
shàn yǎnɡ fèi
  • maintenance;alimony;cost of support;payment for support of parents and grandparents
  1. 把赡养费看得比受害者还重要。

    You worry less about alimony and more about the victim .

  2. 别再管我要赡养费和孩子抚养费。

    No more talk of alimony , no more child support .

  3. 杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任妻子支付赡养费。

    A great deal of Jeff 's money went in alimony to his three former wives .

  4. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。

    Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance , upbringing or support payments , or on the division or inheritance of property , or on visits to children , the people 's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law .

  5. 安德莉亚个人之所以这么富有是因为一笔昂贵的离婚赡养费

    Andrea is independently wealthy due to a fat divorce settlement .

  6. 所有关于赡养费的观念都是偏颇的,法官阁下。

    The whole concept of alimony is gender-biased , your honor .

  7. 妈妈让我到这儿来拿赡养费。

    Mum sent me here to get the child support .

  8. 我们要开始申请每月赡养费了。

    We 'll have to stake claims for monthly payments .

  9. 如果他们离婚,贝基就得付给雷赡养费。

    If they divorced , she 'd owe him alimony .

  10. 知道他不会离婚因为他很怕付赡养费

    knowing he won 't leave because he 's scared of the alimony

  11. 有如诉讼要求赡养费的妻子一样,她是个难以折衷的对手。

    She is implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony .

  12. 给离婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。

    Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse .

  13. 如果离婚了,你也必须给对方赡养费。

    You may have to pay alimony if the divorce goes through .

  14. 赡养费将平分给两家机构。

    The money will divided equally between the two charities .

  15. 作为妻子诉讼代理人的初级律师提出要求获得赡养费判令。

    Solicitor acting for the wife make an application for a maintenance order .

  16. 那是我从我丈夫那得到的赡养费。

    It 's alimony I got from my husband .

  17. 就因为我两个月没给你赡养费。

    Just because I missed a couple of installments .

  18. 我妈妈每月只有当赡养费接收的时候才会有笑容。

    My mom only smiles once a month when the alimony check comes .

  19. 乔治因没有支付前妻的赡养费而被法庭受审。

    George has been had up for not paying maintenance to his ex-wife .

  20. 直至要支付赡养费为止,你决不会了解到一个月多么短促的。

    You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony .

  21. 早前当过伴舞演员也唱过说唱的凯文还要求布兰妮支付配偶赡养费。

    The former backup dancer and aspiring rapper is also seeking spousal support .

  22. 关于自国外获取赡养费的纽约公约

    New York Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance

  23. 如果没有律师介入的话,丈夫最终支付的赡养费最少。

    Husbands end up paying the smallest alimony when no lawyers are involved .

  24. 我得付给这位小女士赡养费了。

    I must send the little lady her alimony .

  25. 他的前妻在诉讼中要求提高赡养费。

    His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him .

  26. 另外,她也要求从帕克那里获得离婚赡养费。

    She is also seeking spousal support from Parker .

  27. 付赡养费,还有个眼看要上大学的孩子

    alimony , and a kid going to college in a few years .

  28. 他尸骨一寒,赡养费就断了。

    When he dies , the checks stop .

  29. 并不是每对夫妻离婚都有赡养费协议。

    Not every divorce has an alimony agreement .

  30. 你刚填写了最后一张赡养费支票。

    You just wrote your last alimony check .
