- the Ministry of Rites in feudal China

[Ministry of Rites in feudal China] 官署名,清代中央政府的六部之一,掌礼乐、祭祀、封建、宴乐文学校贡举的政令
Where did she say in garibong-dong ?
The Ministry of Rites - responsible for the emperor 's religious obligations and ceremonial , schools , examinations , reception of foreign guests , and selection of officials .
The " Elements "( of Euclides Geometry ) which Ricci and Xu Guanqi , an outstanding Ming scientist and minister of rites , jointly translated , spread the knowledge of plane geometry in China .
He is considered the first of the renowned " Eight Masters of the Tang and Song . " At his death the title of president of the ministry of rites was conferred upon him , as well as the epithet " Master of Letters , " both great honours .