
  • 网络industrial structure supererogation
  1. 产业结构高度化研究

    Research on Industrial Structure Supererogation Environmental Industry Information

  2. 而城市综合水平对产业结构合理化变动相对于产业结构高度化变动的贡献率较大。

    This paper also finds that compared to the rationalization industrial structure , the contributive rate of industrial structure supererogation to the overall level of urbanization is bigger .

  3. FDI&推进温州产业结构高度化的必然选择

    FDI & A Necessary Option of Upgrading the Industrial Structure in wenzhou

  4. 研究江西省产业结构高度化的动态演化过程及趋势。

    The industrial structure of JiangXi optimizational dynamic evolutionary process .

  5. 发达国家技术创新与产业结构高度化的趋势

    Trends in Technological Innovation and Elevation of Industrial Structure in Developed Countries

  6. 如何处理产业结构高度化与协调化的关系

    How to Handle the Relationship between Advancement and Coordination of Industrial Structure

  7. 产业结构高度化对城市生产性空间的影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Industrial Structure Advancement on Urban Productive Space

  8. 但是,国际化城市的产业结构高度化是在相对薄弱的工业化基础之上发展的。

    The development of the industries of globalizing city leads the industry structure changing .

  9. 第二章研究产业结构高度化内涵。

    The second Chapter is the industrial structure .

  10. 论技术进步与产业结构高度化

    On Technical Progress and Advancement Industrial Structure

  11. 工业产业结构高度化水平的基本测评

    Basic Appraisal on Industrial Structure Level

  12. 产业结构高度化与湖南经济增长的协整研究

    The Coordinating Study between the Elevation of Industrial Structure and the Economy Growth of Hunan Provenience

  13. 产业结构高度化与我国农村城市化水平提高的实例分析&以河南省辉县市为例

    A case study between the optimization of industrial structure and the urbanization of the rural area in China

  14. 产业结构高度化效应在那些日本学者的理论里均没有得到正视。

    The promotion effect on industrial structure has not received due attention hi those Japanese scholar 's theories .

  15. 按照循环经济的发展原则,对产业结构高度化的影响要素进行修正;

    According to the principles of circular economy , the effect factors of the development of the industrial structure are amended .

  16. 研究结论:建议从实现产业结构高度化、实行城市内部用地置换制度、控制房地产投资规模几方面调控南京市土地供给。

    It is suggested the government could regulate the urban land supply by optimizing industrial structure , replacing urban land and controlling real estate investment size .

  17. 接着对要素供给、市场需求、系统环境三个要素与产业结构高度化的关系进行了研究,并对产业结构高度化的表现形式和机制进行了探究。

    And then I study the influence to industrial structrue advancement from element supply , market demand and system environment , then explore the form of expression and mechanism of the industrial structure development .

  18. 日韩目前正处于产业结构高度化阶段,许多传统工业部门尤其是制造业部门,由于受国内劳动力价格和高昂地租的困扰,正在向国外转移,以谋求更大的利润空间。

    In pursuit of greater profit margins , many of the traditional industrial sector especially the manufacturing sector that being confused by domestic labor costs and too high rent , is trying to migrate abroad .

  19. 如何处理好产业结构高度化与协调化的关系,促进产业结构升级,成为推动我国国民经济快速健康发展的关键环节。

    How to handle rightly the relationship between advancement and coordination of industrial structure and how to push the upgrading of industrial structure have become a key link to promote the national economy to grow rapidly and healthily .

  20. 构建社会主义经济和谐既是社会主义市场制度不断完善的过程,又是产业结构高度化,二元经济结构向现代经济结构过渡的过程;

    The building of the harmonious socialist economy is , on the one hand , a course of perfecting the socialist market system and , on the other hand , it is a course of turning dual economy into modern economy .

  21. FDI可以促进地区性产业结构实现高度化。

    FDI can promote the local industrial structure .

  22. 产业结构的高度化是经济结构调整的一个主要目标。

    Industrial structure supererogation is one of main goals of economic structure adjustment .

  23. 区域产业结构相对高度化概念与路径研究

    Research on the Concept and Path of the Regional Industry Structure Relative Upgrading

  24. 城市化、国际化和产业结构的高度化&未来20年中国经济发展基调的判断

    Urbanization , internationalization and high development of industrial structure & a general judgement on china 's economic development in future 20 yers

  25. 人力资本水平的低下降低了人力资本的配置能力,阻碍了产业结构的高度化和城乡二元经济结构的转变。

    Lower human capital reduces the function of disposition , hinders industrial structure supererogation and the change of dualistic urban-rural economic structure .

  26. 90年代后期以来,重化工业加速发展,消费结构明显升级并推动产业结构向高度化演进。

    Since the late 1990s , development of heavy and chemical industries accelerated , and the consumption structure of a clear escalation and upgrading of industrial structure to the evolution .

  27. 随着沿海发达地区资本的积累不断增加和产业结构的高度化,大量的民间富余资本从沿海发达地区流向内陆欠发达地区,众多的制造产业也开始大规模地向中西部欠发达地区转移。

    With upgrading of industry structure and increasing of capital accumulation in coastal developed area , a great deal of folk margin capital and numerous manufacture industries have been flowing into underdeveloped area .

  28. 苏锡常地区产业结构渐近高度化,工业化过程步入工业化后期阶段,主导产业以机电一体化为重要特征,乡村工业发展迅速,产业规模逐渐升级,区域商品流通搞活。

    There are six characteristics of industrial structure in Su-Xi-Chang region : ① industrial structure is advanced gradually ; ② The industrialization process has stepped into the later stage ; ③ the mechanical-electrical integration becomes the characteristics of the loading industry ;

  29. 广东省产业结构正在向高度化发展,影响产业结构的主要因素是需求结构。

    The industry structure of Guangdong is developing to a higher level ; the main factor is demand structure that influences industry structure .

  30. 最终实现我国产业结构真正的高度化和合理化,得到更多来自于专业化生产和国际贸易的利益。

    As a result , China will enjoy the real upgrading and rationalization of industrial structure , as well as gain more from specialization and international trade .