
  1. 论阮元的书法理论及其碑学成就

    On Calligraphy Theory & Stele Study Achievement of Ruan Yuan

  2. 帖学观是碑学大师康有为书学思想的重要组成部分。

    Kang Youweis view of studies of models of handwriting is an important part of his calligraphic thoughts .

  3. 碑学形成、发展、渐至高潮顺应时代发展潮流,焕发出盎然生机。

    The formation of the monument learning , development , and gradually to the climax of the development trend of the times , Radiate teeming vitality .

  4. 20世纪以来,书法研究者常常以沈曾植为碑学大家,在一定程度上忽略了他在帖学方面的成就。

    Investigators have usually treated Shen as a great master on " Bei " School , but ignored his achievements on " Tie " to some extent since 20th century .

  5. 碑学与碑派书法是中国书法史上的一个重要现象,对有清以来近四百年中国书法艺术的发展产生过巨大的影响。

    The Study on Tablet-calligraphy and Table Calligraphy are very important in the history of calligraphy , having a great effect on the development of the calligraphy since Qing Dynasty .

  6. 帖学与碑学是书法艺术中的两大流派。敦煌南北朝写本的书法艺术

    Traditional Chinese handwriting models and rubbed stone inscriptions are two major schools in the history of Chinese calligraphy . The Calligraphic Art in Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Southern and Northern Dynasties

  7. 进入二十世纪,碑学成为书坛的主流,传统帖学开始走向边缘化,很少受到书家的关注。

    Since the1900s , Stele Theory has becoming the main trend of the calligraphy field , Model Calligraphy has been marginalized , and they were received little attention by the calligraphers .

  8. 研究清代碑学理论不但有助于我们理解书法艺术自身的发展情况也可以由此窥见古代审美文化的发展。

    Not only is the research on the Qing Dynasty tablet study theory helpful to our understanding of the development of calligraphy art but also lets us sneak a peek at the development of the ancient esthetic culture .

  9. 所以笔者拟就其金石研究与书学成就作专题研究,并藉此以对金石学与碑学的内在关系窥视一二。

    Hence , the author intends to study his studies of the metal and stone inscriptions as well as his calligraphic contributions as a special subject , hoping to comprehend the intrinsic relations between the epigraphy and calligraphy consequently .

  10. 本文旨在论证唐代楷书在清代帖学到碑学转换过程中的桥梁作用。分为上、中、下三篇。

    Divided into three parts , this dissertation aims at evaluating the role as a bridge of standard script in Tang dynasty in the change in Qing dynasty calligraphy , with its focus shifting from model study to Stele study .

  11. 清代帖学发展至馆阁体,艺术趣味渐趋迷弱,一批有创见性的书家将碑版质拙、古朴的韵致沉潜于笔端,发展了行草书形成新的趋势&碑学。

    Quote Studies developed to quote " guan ge ", Fun fan art is becoming weaker , a number of innovative companies of the book will be Stele quality clumsy , ancient Calmness Manifested in the pen and developed cursive formation of a new trend-monument school .

  12. 钩深致远,返本开新&清代前碑派碑学理论的建构

    To Aim at the Future with Deep Thinking and to Create by Returning to the Origin & The construction of the front tablet calligraphy theory in the Qing Dynasty