
  • 网络African grey parrot;African grey
  1. 非洲灰鹦鹉经常缺钙。

    African grey parrots frequently suffer from calcium deficiency .

  2. 当她核对了Chick的名字后,她告诉Chick她带着他的非洲灰鹦鹉,“他用一种以为我疯了的眼光看着我”。

    When she verified Chick 's name and said shehad his African grey parrot , " He looked at me like I was crazy . "

  3. 除了人类和一些灵长类动物,海豚,年夜象,喜鹊和一只叫Alex的驰誉的非洲灰鹦鹉也都能够经由过程使用镜子找到方针物可能撤除它们身上的暗号。

    In addition to humans and some primates , dolphins , elephants , magpies and a famous African grey parrot named Alex have all been known to retrieve objects or remove marks on their body using a mirror .

  4. http://bit.ly/1qU5dU3)周日报道,事件的起因是,居住在南加州的一名兽医误将这只名叫Nigel的非洲灰鹦鹉认作自家丢失的鹦鹉。

    The reunion was brought about by a Southern California veterinarian who mistook Nigel , anAfrican gray parrot , for her own missing bird , the Daily Breeze reported Sunday ( http://bit.ly/1qU5dU3

  5. 由于被困牢笼,这只非洲灰鹦鹉几近疯狂,拔光了自己所有的羽毛。

    In captivity , the Congo African Grey was driven to near-insanity , pecking off all his feathers .

  6. 他们还找到了一只同样能歌善舞的非洲灰鹦鹉,并对它进行了相同的试验。

    They have also found a similarly talented African grey parrot , and conducted the same experiments on that .

  7. 一只名叫阿历克斯的非洲灰鹦鹉有不同寻常的口语能力;灌丛鸦能秘密隐藏种子和其他食物,有很强的记忆力;新喀里多尼亚鸦制作和使用工具的方式能让普通的家庭管道工自愧弗如。

    Alex the African gray parrot had great verbal skills . Scrub jays , which hide caches of seeds and other food , have remarkable memories . And New Caledonian crows make and use tools in ways that would put the average home plumber to shame .