
  • 网络german civil code;BGB
  1. 1900年《德国民法典》第一次规定了非财产损害赔偿制度。

    1900 BGB enacted the system of compensation for non-pecuniary damage for the first time .

  2. 《德国民法典》未将给付拒绝纳入,但在判例中对其予以承认。

    BGB refuses to have repudiation included , only admitting it in case law .

  3. 从对《德国民法典》第90a条的理解展开环境资源法学与民法学的对话

    Promoting the Communion of Environment and Resources Law with Civil Law Based on the Comprehension of the Number Ninety a Item in the German Civil Code

  4. 然而,2002年《德国民法典》的修订改变了这种状况。

    The Revision of German Civil Code in 2002 has changed it .

  5. 《德国民法典》的演进及其分析

    The evolution and analysis of German Civil Code

  6. 德国民法典解析

    A Careful Analysis of German Civil Code

  7. 浅析《德国民法典》的民法原则

    On Principles of German Civil Code

  8. 德国民法典合同解除法律后果的规定与借鉴意义

    Rules about and Lessons from the Legal Consequence of Rescission of a Contract in German Civil Code

  9. 民国民法典大量继受了1900年《德国民法典》的立法方法和内容。

    This code inherited and accepted the 1900 a great deal in its legislation methods and content .

  10. 本部分通过对堪称典范的《德国民法典》中法律技术的介绍,突出中国要制定自己的民法典必须要关注的法律技术问题。

    This section emphasis on technical issues through introduces of legal technology in " German Civil Code " .

  11. 其学说对潘德克顿法学和《德国民法典》产生了极大影响。

    Both the Pandektenwissenschaften and the German Civil Code were later greatly influenced by this theory of Savigny .

  12. 《德国民法典》采弱度效力说而为抗辩权发生主义,《日本民法典》转采强度效力说而成实体权消灭主义。

    " Germany Civil Law " adopts the theory of weak effect , so its model is producing of right of defense .

  13. 物权请求权制度起源于罗马法,德国民法典首次明确提出物权请求权的概念。

    The system of petition in rem is rooted in Rome Law , and this conception first emerged in civil law of German .

  14. 《德国民法典》制定以后,经由当事人合意而形成的约定优先购买权得到了较快发展。

    After 《 German Civil Law 》 has been made , negotiated purchase priority which is the consensus of parties has get rapid progress .

  15. 法国民法典的规范模式虽风行一时,但受到德国民法典的摒弃。

    The norm mode of the tort law in France became vogue of the time , but it is abandoned by German civil code .

  16. 《德国民法典》则通过法律行为制度的抽象促成了行为能力制度在民法典中的正式成型。

    The disposing capacity system had been formed officially in " German Civil Law " by the establishment of the legal system of acts-in-the-law .

  17. 这部法律的重磅出台,在我国民法学界中引起的大讨论之激烈和精彩堪比19世纪之交《德国民法典》制定之盛况。

    Civil law scholars in China caused great debate as at the turn of the 19th century compare to the " German Civil Code " .

  18. 它起源于罗马法,系统规定于《德国民法典》,目前已为各国民法典所接受。

    It originated from the roman law , and was legislated in German Civil Code systematically as well as the Civil Codes of other countries .

  19. 该制度自定型于《德国民法典》后逐渐发展成为一项较为成熟的制度,并被许多国家及地区所普遍援引。

    The system was primarily stipulated in German " Civil Code ", and later developed into a mature system , which is prevailing in many countries .

  20. 试图通过这些,从一个角度说明1900年《德国民法典》在民法发展史上的地位和重要性。

    With these , the authors try to tell us the position and importance of German Civil Code in the history of civil laws ' development .

  21. 非财产损害赔偿制度的一次历史性变革&论《德国民法典》抚慰金条款的新近调整及其意义

    A Historic Revolution in the System of Compensation for Damage of an Intangible Property & The Revision of Pension Clause in German Civil Code and Its Meaning

  22. 后又经过中世纪注释法学家的修正,以及各国民法典的编纂,便形成了今天以《德国民法典》为代表的立法模式。

    After the amending by the legal exegetes in the Middle Ages and the compilation of Civil Codes , the legislation mode of German Civil Code has formed .

  23. 潘德克吞立法模式为《德国民法典》所首创,并为大陆法系许多国家民法典制定所效仿。

    Pandekten legislative mode had been used in the German Civil Code in the first time , from then on , many continental law countries had followed this mode .

  24. 从比较法考察,德国民法典之前的法国和日本民法典,在物权变动上基本采纳意思主义。

    From a comparative law perspective , the French and Japanese civil codes basically adopt the principle of autonomy of the will in respect of change of property rights .

  25. 《德国民法典》上的权利能力概念,是由实定法所界定的法律人格的适格条件,这一实定法上的概念,仍然是建立在关于人的伦理性判断的基础之上的。

    The concept of capacity for rights in the Civil Code of Germany is a legal criterion prescribed by the positive law , which is still based on the foundation of human ethics .

  26. 这一时期的法学家们提炼出为数不多的第一性原则,以此为基础,层层演绎,推导出相应的法律规则,到了《德国民法典》,体系化的方法达到了极致。

    The jurist in this period extracted a few primary principles , then made deduction step by step to derive corresponding legal rules , the German civil code makes the extreme of the systemized way .

  27. 《德国民法典》第一次明文规定了共同侵权行为,创造出共同侵权行为与共同危险行为理论,确立了共同危险行为制度。

    In German Code , it is the first time to define the joint tort , and bring out the theory of joint tort and act of joint hazard and establish act of joint hazard .

  28. 德国民法典建立了不当得利制度的一般原则,将无法律上的原因作为不当得利的构成要件,并以一种法典文化向大陆法国家传播,产生深远影响。

    German Civil law makes the general principal of unjust enrichment , taking " no reason in law " as the component of unjust enrichment and spread this thought to other countries , which makes great influence .

  29. 共同危险行为制度自《德国民法典》创立以来,至今也不过才百余年的历史,在具有几千年发展历史的侵权法中也算是个新生物。

    It has been no more than 100 years since the foundation of joint dangerous act system . So it can be regarded as a new system in Tort Law that has the history of thousands of years .

  30. 现代民法上的精神损害赔偿制度是伴随着《德国民法典》的制定而产生的。在二十世纪里,精神损害赔偿制度经历了一个不断发展和完善的过程。

    The compensation of psychiatric damages system is accompanied by the " German Civil Code " . In the 20 century , the compensation of psychiatric damages system has undergone a process of continuous development in the world .