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shàng zuò
  • Upper seat;head;seat of honor;seat of honour;customers begin to come into theatre, restaurant, etc
上座 [shàng zuò]
  • [seat of honor] 受尊敬的席位;上首的座位

上座[shàng zuò]
  1. 她坐在桌子的上座。

    She was seated at the head of the table .

  2. 他们的平均上座率不到23,000人。

    Their average gate is less than 23,000 .

  3. 上座人数一直持续下降,使得戏剧导演产生悲观泄气的情绪。

    Attendance figures had been steadily dropping , creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors .

  4. 那家剧院每天晚上需要有90%以上的上座率才刚刚能够收支相抵。

    The theatre needs to fill over ninety per cent of its seats every night just to break even .

  5. “我们在那儿是订不上座了。”——“那可不一定。”

    ' We 'll never get a table in there ' — ' Don 't bet on it . '

  6. 每场电影的上座率降低了4%。

    The occupancy for each show fell 4 percent .

  7. 这部影片上座率很高。

    The film is a box-office success .

  8. 这出戏可上座儿了。

    This play is a great draw .

  9. 他们打算把那部片子再继续上映一周,上座率非常好。

    They are going to hold that movie over for a week again , it 's very successful .

  10. 春节档影片票价为何偏高主管部门要求低风险地区影剧院采取防控措施,将上座率控制在75%。

    As an anti-epidemic measure , authorities are requiring theaters in low-risk areas to limit seating to 75 percent of capacity .

  11. 在救火中受伤的人,特别是那些伤得焦头烂额的,都坐在上座,主人却没有邀请早先曾经劝他修烟囱的那个老头。

    Those who had been injured , especially those badly burned , were given the seats of honour , but the old man who had advised him beforehand was not invited .

  12. 在房地产开发中除了上座率极高TOWNHOUSE,大约就属于SOHO概念的酒店式公寓项目最炙手可热了。

    The Hotel Service Apartment Projects of SOHO are getting more popular in China besides Town House Projects .

  13. 上座率对CBA职业篮球俱乐部收益影响的研究

    Research of the Popular Rate to Influence Income of CBA Professional Basketball Club

  14. 总的来说,NBA球市同上个赛季差不多,在每场上座率方面比上个赛季提高0.5个百分点。

    Overall , NBA attendance is flat-about a half-percent higher than at this point last season on a per-game basis .

  15. 3D电影业革命没能实践最初的诺言:2010年美国影院上座率下降近10%,岁末影片也未能扭转颓势。

    The great 3D film revolution is failing to live up to its initial promise with US cinema attendance falling close to 10 per cent in 2010 and end-of-year movies failing to lift the gloom .

  16. 提出计算上座率的概念,用计算流体动力学(CFD)技术对不同上座率下观众席温度分布进行预测和评价,得到了符合最佳技术经济条件的计算上座率。

    Proposes a calculated-attendance concept , evaluates and numerically simulates the temperature distribution of the audience area under different attendance rates , recommends the calculated-attendance-rate conforming with the optimum efficiency .

  17. 据Mojo杂志说,出席音乐会的主要是外籍人士,并有大量的空座位,上座率低。

    According to Mojo magazine the concerts were attended mostly by ex-pats and there were a lot of empty seats .

  18. BBC新闻–中国的银幕光环已经褪去了不少,票房持续低迷,雪上加霜的是,电影院上座率7月份下降了15%。

    BBC News - Some of the shine has come off the silver screen in China as a 15 % fall in cinema attendance in July added to an ongoing box office downturn .

  19. 根据行业研究机构MediabyNumbers的调查,2009年的电影票房比去年增加了16.5%,按照这个增幅,今年院线将有19亿美元进账,而去年仅有16亿美元,此外影院的上座数也增长了近15%。言情小说

    And according to industry researcher Media by Numbers , 2009 's box office sales are tracking 16.5 percent higher than the year before - at this rate , theaters will make $ 1.9 billion , versus last year 's $ 1.6 billion - with attendance up nearly 15 percent .

  20. 自任职以来,郑明勋重组了乐团,使得它的上座率增加,国际巡演取得好评,并与德意志留声机公司(DeutscheGrammophon)签订了一份合同,得以发行大量唱片。

    Since then , as he has remade the orchestra , attendance has risen , international tours have been well reviewed and a contract with Deutsche Grammophon has allowed it to release a number of recordings .

  21. 整个联赛的上座率都出现下滑,但在2013年,因为21世纪初期曾随波士顿红袜队(BostonRedSox)打出职业生涯最好成绩的外野手曼尼•拉米雷斯(MannyRamirez)来台湾打球,上座率又出现回升。

    Attendance leaguewide fell , but it perked up in 2013 , when Manny Ramirez , the outfielder who had his best years with the Boston Red Sox in the early 2000s , played in Taiwan .

  22. 大都会歌剧院的总经理彼得·盖尔布(PeterGelb)在采访中透露了上述想法。他即将开始第十季对该剧院的掌管。他说,他将把重点转向吸引新观众,为歌剧院筹集急需的资金。剧院此前的上座率不够理想。

    These ideas , disclosed by Peter Gelb , the Met 's general manager , in an interview as he prepared to begin his 10th season at the helm of the company , suggest a renewed focus on drawing new audiences and raising desperately needed money for the opera , where attendance has struggled .

  23. 但上座率也上升了近5%。

    But attendances are also up nearly 5 per cent .

  24. 这个座位是所谓的上座,为贵客所保留。

    This seat , known as OKU , is for honoured guests .

  25. 当飞机颠簸时,请您在座位上座好、好安全带。

    Please remain seated and fasten your seat belt during the turbulence .

  26. 论上座率对我国职业篮球俱乐部发展的影响

    Influences of attendance rate on development of professional basketball clubs in China

  27. 微调在中态度地进行的杯赛后阶段比赛的上座率。

    Tweaked attendances in later stage cup competition matches played at neutral stadiums .

  28. 今天上座率不高啊,噢,休斯女士?

    Light house today . oh , Mrs hughes ?

  29. 让你的笔电上座,所有电视里录到的东西都存在你的电脑里。

    Dock the notebook and your recorded TV shows are copied to your PC.

  30. 那场演出的上座率下跌了4%。

    The occupancy for that show fell four percent .