
  1. 美国哈佛商学院教授迈克尔·波特(MichaelE.Porter)是产业竞争力理论的创始人。

    Michael E. Porter , the professor of Harvard Business School in USA , is the initiator for the theory of industrial competition .

  2. 本文按照从理论到实践的思路,首先从竞争力的相关理论入手,阐述了传统S-C-P产业竞争力理论和现代产业竞争力理论,并且回顾了银行业竞争力的研究和相关银行卡业务竞争力的研究。

    Firstly , the author describes SCP industrial competitiveness of traditional theory and modern theory of industrial competitiveness from the point of theory of competitiveness ; also he reviews the competitiveness of the banking industry and the relevant bank card business competitiveness .

  3. 第一章为引言,阐述有关产业竞争力理论,引出本文的重点;

    In the first chapter , I review theory on industry competition .

  4. 产业竞争力理论、竞争优势理论和国际竞争力理论的介绍。

    Introduction of the theories of industrial competency , competitive advantage and international competency .

  5. 第二章,阐述了产业竞争力理论及相关概念。

    In chapter two , industry competency theories , and related concepts are introduced .

  6. 以区域产业竞争力理论为指导,构建了一套适合于区域产业竞争力综合评价的指标体系;

    Based on the theory of region industry competitiveness , an Indicator sys-tem of regional industry competitiveness is established according to the regional feature .

  7. 其中产业竞争力理论部分分别对产业竞争力决定因素、区域产业竞争力、高技术产业竞争力和产业竞争力的研究方法进行了综述。

    The part of the theory of industrial competitiveness includes determinants of industrial competitiveness , regional industrial competitiveness , high-tech industrial competitiveness and industrial competitiveness research methods . 2 .

  8. 其次,在完成文化产业竞争力理论综述、界定清晰研究对象内涵及外延后,本文对重庆文化产业发展现状及存在的问题进行较为全面的论述。

    Secondly , in the complete theoretical overview of the cultural industry competitive , well-defined connotation and extension , we discuss the status and problems of the cultural industries in Chongqing .

  9. 产业竞争力理论研究历史不长,但发展非常迅速,是当前产业经济学科中发展速度最快的分支之一。

    The history of study on industrial competitiveness is not much long , but the theory of industrial competitiveness develops so rapidly that it is now one of the significant branches among the industrial economics .

  10. 回顾了国内外相关理论的研究情况。再次,对产业竞争力理论进行了相关的分析。着重介绍了比较优势理论和后发优势理论。

    Relative theories both at home and abroad are reviewed in this part . Thirdly , theories about industry competitiveness are analyzed , among which the Comparative Advantage Theory and Late-Developing Advantage Theory are emphasized a lot .

  11. 本文的目的就在于,将欧盟产业竞争力理论和评价体系与目前国内外有影响的竞争力理论和评价体系进行比较,并概括分析欧盟竞争力报告中相关产业竞争力的最新研究成果。

    Purpose of this paper lie in comparing domestic and international influential competitiveness theory and appraising system with EU 'S , summarizing and analysing the latest research results of relevant industrial competitiveness in EU 's competitiveness report .

  12. 现代的产业竞争力理论由国际贸易理论、产业组织理论和企业竞争理论构成。

    The modern business competitiveness are made up of the international trade theory , business organize theory and eateries competitive theory and introduce the competitiveness theory of mike potter in economy shed , which belongs to Harvard diversity America .

  13. 探讨了目前国际上有关竞争力理论问题来源和基本内涵,着重研究了竞争战略、竞争优势和国家竞争优势理论,系统阐述了产业竞争力理论及其分析框架。

    It probes into source and basic connotation of the current related theories of competitive capacity in the world , focuses on the study of theories regarding competitive strategy , competitive edge and national competitive edge and systematically sets forth the industry competitive capacity theory and its analysis frame .

