
  1. 德国制造业pmi有所上升,但全被法国制造业pmi大幅下降所抵消。

    A rise in the German manufacturing PMI was more than offset by a steep fall in its French counterpart .

  2. YazFlex由德国制造,但在澳大利亚首先发售。

    Australia is the launch market for the pill , which is made in Germany .

  3. 就宝马(BMW)的情况而言,“德国制造”这块招牌依然具有很强的号召力。今年第三季度,该公司销量再次创下纪录。

    The " Made in Germany " brand is alive and well at BMW , which recorded another sales volume record in the third quarter .

  4. 它们约占德国制造业和服务业国内生产总值(GDP)的40%,它们的特点是放眼长远和具备韧性——这得益于这些企业传统上会避免负债或者偏离核心专业领域。

    They account for about 40 per cent of German gross domestic product across manufacturing and services , and are characterised by a long-term outlook and resilience - helped by their traditional aversion to taking on debt or straying from core areas of expertise .

  5. 柏林自由大学(FreeUniversity)营销学教授多琳皮克(DoreenPick)明显属于悲观派,她说:“我认为这将严重破坏‘德国制造’的形象。(大众)在德国是顶尖的同义词——代表着诚实、可靠和高效。”

    Doreen Pick , marketing professor at Berlin 's Free University , is firmly in the pessimistic camp . " I think this will very badly damage the image of ' Made in Germany . " [ VW ] stands as a synonym for what 's best in Germany - honesty , reliability and efficiency . "

  6. 而对德国制造业其他企业来说,与大众造假案划清界线将要困难得多。

    It will be much harder for the rest of German industry .

  7. 这些乐器没有德国制造的。

    None of the musical instruments are made in Germany .

  8. 欧元区分崩离析对德国制造业将非常不利。

    A disruption of the eurozone would be very bad for German manufacturing .

  9. 汽车业拥有德国制造业七分之一的工作岗位,而且是出了名的好工作。

    The car business accounts for one in seven manufacturing jobs in Germany .

  10. 可能是在德国制造的。

    It 's probably made in germany .

  11. 安德烈亚斯·比尔芬格表示,创新是德国制造业的重要一环。

    Andreas Bilfinger said that innovation plays a significant role in Germany 's manufacturing sector .

  12. 这辆车是德国制造的。

    This car is made in germany .

  13. 7月份,对德国制造的新产品的需求下降到了2009年5月以来的最低点。

    The demand for new German manufactured goods fell in July to the lowest level since May 2009 .

  14. 这是因为德国制造业更具竞争力,而意大利则在继续走下坡路。

    This is because Germany 's manufacturing sector has become more competitive again , while Italy 's continues to lose ground .

  15. 银河汽车工业公司仿制德国制造的机器,从而侵害了通用公司的专利权。

    Yin he motor Industrial Co Ltd have infringe the patent rights of General Motor Corp by counterfeit machine make by GM.

  16. 这是一辆德国制造的双套长车身马车,车上运载的仿佛是全部家当。

    It was a German Vorspann with two horses , loaded , it seemed , with the goods of a whole household .

  17. 不管是中国制造或德国制造,欧司朗的产品都保持同样的高质量,满足消费者的需求。

    OSRAM products are sold in32 provinces in China and OSRAM is dedicated to provide better customer services to consumers in China .

  18. 调查数据还显示,一辆“德国制造”轿车的总价值的三分之一可以追溯到其他国家。

    The figures also show that a third of the value of a " german-manufactured " car can be traced to other countries .

  19. 神舟八号带有一个德国制造的生物培养装置,里面装有植物、细菌和人体细胞试验样品,用于在太空进行生物和医学试验。

    The spacecraft is carrying a German-built incubator loaded with plant , bacteria and human cell samples for biological and medical tests during the mission .

  20. 几辆德国制造的长车身马车,沿着石板马路颠簸着,每辆都载有六名以上的脸色苍白、缠上绷带、形容污秽的伤员。

    In each of the long German Vorspanns six or more pale , bandaged , and dirty wounded men were being jolted over the stony roads .

  21. 其结果是,一台为印度市场生产的X光机成本为1万美元,而在德国制造的更高端机型则需要4倍于此的成本。

    The result is that an X-ray machine produced for the Indian market is priced at $ 10,000 where its higher-end model in Germany costs four times that amount .

  22. 正在成长的中国制造与成熟可靠的德国制造有机结合,完全可以实现珠联璧合,还可以携手开拓第三方市场。

    The growing made in China and the mature and reliable made in Germany products are a perfect match , and we can join hands to explore the third market .

  23. 但这个负面的论调尚未在最近的经济数据中反映出来,相反最近美国就业数据以及德国制造业数据都较为强劲。

    But the gloom thesis is not really borne out by recent economic data , which have shown , for example , strong American employment gains and buoyant German manufacturing .

  24. 介绍了综合运用电刷镀、热喷焊技术对德国制造的三叶罗茨鼓风机密封筋、型面进行再生的工艺过程。

    Technological process of regeneration of seal rib and profile on tri-lobe Roots blower made in Germany is introduced comprehensively using the technique of electric brush plating & hot spray welding .

  25. 2002-10年间,以美元计的美国制造业单位劳动力成本下跌11%,而以美元计的日本和德国制造业单位劳动成本分别上涨3%和41%。

    In 2002-10 , US manufacturing unit labour costs in dollar terms fell 11 per cent , compared with rises of 3 per cent rise in Japan and 41 per cent in Germany .

  26. 大部分欧洲企业也充满信心,在重要的德国制造业企业带领下,它们正从危机的冲击中复苏。但欧洲企业信心反映了各国不同的近况。

    Most European companies are also confident and recovering from the shock of the crisis with the important German manufacturers leading the way , but European business confidence reflects the recent performance of each country .

  27. 同时,法国对华出口主要集中于奢侈品和化妆品,而德国制造的机械和重型设备却更合中国的胃口。

    And the products France offers in China , mainly in areas such as luxury goods and cosmetics , are not as suited to China 's needs as German products such as machinery and heavy equipment .

  28. 在上世纪70年代的英国,我还是一个孩子的时候,所有家电的标签上基本都写着“日本制造”或“韩国制造”(偶尔也会标着“美国制造”或“德国制造”)。

    When I was a child in 1970s Britain , electrical appliances all tended to carry labels saying " made in Japan , " or " made in Korea " ( or , on occasion , made in the US , or Germany ) .

  29. 多年来,梅赛德斯(Mercedes)、宝马(BMW)、奥迪(Audi)、大众都在英语广告中使用过德语口号和标语,将它们的产品和德国的制造业实力联系起来。

    For years , Mercedes , BMW , Audi and Volkswagen have used German slogans and tag lines in their English-speaking advertising to link their products to the country 's engineering prowess .

  30. 但是在德国弗劳恩霍夫制造工程和自动化学会的ClaudiadosSantos和斯图加特杜伊斯堡—艾森大学的ChristianMayer的共同研究下,无生命物体实现自我修复那一天的到来被拉近了一点。

    But work by Claudia dos Santos at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation , and Christian Mayer at Duisburg-Essen University in Stuttgart , has brought the day when they will be able to do so a little nearer .