
jiān hù quán
  • custody;guardianship;wardship
  1. 法官表示,Gray一直到11月20日之前都保有对温特的监护权。

    Gray will retain guardianship of Winter at least until a November 20 hearing , a judge said .

  2. 我们在此把三个孩子的唯一监护权。

    We hereby appoint sole guardianship of all three children .

  3. 离婚后通常是母亲拥有孩子的监护权。

    The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce .

  4. 离婚法庭把监护权判给了孩子的母亲。

    The divorce court awarded custody to the child 's mother .

  5. 双亲陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。

    The parents were locked in a bitter battle for custody .

  6. 他和妻子打官司争取孩子的监护权。

    He fought his wife for custody of the children .

  7. 她请求重获孩子的监护权。

    She 's petitioning to regain custody of the child .

  8. 我将起诉,要求获得孩子们的监护权。

    I 'm going to go to court to get custody of the children

  9. 孩子的监护权通常判给母亲。

    Child custody is normally granted to the mother .

  10. 昨天一个母亲在监护权之争中获胜,赢得了双胞胎女儿的监护权。

    A mother yesterday won a tug-of-love battle for custody of her twin daughters .

  11. 超出半数的离婚家庭的孩子没有定期与无监护权的家长见面。

    More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis .

  12. “你意思是说现在要离婚?”“要是我得到比利的监护权,”她说。

    " you mean you want a divorce now ?"" if I get custody of billy ," she said .

  13. 巴西民主宪法赋予军方含糊不清的监护权。

    Brazil 's democratic constitution gives the army vague tutelary powers .

  14. 本文审视一位无监护权的母亲所感受到的文化体验。

    This article interrogates the cultural experience of being a non custodial mother .

  15. 我是FBI,我对这两人有监护权。

    I 'm FBI , these men are in my custody .

  16. 在步入中年后,它仍然走在潮流尖端,当我搬到东海岸从事新工作时,它登上了“共同监护权(jointcustody)”的主题海报。

    Still trend-setting in her middle years , she became a poster pup for joint custody when I moved to the East Coast for a new job .

  17. 《Blast》报道称,朱莉已经提出了与约翰奥德柯克法官的庭审的延期申请,约翰奥德柯克法官负责的是他们离婚的监护权部分事宜。

    The Blast is reporting that Jolie has filed a stipulation to extend the appointment of Honorable John Ouderkirk who is overseeing the custody part of their divorce .

  18. 不给就夺走ricky的监护权。

    Take custody of Ricky if I don 't pay him .

  19. 很快,关于碧昂斯夫妇离婚,争夺2岁女儿BlueIvyCarter监护权的传闻大肆蔓延,一度失控。

    Soon , rumors surrounding the couple 's divorce and custody of their 2-year-old daughter Blue Ivy Carter , got out of hand .

  20. 我们被授予监护权是因为他的父亲谋杀了两个人。

    We were granted custody because his father murdered two people .

  21. 监护权?他们又没有小孩。

    Custody over what ? They didn 't have any kids .

  22. 但这是监护权评估的证明信。

    But this is a reference letter for the custody review .

  23. 无监护权的父亲或母亲和父系(祖父母)的。

    A noncustodial parent . or on my father 's side .

  24. 后来对孩子的监护权进行了长期争辨。

    There followed a long tussle for custody of the children .

  25. 高级法院法官将孩子的监护权判给了她。

    A high court judge awarded her custody of the children .

  26. 而这对父母已经丧失了孩子的监护权。

    Even though , they 'd lost custody of the kids .

  27. 父亲在我七岁的时候获得了我的监护权。

    This is what I have got to know in the custody .

  28. 她差一点就要被剥夺监护权了。

    The kid was one strike away from foster care .

  29. 法院一般都会把孩子的监护权判给法方家长的。

    French court usually awards custody to the French parent .

  30. 父母争夺监护权的儿童他在公司里争权夺利。

    Tug-of-love child He struggles for power and money in the firm .