
  • 网络Beijing University of Agriculture;Beijing Agricultural Institute
  1. 介绍了北京农学院图书馆在为新农村建设服务中的工作思路和具体做法。

    Finally , it introduces some ideas and practical measures that the library of Beijing University of Agriculture have taken in the service .

  2. 北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。

    Unit determined sexuality of cattle embryo with cattle SRY sequence expanded by PCR , The accuracy was 100 % .

  3. 对北京农学院体育教学现状分析

    Analyze the Current Situation of Physical Education in Beijing Agricultural College

  4. 北京农学院遗传育种研究所参与了示范和推广工作。

    Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Beijing Agricultural College took part of work .

  5. 将来自不同产地的377份大豆种质资源分别在北京农学院试验田种植,并对它们的15个主要农艺性状在北京地区的表现进行研究分析。

    This paper presents an analysis on the behavior of 15 main agricultural characters of the of 377 soybean varieties from the different producing areas .

  6. 笔者论述了网络环境下高校图书馆读者服务工作的特点,并结合北京农学院图书馆建设的实际情况提出了新形势下提高图书馆读者服务工作方法和途径。

    The author discussed the characteristics of reader services of college library under network environment , put forward some ways of improving library reader services under the internet conditions with the work of Beijing Agricultural college .

  7. 华北电力大学与北京农学院共建方案研究高校图书馆搬迁工作的探讨&以北华航天工业学院图书馆的搬迁为例

    Joint Construction Scheme between North China Electric Power University and Beijing University of Agricultural ; Probe into the Relocation of University Library & Taking the Relocation of the Library of North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering as an Example