
  • 网络Deco;Adecco;Delco;ACDelco
  1. 美国德科公司(DELCO),美国通用及韩国大宇汽车采用;

    The United States deco company ( DELCO ), the American general and daewoo cars use ;

  2. 拥有德科的葡萄牙是一支截然不同的球队。

    I think Portugal is a completely different team with deco .

  3. 而随后又遭受了通用汽车公司AC德科的损失。

    That followed Campbell-Ewald 's loss of GM 's AC Delco .

  4. 从迹象判断的确如此,我已经告诉了德科。

    That 's what the evidence says . I already told delko .

  5. 噢,你在大厅看到德科的姐姐了吗?

    Oh , did you see delko 's sister in the lobby ?

  6. 意甲领头羊同样对小罗的队友德科感兴趣。

    The Serie A champs also interested in Ronie 's teammate Deco .

  7. 弗鲁米嫩塞已宣布他们已经从切尔西签署了德科。

    Brazilian side Fluminense have announced they have signed Deco from Chelsea .

  8. 德科刚给韦雷拉送回一些血样。

    Delko just had some blood dropped off with vala .

  9. 有人开枪打伤了德科姐弟。

    Shots were fired ; the delkos were hit .

  10. 德科调查的核心人物成了你的女朋友。

    The woman central to the investigation against officer delko becomes your girlfriend .

  11. 来吧,德科,让我脱身,兄弟。

    Come on , deco , get me out of here , brother .

  12. 对于要签入大牌球星,比如德科或者里贝里,都是三心二意。

    Attempts to sign big names like Deco or Franck Ribery have been half-hearted .

  13. 德科则通过引用统计数字说明,2007年12%的新婚夫妇上网。

    Decker explained through the quotation statistical figure that in200712 % newlyweds access the net .

  14. 巴萨中场德科表示他很愿意再次和穆里尼奥共事。

    Barcelona midfielder Deco has revealed he would like to work with Jose Mourinho again .

  15. 德科几乎认识那儿所有的姑娘。

    Delko knew every chick there .

  16. 来自西班牙的消息说用兰帕德交换可能会使得德科来到斯坦福桥。

    Sources in Spain say a swap deal for Frank Lampard could see Deco heading to Stamford Bridge .

  17. 德罗巴、巴拉克和德科全部将在客场对阵波尔图的比赛中回归。

    Didier Drogba , Michael Ballack and Deco all return to the squad for the away game in Porto .

  18. 德科有一个小问题,但我认为对他来说,周六出场不是问题。

    Deco had a little problem but I think it is not a problem for him to play Saturday .

  19. 同时德科表示他很喜欢英超联赛,并且也愿意加盟切尔西。

    And Deco admits he is a fan of the Premier League and would be tempted by a move to Chelsea .

  20. 巴萨中场德科提醒队友们对切尔西的比赛前比赛时都要为他们的肮脏行为作好准备。

    Barcelona midfielder Deco has warned his team-mates to be prepared for dirty tricks before and during the game against Chelsea .

  21. 为了竞选下一任危地马拉总统,桑德拉??托雷斯??德科洛姆已与总统阿尔瓦罗??科洛姆离婚。

    Sandra Torres , now divorced from Guatemala 's president , ? ? lvaro Colom , wanted to run for his job .

  22. 蓝军在星期三踢了第一场热身赛,以4:0赢了对手广州医药队。在这场比赛里,德科的表现让人称赞。

    The Blues kicked off their pre-season with a4-0 win over Guangzhou Pharmaceutical on Wednesday-a match in which Deco 's performance drew praise .

  23. 德科说:“这样,餐厅里大概能坐下20-25人。”不过,这样的派对并不常常举行。

    It allows us to seat probably 20 to 25 people , ' said Mr. Dekko -- not that he does very often . '

  24. 小盆友周二在德科埃尔球场和芬洛队的球星,中场队员肯·莱曼斯进行了一次训练,之后就拿到了这份“象征性”的合约。

    The toddler joined VVV 's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the " symbolic " contract .

  25. 当德科夫妇举行晚宴派对时,书房里三张定制胡桃木书桌的脚轮可以相互扣起,组成一张长餐桌。

    When the Dekkos throw a dinner party , the casters on the study 's three custom-built walnut desks can be interlocked to create one long dining table .

  26. 位于北卡罗来纳州艾西维尔市的国家气象数据中心的德科•阿恩特指出,2009年将是自1880年以来气温最高的十年之一。

    Deke Arndt of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville , N.C. , noted that 2009 will rank among the 10 warmest years for Earth since 1880 .

  27. 这个赛季,在教练弗兰克·里杰卡尔德手下他的自信心增强了,在优秀的葡萄牙中锋德科的协助下,逐渐长成了一位真正的出色球员。

    This season , his confidence has grown under coach Frank Rijkaard and he has blossomed into a truly magnificent player , aided by the excellent Portuguese midfielder Deco .

  28. 这个房间的玻璃墙可以缩到天花板上,因此德科夫妇可以将餐桌推到石头露台上,在一条人造小溪旁野餐。

    The glass wall is designed to retract into the ceiling , so they can roll the table out onto the stone deck and dine al fresco by a man-made stream .

  29. 人才服务公司德科集团美国分部在一项民意调查中发现,美国的经济衰退拉近了老板和雇员之间的关系,只有30%的员工希望能得到老板那颇具压力的职务。这一调查与10月中旬的“全国老板日”有关。

    The US recession has driven bosses and their employees closer together and only 30 percent of employees want their boss 's stressful job , recruitment firm Adecco Staffing US found in a poll tied to National Boss Day in mid-October 。