
cān kǎo zhí
  • reference value
参考值[cān kǎo zhí]
  1. 目的通过正常健康人群尿硫氰酸盐(urinarythiocyanate,USCN)水平的研究,确定其正常参考值范围,并在丙烯腈(acrylonitrile,ANC)接触工人的职业健康监护中加以应用,以验证其有效性。

    Objective After studying the reference value of urinary thiocyanate ( USCN ), to apply and verify its effectiveness in occupational surveillance of workers exposed to acrylonitrile ( ACN ) .

  2. 湛江市健康人群血清半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C浓度的调查及参考值范围的建立

    Surveying the Concentration of Serum Cystatin C and Establishing it 's Reference Value in Zhanjiang Area Healthy Crowd

  3. 目的:利用螺旋CT图像测量建立本地成人眼球结构CT测量正常参考值。

    Objective To establish measurement criteriors of eyeball structure in local adult using spiral CT .

  4. 相对准确度(RELATIVEACCURACY)-用被测值与参考值之间的相对关系表示出的测量准确度。

    RELATIVE ACCURACY-the extent to which a measurement accurately reflects the relationship between an unknown and a reference value .

  5. 目的取得正常人听觉ERP的正常参考值。

    Objective To obtain auditory ERP 's reference values .

  6. 4398例健康成人血清载脂蛋白A1和B参考值

    Reference values of serum apolipoprotein Al and B in 4398 healthy adult subjects

  7. 目的制定本实验室琼脂糖凝胶电泳法(AGE)测定血清蛋白的正常参考值范围。

    Objective To establish the normal reference values of serum protein with agarose gel electrophoresis ( AGE ) in local clinical laboratory .

  8. CT蜗神经管平均直径为(2.20±0.30)mm,直径的正常参考值为(2.08~2.23)mm(95%可信区间)。

    The value of the diameter of cochlea nerve canal was in the range of 2.08 - 2.23 mm .

  9. 中等医院CD型率均值38.13%,参考值范围25.40%~52.30%;

    Medium - sized hospitals 38 . 13 % and 25 . 40 % - 52 . 30 % ;

  10. Ni,Gr含量略低于原始岩浆的参考值;

    Ni and Gr are lower than that of reference value of primitive magma .

  11. Wistar大鼠体重和主要脏器参考值的研究

    Research on Body Weight and Reference Value of Main Organ of Wistar Rats

  12. 高原老年人QT离散度正常参考值的探讨

    The QT dispersion normal value of the elderly in plateau

  13. 孕妇血清IgG抗A(B)抗体效价微柱凝胶法室内参考值测定

    Determining indoor reference value of titer of anti-A / B IgG antibody in the pregnant women 's serum using microcolumn gel assay

  14. ELISA法检测可溶性人类白细胞抗原-Ⅰ及广东人参考值的测定

    Detection of soluble HLA class ⅰ antigens by ELISA and determination of its reference value in population of Guangdong province

  15. 结论:获得兰州地区的BMD正常参考值。

    Conclusion : The normal reference value of BMC in Lanzhou area is obtained .

  16. Wistar大鼠和昆明种小鼠血清唾液酸频率分布与参考值

    The Frequency Distribution and Reference Value on Wistar Rats and KM Mice Blood Serum Sialic Acid

  17. SD大鼠体重和主要脏器正常参考值探讨及相关分析

    Study on the Normal Reference Value and Correlation Analysis of Body Weight and the Main Organs of SD Rat

  18. 判断学龄儿童营养状况的BMI标准参考值探讨

    Research on the BMI standard reference value in determination of the nutritional status among school-age children

  19. 结论该参考值基本反映了健康成人血清ALT的水平,可供临床参考。

    Conclusion The values essentially reflect the ALT in serum and can be referred to clinically .

  20. SD大鼠30d喂养试验正常参考值的探讨

    Study of normal reference ranges of SD rat in 30 days feeding test

  21. 为了给儿科临床研究提供正常生理参考值,本文报告了80名健康小儿血浆内皮素和心纳素水平的RIA测定值。

    In order to provide normal physiological reference value to pediatric clinical study , plasma Endo .

  22. 应用ROC曲线计算随机UmAlb/C的正常参考值为3mg/mmolCr。

    By ROC curve analysis , the normal value of random UmAlb / C ratio was 3mg / mmol Cr.

  23. 建立正常妊娠晚期每相邻两周血清FS参考值。

    We established the reference value of FS between every 2 weeks in the late gestation .

  24. 建立了外周血白细胞六种常见MPS酶活性正常参考值。

    We established the normal reference values of six common MPS enzyme activities in leukocytes . 3 .

  25. 目的探讨中国汉族成年健康男性年龄血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)参考值。

    Objective To evaluate the age - specific reference ranges for serum prostate - specific antigen in Chinese men .

  26. 儿童血清和脑脊液中NSE正常参考值的测定及其临床应用价值

    The determination of normal value and clinical significance for NSE in serum and CSF in children

  27. 目的确立青海省新生儿脐带全血促甲状腺激素(TSH)正常参考值。

    Objective To establish TSH normal reference standard of neonatal cord blood TSH in Qinghai province .

  28. 结果:大医院CD型率均值48.05%,参考值范围32.17%~66.98%;

    Results : The average CD Rate of big hospitals is 48 . 05 % , referential scope 32 . 17 % - 66 . 98 % ;

  29. 具有反射性:对于任何非空的参考值x,x.equals(x)应该返回真值。

    It is reflexive : for any non-null reference value x , x.equals ( x ) should return true .

  30. 当ICP监测更新时,ICP显示装置同时也会调整传感器调零参考值。

    The ICP Express also provides the ability to adjust the transducer zero reference value while ICP monitoring is in progress .