
  • 网络education process;educational process;the process of education
  1. 在教育过程中,榜样的力量是无穷的。

    In the process of education , the strength of example is infinite .

  2. 论教师的教育过程幸福与教育结果幸福

    On Teachers ' Happiness in the Process of Education and of Educational Outcome

  3. 为什么中国现在的创新那么难,是因为从小到大的教育过程使思维受到了局限。

    The reason why innovation seems so hard is that people 's thinking is confined while receiving education .

  4. 态度理论与思想政治教育过程具有内在一致性。

    Attitude theoretical and ideological political educational course has inner consistency .

  5. 再次,对思想政治教育过程规律几种观点的辨析。

    Thirdly , it discriminates some views on the process law .

  6. 关于思想政治教育过程基本矛盾问题的研究

    Research on the Basic Contradiction Questions of Ideological and Political Education

  7. 而大学英语教学作为整个教育过程的一部分,也应致力于这一教育目标。

    And it is also the case with the college English teaching .

  8. 浅谈高校政治思想教育过程中学生的逆反心理及对策

    An Analysis of College Students ' Disobedience in Ideological and Political Education

  9. 刍议现代教育过程中的主动学习

    A Discussion on Active Learning in Modern Education Process

  10. 思想政治教育过程的传播学原理分析

    The Communicative Principles Analysis on the Process of IPE

  11. 在思想政治教育过程中,也存在着环绕思想政治教育的环境。

    Environment plays a role during the course of ideological and political education .

  12. 教育过程思想层面,包括素质教育论、大学发展论等。

    Educational procedure thought which includes theories on quality education and university development .

  13. 不同技术在教育过程的参与程度不一样。

    The extent to which different technologies participates in the education process varies .

  14. 亲子关系过程与教育过程结合。

    Connecting the parent-child relationship with school education .

  15. 高等教育过程的改革。

    Reforms in the process of higher education .

  16. 初中生性与生殖健康同伴教育过程评价

    Process Evaluation of Peer Education for Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Junior Middle School Students

  17. 幼儿教师在实施全纳教育过程中遇到的困扰主要有三方面。

    In the process of implementing inclusion education , preschool teachers face three sides perplex .

  18. 第三方面是幸福教育过程中幸福体验的获得。

    ( iii ) the acquirement of the happy feeling during the course of happiness education .

  19. 人生价值观的形成,要经过长期的生活积累、文化熏陶和坚持不懈的教育过程。

    Life values formation , through long-term accumulation of life , culture and education process unremittingly .

  20. 试论创新教育过程的规律

    Rules of the course innovation education

  21. 第三部分:在对孔子与杜威进行道德教育过程中运用的主要德育方法进行归纳整理,异同比较。

    In Part ⅲ, the author compares the methods employed in moral education of Confucius and Dewey .

  22. 建立现代化教室环境,构建新型教学模式,是实现教育过程最优化的关键。

    A new teaching mode in a modernized classroom is an important aspect of the optimization of teaching .

  23. 教育过程公平是教育公平理念的核心,它既是起点公平的延续,又是结果公平的必要前提。

    Inclusive education thought triggered us to think about the equity of educational process from a new point .

  24. 口腔医学是一门实践性很强的应用型科学,临床实习在口腔医学教育过程中就更为突出和重要。

    Stomatology is an applied science , so clinical practice is more outstanding and important during the stomatological education .

  25. 公民意识的产生和普及,需要一个宪法精神与法律思想的教育过程。

    The emergence and the popularization of citizen consciousness need an educational process of constitution essence and statue idea .

  26. 目的提高护生的人文修养水平,推进护理专业学生素质教育过程。

    Objective To improve nurse student ' ss humane quality and enhance the quality education process of nursing majored students .

  27. 主体性教育强调教育过程中要充分发挥教师和学生的主体性。

    The subjective education emphasizes to make full use of teachers and students ' subject in the course of education .

  28. 然而,就目前情况而言,我国一部分地区仍存在教育过程与教育结果不公平的现象。

    However , there are still some areas of where the educational process and educational outcomes are lack of fairness .

  29. 道德教育过程中应该努力加强榜样的影响力与号召力。

    In the course of moral education , the influence and call of example should be strengthened by great efforts .

  30. 在高职教育过程中,对教师行为评价是教育教学评价中极其重要的一个组成部分。

    Evaluating teacher 's action is an important component of the education and teaching evaluation in the overall higher vocational education .