
  • 网络guangdong businessmen;Cantonese Merchants
  1. 上海是晚清粤商的重要活动区域之一。

    Shanghai was one of the major regions for Cantonese merchants to do businesses in the late Qing Dynasty .

  2. 明清时期,粤商已成为我国著名的商帮,跻身十大商帮之列。

    During Ming and Qing Dynasty , Guangdong businessmen had already become a well-known business group all around our country .

  3. 粤商人格特征论

    On the Personality Characteristics of Guangdong Merchants

  4. 粤商企业对东盟投资创业的区位选择&基于引力模型的分析

    On the Location Choice of FDI in ASEAN for Cantonese Businessmen , Enterprises & An Analysis Based on the Gravity Model

  5. 明清以来,由于广东商品经济的发展,大量的粤商到百色从事商业活动。

    Since Ming & Qing Dynasty , for the development of Guangdong 's economy , lots of Guangdong 's businessman trade in Baise .

  6. 对外开放是龙州城近代化的主要动力,粤商缔造了龙州城近代市场,地方政府出于国防安全考虑也积极推进龙州城近代化建设和发展。

    Guangdong businessmen found the modern market in Longzhou and the local government also took active measures to promote the city construction and development in the consideration of national defense .

  7. 省港罢工伊始,粤商激于反帝爱国的民族情感,多能牺牲私利而积极参加对外经济抵制运动。

    Owing to the anti-imperialistic and patriotic emotion , most of the merchants in Guangdong could sacrifice private interest to take positively part in the movement of externally economical boycott at the beginning of the Guangdong-Hongkong Strike .

  8. 清代粤商对弱势群体的关注,在一定意义上促使了社会风气的良性改善,对乡族社会的稳定及商人与官方的协调发展产生了积极作用。

    This kind of behavior is beneficial to the improvement of the social atmosphere and it also plays a positive role in the stability of the country clan society and the harmonious development of Guangdong businessmen and the government , and influences them .