
  • 网络nondirective teaching;non-directive teaching;nondirective education;Non-directive Instruction
  1. 非指导性教学模式是在人本主义心理学指导下,是当代教学理论研究的重要课题之一。

    Now , Non-directive teaching pattern instructed by the humanistic Education is one of the must important and successful teaching reform which has been studied .

  2. 最后,笔者从理论思考和实践策略两方面对在我国民族院校大学英语教学中实施非指导性教学思想进行了初步探讨。

    Finally , the writer discusses the practice of the " non-directive teaching thought " in the national regions from theoretical thinking and practical strategy aspects .

  3. 暗示教学法与非指导性教学法是现代教学中新的研究课题。

    Hint methodology and non guided methodology are the new research subjects in modern teaching .

  4. 基于非指导性教学模式的英语教师角色探析

    Analysis on the Roles of English Teachers in View of Nondirective Teaching Theory

  5. 罗杰斯非指导性教学思想新释:生命哲学的视野

    An New Explanation of Rogers ' Nondirective Teaching Thought : A Perspective of Life Philosophy

  6. 美术课非指导性教学刍议

    Research on Non-guided Teaching of Arts

  7. 与主持人型教学相关的教学模式有非指导性教学模式、合作教学模式、情景教学模式、探究教学模式等。

    A variety of teaching patterns , namely the non-guidance teaching pattern , collaboration teaching pattern , etc. , are related to the presenter pattern .

  8. 因此,非指导性教学模式不但适用于高师体育教育专业排球教学,而且为其它专业教学模式的改革提供了有益的参考。

    Therefore the Non-directive teaching pattern not only applies to the volleyball teaching in college physical majors , but also provides valuable reference to other academic teaching pattern 's reform .

  9. 罗杰斯是人本主义心理学的代表人物,他的人格理论中的非指导性教学、学生中心教育、自由学习等观点对我国的创新教育具有一定的启迪意义。

    Rogers is a representative figure of humanistic psychology , his personality theory such as nondirective instruction teach , leaner-centered education , freedom to learn is enlightening our enterprising spirit .

  10. 方法将120名实习护生随机分为实验组60例,采用非指导性教学法、合作性教学法的放手放眼事后检查的教学方法。

    Methods 120 practical nursing students were randomly divided into two groups : experiment group 60 cases , with let them do and check after teaching method including non-directed teaching method and cooperative teaching method ;

  11. 语文情境教学模式与美国心理学家罗杰斯的非指导性教学模式有异曲同工之处,本质上是人本主义教学观在当代中国语文教学中的典型体现。

    This model is in common with the non-guidance teaching model that was put forward by Rogers , an American psychologist . It is the typical embodiment of humanism teaching idea in contemporary teaching of Chinese .

  12. 针对当前教学中存在的根本性问题,为进一步推动素质教育,培养更多的高素质人才,引入罗杰斯的非指导性教学原则。

    In order to address the fundamental problems existing in current teaching , promote ability education , and cultivate more high-quality talents , it is important to transplant the non-guiding teaching principles proposed by Rogers in physical education teaching .

  13. 罗杰斯的非指导性的教学实践突出师生之间平等的关系,而教师只是教学的促进者。齐莫曼划分了个体自主学习发展的四个阶段,充分肯定教师在自主学习中的积极作用。

    Rogers took non-directive teaching in classroom , highlight the relations between the teachers and students , and teachers take part in the teaching activities as a mentor and promoter .

  14. 非指示性教学是郑逸农等人根据美国人本主义心理学家罗杰斯的非指导性教学理论,结合自己的教学实践提出的一种语文教育理念。二.突出语言文字教学的核心地位。

    Non directive teaching is a new Chinese language teaching guiding principle , which Zheng Yi Nong and others advance according to the non directive teaching theory of American humanistic psychologist Rogers in their own teaching experiences .