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  • 网络The Tablet of Tang Dynasty
  1. 第二部分首先介绍了唐碑的基本情况,包括其地理位置、刻制年代、碑文作者等等,并且列出了碑文内容,以方便后面的论述说明。

    The second part : Introduce the basic situation of the Tablet of Tang Dynasty at first , including position , making times , author , etc. , then list the content of the tablet for discussing behind .

  2. 上林壮族唐碑的历史价值和书法艺术

    Historic Value and Handwriting Art of Tang Inscriptions at Shanglin of Zhuang People

  3. 上林唐碑唐城和历史民俗文化若干问题的研究

    The Study about Some Issues of Historical Folk Culture and the Tablet The City of Tang Dynasty in Shanglin

  4. 从坚固大宅到仙境州城&广西上林县前后两唐碑比较及其昭示

    From Strong House to Fairy Town & A Comparison to the Two before and after Stone Tablets of the Tang Dynasty and Its Enlightenment

  5. 在书法方面,他反对日渐圆滑、靡弱的赵、董书风,在金石学大兴的背景下,结合自己大量研究考证金石碑版,他提出了学习唐碑、篆隶的复古精神。

    In the context of epigraphy in Tai Hing , combined with his research on the textual research of gold tablets , he put forward a Tang stele , seal character restoring ancient ways of spirit .

  6. 先唐纪功碑与墓碑的发展与演变

    The Development and Evolvement of Contribution Inscription and Tombstone of Pre-T'ang Dynasty