
  1. 第三,提出了构建适应现代公共关系变革的企业商誉管理体系的组织结构设想和管理模型,并展望了未来企业商誉管理体系的发展趋势。

    Third , it provides some expectation on corporate structure and management models related to corporate goodwill management in to order to adapt to the changes of modern Public Relations .

  2. 第二,提出了构建企业商誉管理体系的现代公共关系策略,其中包括诚信策略、协调沟通策略、危机管理策略。

    Second , it provides some modern Public Relations strategies to establish the system of corporate goodwill management , including confidence strategy , communication strategy , and crisis management strategy .

  3. 最后,作者开发了一个基于WEB的电子商誉评估系统,并在一个B2B的网站环境中应用,对整个网站的电子商誉进行评估管理。

    Finally , the author developed a Web based " e-credit assessing system ," applied into a B2B web site environment for e-credit estimating management , achieved the above-mentioned study " e-credit assessing model " .

  4. 只有当企业拥有良好的商誉时,顾客才会建立起对该品牌的信任和重复购买的欲望,从而才会形成相应的品牌忠诚度的,同时企业商誉管理也是有效的危机防御策略。

    Only when the enterprise has good reputation , the customer will establish the trust of the brand and the desire to continue purchase , which will form the corresponding brand loyalty , while corporate reputation management has effective crisis prevention strategy .