
  • 网络texaco;Texaco INC
  1. 在德士古公司的辩护,但是,山姆解释说,它并不完全明显谁应该对损害负责。

    In Texaco 's defense , however , Sam explained that it 's not entirely obvious who should be responsible for the damage .

  2. 水煤浆的制备对从美国德士古公司引进的水煤浆加压气化装置的长周期、经济运行是至关重要的。

    The preparation of coal water slurry is of the utmost importance to the long cycle and economic operation of the coal water slurry pressure gasifier introduced from Texaco Co.

  3. 德士古公司在清理工作上投入了4000万美元,工作结束后,基多一所大学的分析员过来收集了石油和水质样本。

    Texaco spent $ 40 million in its cleanup efforts , and when the work was done , analysts from a Quito university came to collect oil and water samples .

  4. 德士古石油公司

    Texaco Inc.

  5. 亚细亚石油公司、美孚石油公司和德士古石油公司是垄断近代中国石油市场的三大公司。

    The Asiatic Petroleum Company ( APC ) and the Standard Oil Company and the Texaco to become the monopoly of the three companies of the modern Chinese oil market .

  6. 重点介绍德士古(Texaco)公司70年代开发并推出的具有代表性的第二代煤气化技术,简述了工艺流程及技术特点。

    This article centres on introduction of the second coal gasification technology developed by texaco corp in the 1970s as one of texaco 's representative work ; it gives a brief description of the process flow and its characteristics .

  7. 仅仅一年内就诞生了500家石油公司,包括德士古和海湾石油公司

    Within a year , 500 oil companies are born , including Texaco and Gulf .

  8. 从20世纪初期起,中国煤油市场逐渐被美孚、亚细亚和德士古三家外商公司垄断。

    From the beginning of 20th century on , Chinese oil market was under the control of Standard Oil Company , Asiatic Petroleum Company and Texas Company .