
  1. 性别也决定了移民孩子的课余生活经历。

    Gender shapes immigrant kids ' experiences outside school as well .

  2. 中日两国小学生课余生活状况比较研究

    Comparative Study of Students After-School Life between China and Japan

  3. 大学生的课余生活是高等教育中不可疏忽的教育主题。

    Students'extra activities are very important subjects in higher education .

  4. 有赏鱼池、类馆、然生态角等,让学生的课余生活更加丰富多彩。

    The school lets students ' extracurricular life further more rich and colorful .

  5. 大学生课余生活的道德牵引

    Mora Directions to College Students ' Life after Class

  6. 我的床和周围一圈表现了我课余生活和个人兴趣。

    My bed and surrounding areas represent my non-academic , more human interests .

  7. 日常行为偏差,课余生活欠健康;

    Usually disruptive behavior , the lesson remaining years lives to owe the health ;

  8. 我的课余生活是一支歌,一首诗,一片绿叶。

    My lesson remaining life is a song , a poem , one greenery .

  9. 在很多的课余生活中,这项活动是最受大家欢迎的。

    Gradually , it becomes the most popular social activity in our spare time .

  10. 理工科大学生课余生活状况及成因分析

    Current Situation of the Science and Technology Students ' After-Class Life : A Survey

  11. 大学生课余生活在当代大学生生活中占据着非常重要的地位。

    Extracurriculum activities are very important to the mental life of current university students .

  12. 调查显示,目前大学生的课余生活存在一些比较突出的问题。

    Survey shows that there exist some obvious problems in the extra-curriculum activities of university students .

  13. 推动学生们参加体育锻炼和训练,丰富他们的课余生活。

    Push students to engage in physical exercise and training , enrich their school life . 4 .

  14. 这次活动主要是拓展学生的视野,强健身体,丰富课余生活。

    This activity aims at broadening the students'outlook , making ourselves stronger and enriching our life after school .

  15. 除了紧张、疲劳的课堂生活外,我还拥有轻松、愉快的课余生活。

    In addition to strain , tired classroom life , I still own the relaxed and pleased lesson remaining years live .

  16. 当前,体育锻炼已成为相当一部分大学生课余生活的重要活动方式之一。

    Currently , Physical exercises have already been one of the most important modesto pastime school life of most university students .

  17. 其次,采用文献分析法,对国内外有关课余生活方面研究的资料进行相关归类与整理。

    Secondly , by the means of literature survey , materials on after-school life home and abroad are classified and organized .

  18. 展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。

    To show English variety , to enrich extracurricular activities , to improve English level , and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities .

  19. 课余生活很丰富,共同奔向网吧路,这样怎么能进步,虚渡!

    After-school life is very rich , a common way towards the cafe , so how can we progress , virtual crossing !

  20. 社团不光是我们课余生活的调剂,也是成功融入社会前的跳板。

    Corporation is not only the relief of our after school life , but also the springboard we succeed in entering the society .

  21. 剪纸不但可以丰富我们的课余生活,让我们变得更加心灵手巧,还能美化校园。

    Paper cutting can not only enrich our life after school , but also make us clever and deft and our campus more beautiful .

  22. 关心学生的身心健康,丰富研究生的课余生活,扩大研究生社交范围。

    Be concerned about the physical and mental health of students , enrich the graduate school life and to expand the graduate social range .

  23. 不仅丰富了学员们的课余生活,有效调动了大家的学习积极性,还充分展现了学员们蓬勃向上、积极进取的精神面貌。

    Furthermore , these activities enlivened our extracurricular time , effectively mobilized the learning initiative , and fully demonstrated the vigorous , upward and positive character .

  24. 生活教师是学生身心健康发展的教育者和监护者,是学生课余生活的设计者,是学校安全的巡察者。

    They are educators and custodians of physical and mental health of students , designers of students ' lives after class and patrols of school safety .

  25. 学院组织丰富的活动来充实学生的课余生活,如社团活动、院际比赛、下午茶以及高桌晚宴等。

    The residential colleges also organizes plentiful activities to enrich students ' life , such as games 、 tea time and high table dinner and so on .

  26. 生活是人的生命状态的积极主动的展现与完善的过程,小学生课余生活与学校生活具有同源性和相关性。

    Life is a course of active expression of the state of life and improving , the extracurricular life is correlation and homologic with life of school .

  27. 寝室文化不仅可以反映大学生的课余生活状况,也可以反映大学生的精神面貌以及他们的思想动态。

    Dormitory culture can not only reflect the condition of college students after school life , also can reflect the mental outlook of college students and their ideas .

  28. 便于幼儿在生活之余学习到知识,而不是在学习之余感受生活。江西省大学生课余生活方式现状调查

    This is for the infants to learn knowledge in their life rather than after life . The Research on the Present Extra-curricular Living style to Collegians of Jiangxi Province

  29. 第四部分,以调查的数据资料为基础,从学校管理制度理念、教育内容、教育实施主体、学生课余生活等几个观测点对淮安市寄宿制学校留守儿童教育现状进行了描述。

    The fourth part investigates the present situation of the left-behind children based on some data from the perpectives of school management system , educational content , education subjects and extracurricular activity .

  30. 社团作为高校中最有影响力的学生组织,其多样的社团活动为大学生丰富课余生活,锻炼各种能力,促进全面发展。

    As the most influential student group , the associations enrich college students ' after class life , inspire their all kinds of potentials , and enable them to advance in all rounds .