
fēi fǎ jū jìn zuì
  • Crime of illegal detention;crime of false imprisonment
  1. 非法拘禁罪是一种典型的继续犯,其行为应在一定时间内处于持续状态。

    The crime of false imprisonment is a typical continuous one and the act of unlawful detention should last for a certain period .

  2. 非法拘禁罪与绑架罪界限的关键区别在于主观目的的不同。

    The key to the distinctions between the crime of false imprisonment and the crime of kidnapping lies in the difference of the purposes .

  3. 非法拘禁罪行为构造研析

    Analysis of the Action Constitution of Unlawful Detention Crime

  4. 论非法拘禁罪的行为对象

    On the Actor in the Unlawful Detention Sentence

  5. 第一部分探讨的是非法拘禁罪犯罪构成中所遇到的问题。

    The first section explores the crime of false imprisonment and the crime with problems .

  6. 索债型非法拘禁罪若干问题研究

    Researches on Illegal Confinement in Claiming Debts

  7. 民事债务的性质和数额也影响着索债型非法拘禁罪认定。

    The nature and amount of civil debt affects the type illegal detention sin that behalf .

  8. 非法拘禁罪研究

    On the Crime of Illegal Detention

  9. 非法拘禁罪的客观方而,包括行为、时间、空间。

    Illegal detention of SINS , including the objective aspects of the behavior , time , space .

  10. 随后,从基本构成时间和从重或加重构成时间两个层次,探究了非法拘禁罪客观行为的时间限定问题。

    Then , the paper explores the time limiting question of objective behavior of unlawful detention crime .

  11. 分析了绑架罪与非法拘禁罪、绑架罪与抢劫罪、绑架罪与敲诈勒索罪的区别。

    Author analyzes that the distinctions between the kidnapping crime and illegal incarceration , robbery , extorting crime .

  12. 最初的我国并未对绑架罪有所规定,一般都以非法拘禁罪或抢劫罪论处。

    Initially , there was no regulation about kidnapping , it was usually published as illegal detention or robbery .

  13. 非法拘禁罪是近年来常见的一种犯罪。

    The crime of illegal detention is a common criminal activity , which often arises , in recent years .

  14. 索债型非法拘禁罪和绑架罪的认定,目前无论在司法实践中还是刑法理论中,都具有很大争议。

    It is controversial to identify the difference between kidnapping and illegal detention for debts in the judicial practice and criminal law theory .

  15. 从犯罪主体来看,索债型非法拘禁罪存在单独犯罪和共同犯罪的形式。

    From the crime subject to see behalf , type illegal detention sin exist alone in the form of joint crime and crime .

  16. 首先介绍了索债型非法拘禁罪在西方国家的沿革和在我国的立法状况。

    Sin First introduced the illegal detention of sin in behalf of the western countries in the legislation of our country history and status .

  17. 索债型非法拘禁罪在我国刑法中并不是独立的罪名,它只是非法拘禁罪的一种特殊情形,其目的是实现自己的债权。

    It is not an independent crime , but a special circumstance of the Illegal Detention Crime . Realize their debts right is its purpose .

  18. 债务产生的时间必须在索债之前,债务产生的时间成为认定索债型非法拘禁罪的前提条件。

    From the time must be in debt , from the debt before behalf that time become behalf type illegal detention the premise condition of sin .

  19. 首先就非法拘禁罪之客观行为进行了本体研析,界定了“拘禁”与“其他方法”之内涵。

    Firstly , it has a research on objective doing of unlawful detention crime , which defines the internal implication of unlawfully detention and other means .

  20. 最后笔者建议,应在立法上明确界定索债型非法拘禁罪,防止执法人员在定性上发生偏差。

    Finally the author suggest , should be in legislation clearly define type illegal detention , sin behalf to prevent law enforcement in qualitative happened on the deviation .

  21. 全文分三章,第一章介绍非法拘禁罪的概念、罪名和立法沿革。

    The first chapter is a brief introduction of the crime of illegal detention and its history of legislation , its definition and naming will also be especially analyzed .

  22. 非法拘禁罪是近些年来多发的一种犯罪,但刑法关于非法拘禁罪的立案标准却不甚明了。

    In recent years , the crime of illegal detention is a crime-prone , but the criminal law is unclear about the filling standards of crime of illegal detention .

  23. 主要探讨了两个方面的争议,这两个方面包括:(1)非法拘禁罪的客体方面,特别是其中的犯罪对象。

    Mainly discussed the two aspects of dispute , the two aspects including : ( 1 ) the object of unlawful detention sin . particularly those of the criminal object .

  24. 笔者首先对索债型非法拘禁罪及其特征进行简要叙述,认为案件的关键在于对债务的理解,因此对债务的性质及定性进行深入的分析。

    The author described the crime of illegal detention briefly , the key is to understand " debt ", therefore " debt " of the nature and qualitative thorough analysis .

  25. 非法拘禁罪的犯罪对象的判定应当以“限定说”和“可能说”为根据,而不能采用“无限定说”和“现实说”,否则会招致明显不当。

    It should be based on the limited theory and possible theory to diagnose who the object of False Imprisonment is , but not on the unlimited theory and real theory .

  26. 我国现行法律对这六个方面的问题虽然做出了相关规定,但是由于不够细化造成司法实践中对索债型非法拘禁罪的认定存在偏差。

    The current law on the six problems though made the related regulations , but because not enough to cause thinning judicial practice behalf type illegal detention of sin that there is a deviation .

  27. 但是在司法实践中,由于对非法拘禁罪的认定受到许多因素的影响,如犯罪主体、犯罪的客观方面、犯罪对象等。

    However , in judicial practice , because of the crime of illegal detention identified by many factors , such as the main crime , the objective aspect of crime , crime and other objects .

  28. 在主观方面,笔者赞同索债型非法拘禁罪只能由直接故意构成,且违法性认识不应成为非法拘禁罪故意的内容,是否具有违法性认识并不影响行为的定性。

    In the subjective aspect , I agree with the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts can constitute only by the direct deliberation . And understanding of the law is not the contents of deliberation .

  29. 然后,本文对组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪与非法拘禁罪、故意伤害罪、收买被拐卖的儿童罪以及拐骗儿童罪等相关犯罪的司法认定问题进行了探讨。

    Third , the judicial determination between the crime and other related crimes are discussed , such as the illegal detention crime , the deliberately assault crime , the buying abducted children crime and children abduction crime .

  30. 非法拘禁罪早已存在,近年来,由于经济的发展、各种利益的冲突,非法拘禁行为日益增多,且日趋多样化、复杂化。

    Illegal detention sin has long existed , and in recent years , with the development of economy , all kinds of conflict of interest is increasing , illegal detention behavior , and becoming more diverse , complicated .