphs and network , establishes the mathematical programming modeling of chain debts and gives some corresponding methods to solve it .

  22. 文章建立了三角债的图论模型,并证明了任一债务网络皆可转换为最小债务网络,从而简化了三角债清理工作。

    This paper builts up a model 0f triangular-debt via graphic theory and proves that any debt network can be reduced to one of its minimum networks and thus simplify eliminate of triangular-debt .

  23. 本文利用图论方法建立了表达债权债务关系的图论模型,给出了分析债务关系、分解债务链与三角债的系统方法。

    In this paper , construct the graph model expressed the debt relations by graph theory method . Give a system method for analysing the debt relations and resolving " the debt chain " and " the tripartite debt " .

  24. 从20世纪90年代开始,我国就开始了信用建设的探索之路,国家采取了一系列措施整顿市场交易中的违信行为,如在全国范围开展清理三角债问题。

    The state has adopted a series of measures to rectify the breach of credit in market transactions , such as a nationwide campaign to clear up " triangle debts " . At the same time , the construction of credit system has also been put on the agenda .