
  1. 从产业的划分来研究经济问题,并不是新的方法。然而,现在除三次产业分类法外,对产业的划分还有很多不同的方式。

    Study of economic issues from the prospect of industry division is nothing new , but a great variety of division methods exist , each of which is rational to some extent .

  2. 按照传统三次产业分类法、生产要素集约程度分类法、两大部类分类法、钱纳里&泰勒分类法,对文化产业进行属性归类,不同的归类有不同的意义。

    Different classified of the cultural industries classified properties have different meanings according to the traditional classification of three industries , the level of factors of production-intensive classification , the two major classification category , Chenery - Taylor classification .