
lǐ pào
  • salvo;salute;gun salute;saluting gun
礼炮 [lǐ pào]
  • [salvo;gun salute; saluting gun] 举行隆重庆典或欢迎贵宾表示敬礼时所放的炮

礼炮[lǐ pào]
  1. 关于现收现付制的争论,已成为国会辩论的开幕礼炮,也将定下新一届国会的基调。

    The tussle over PAYGO is the opening salvo of a debate that will define the new Congress .

  2. 巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)先是以19响礼炮表示欢迎,接着向她颁发了“总统自由勋章”,并在白宫举办了一场盛大的宴会。

    A19-gun salute was followed by the award of the presidential medal of freedom and a glittering White House banquet .

  3. 礼炮轰响。

    Guns thundered out a salute .

  4. 每天中午,洛斯卡克塔(LotrscakTower)的礼炮都会鸣响,整个城市为之颤动。

    Every day at noon , the Lotrscak Tower cannon is fired , sending shock waves across town .

  5. 方法检测14名首次担负礼炮鸣放任务的礼炮兵(28耳)的DPOAE幅值和引出率。

    Method The amplitudes and the positive rates of DPOAE were detected in 14 salute soldiers ( 28 ears ) who were exposed to strong noise of salute for the first time .

  6. 那是欢迎我们的礼炮,大公主说。

    That 's a shot of welcome ! said the eldest .

  7. 全副军事仪式和鸣礼炮21响宣告了他的葬礼的开始。

    Full military honours and a21-gun salute marked his funeral .

  8. 你知道他们是否卖一种叫做皇家礼炮的苏格兰威士忌吗?

    Do you know if they sell Scotch Whisky called Royal salute ?

  9. 人们为它们举行了葬礼,并用礼炮向它们致敬。

    They 've had funerals for them with gun salutes .

  10. 船长命令部下鸣放礼炮。

    The captain ordered his men to fire a salute .

  11. 胜利的礼炮齐鸣,声声响彻伦敦市中心。

    The centre of London resounded with the triumphant salvoes .

  12. 总统下令鸣21响礼炮。

    The president gives twenty-one guns as a salute .

  13. 他们鸣礼炮十响向女王致敬。

    They saluted the queen by firing ten guns .

  14. 以21响礼炮祝贺女王的生日已是一种习俗。

    It is the custom to salute the queen 's birthday with twenty-one guns .

  15. 我们为那些听到向孩子鸣响21声致敬礼炮的母亲感到难过哀伤;

    We grieve for the mother who hears the sound of her child's21-gun salute .

  16. 维多利亚女王举行仪式,总能赶上晴朗天气,据认为是因为有二十一响礼炮。

    Queen Victoria always had fine weather for her ceremonies because there were twenty-one cannons .

  17. 飞机会从头顶飞过,21声礼炮。

    Planes flying overhead , 21-gun salute .

  18. 三眼铳,在农村也叫神枪,死人后出殡用的礼炮。

    Three eye blunderbuss , named God Gun in country , salute used in funeral .

  19. 军官乙他们在放礼炮了;即使不是总督,至少也是我们的朋友。

    Second Gentleman . They do discharge their shot of courtesy : Our friends at least .

  20. 随后,他帮助研发了礼炮号和和平号空间站。

    He went on to help develop the Salyuts and Progress craft and the Mir space station .

  21. 军官乙他们向我们城上放礼炮了;到来的也是我们的朋友。

    Second Gentleman . They give their greeting to the citadel ; This likewise is a friend .

  22. 随着六十声国庆礼炮响彻云霄,中国阅兵仪式开始。

    Gun salute as the resounding sound of the National Day , China 's military parade ceremony began .

  23. 从1974年至1982年,另外五座礼炮太空站成功进入轨道,两座配备军事侦查。

    From 1974 to 1982 five more Salyut stations-two outfitted for military reconnaissance-were successfully placed in orbit and occupied .

  24. 目的:测定礼炮鸣放时的噪声强度,并对14名首次担负鸣放任务的礼炮兵(28耳)进行听力学测试、分析。

    Objective : The noise levels of salute and the hearing ability of 14 salute soldiers ( 28 ears ) were measured .

  25. 这位美国总统受到了41响礼炮的迎接。白金汉宫奏响了美国国歌。

    The U.S. president was honored with a 41-gun salute and , in the palace gardens , the United States national anthem .

  26. 随着移灵队进入商业区和丹戎巴葛,21枚礼炮响起,在整个城市回荡。

    A 21-gun salute sounded , echoing across the city , as the procession moved on into the business district and Tanjong Pagar .

  27. 我公司生产的“花都牌”系列型电子礼炮是针对国内市场需求研制出来的礼仪庆典用品。

    My company produces the " Flora licensing " series-type electron gun salute for the domestic market demand are developed ritual celebration supplies .

  28. 这天晚上,整个城市大放光明;礼炮在一齐放射——轰轰!兵士们都在举枪致敬。

    the whole city was illuminated in the evening , and the cannons went off with a bum ! bum ! and the soldiers presented arms .

  29. 当他把三色旗插上塔顶时,21响礼炮齐鸣,群鸽绕塔飞翔,彩色气球飘上蓝天。

    When he plugged the top tricolor flag , the21-gun salute went off everywhere , group pigeons flying around the tower , colored balloons on blue sky .

  30. 在挪威,这一天是以鸣炮开始的&从奥斯陆的城堡,从全国各地的碉堡,鸣放礼炮。

    In Norway , the day begins with cannon fire & ceremonial blasts are shot from the castle in Oslo and from other fortresses throughout the country .