  14. 产业国际竞争力理论及模型研究回顾

    A Review of the Theory and Model of Industrial International Competitiveness

  15. 产业国际竞争力理论及其测度指标体系

    Theory on International Competitive Power of Industry and System of Its Measure Index

  16. 区域产业竞争力的理论及其评价研究综述

    Theories of regional manufacturing industrial competitiveness and its evaluation systems : a review

  17. 第二部分是主要阐述了产业竞争力的理论、模型分析以及研究方法。

    The second part expounds the theory of industrial competitiveness , model analysis and research methods .

  18. 首先,论文对已有的国际服务贸易比较优势原理和产业国际竞争力理论进行了疏理。

    First , this article reviews the theory of international service trade and the industrial international competitiveness .

  19. 第二章,主要阐述了竞争力和产业竞争力的理论内涵,产业竞争力研究的理论基础。

    The chapter II expounds the relevant theories on industry competitiveness and the theoretic foundation of industry competitiveness .

  20. 文章根据比较优势理论对国内外的产业国际竞争力理论及模型研究现状进行了系统回顾与评价。

    This paper reviews and assesses the research situation of the theory and model of industrial international competitiveness .

  21. 第一部分对国内外有关产业竞争力评价理论和方法进行了比较详细的回顾;

    The first part has a detailed review on offshore and domestic theory and method of value about industry competition capacity .

  22. 这一部分是对产业竞争力基本理论模型和各种评价方法的回顾,主要有三方面内容:第一是对国内外关于产业竞争力理论的回顾;

    In this part there are three aspects : The first aspect reviews the industrial competitiveness theory of domestic and overseas .

  23. 我国老工业基地的装备制造业集群一直游离于产业集群竞争力理论与实证研究之外。

    The equipment manufacturing industrial clusters of Chinese old industrial bases deviate away from the theoretical and empirical research on industrial clusters .

  24. 第一部分,产业国际竞争力理论,介绍了产业国际竞争力的概念和相关理论。

    First part , industry 's international competition theory , which has introduced the concept of industry 's international competition and the relevant theory .

  25. 紧接着对目前对产业竞争力相关理论,包括古典竞争理论、现代竞争理论、产业国际竞争力理论进行了论述。

    After that , the related theories about industry competitiveness are elaborated such as the classical and modern competition theory , the theory of international industry competitiveness .

  26. 在分析中国蔬菜出口亟待扩大的现实形势后,依据波特产业国际竞争力理论,结合蔬菜产业特点,以蔬菜出口竞争力作为评价的主要内容。

    Based on industrial competitiveness theory of Michael E Porter and the character of vegetable industry itself , the dissertation chooses the exporting competitiveness as the main content of research .

  27. 文章在综述技术创新理论、产业国际竞争力理论及其国内外研究现状的基础上、分析了产业内部影响因素与产业外部影响因素。

    This paper studied the internal and external factors which impact industrial technological innovation capability based on reviewing the theories about technological innovation , industrial competitiveness and their research status quo home and abroad .

  28. 本文正是在这一背景下,将产业国际竞争力理论运用于服务贸易领域,研究我国服务贸易的国际竞争力问题。

    Just under this background , this paper utilizes the theory of industrial international competitiveness in service trade area , does research on the problem of international competitiveness of service trade in our country .

  29. 二是产业竞争力的理论框架,阐明了产业竞争力的内涵、研究的理论基础、影响因素和成长的四阶段学说;

    The second part is the frame of theory which introduces the meaning of the industrial competitiveness , its research base of theory , its effluent factors and its doctrine of four phrases of development .

  30. 通过梳理和阐释比较优势理论、竞争优势理论和企业核心能力理论等不同流派的学术观点,考察产业国际竞争力理论的发展脉络。

    Through the academic view of combing and explaining the comparative advantage theory , competing advantage theory and enterprise 's key ability theory , etc. from different schools , investigate the train of thought of development of industry 's international competitiveness theory .