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  • 网络epitaph
碑志 [bēi zhì]
  • [a record of events inscribed on a tablet] 碑文和墓志

  1. 碑志文作为一种重要的志墓文体在历史上曾经被广泛的使用,传统的碑志研究一直属于金石学的范畴,研究的思路大多以证史为主,对于碑志文学特性的探讨则相对较少。

    As an important style in the china history , epitaph had been widespread used . Traditional epitaph study has been belong to the scope of the sphragistics , study means give priority to prove " history ", at the same time the study for literature characteristic relatively less .

  2. 魏晋南北朝突破性发展的书法碑志

    Epoch-breaking Calligraphy Inscription During Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  3. 韩愈欧阳修碑志文风格比较

    Style Comparison of Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu in Bei Zhi Articles

  4. 浅探韩愈碑志中的文学思想

    Searches Shallowly the Literature Thought in the Tablet Will of Han Yu

  5. 儒家孝文化:碑志文体的文化意蕴

    Confucian Filial Culture : The Culture Implication of The Style of Tablet Records

  6. 碑志记录了中国书法艺术的流传与演变。

    The inscription on the tablet records the spreading and evolution of Chinese calligraphy .

  7. 这些碑传文可分为碑志文、状文和其他三类。

    These inscriptions can be divided into three categories : epitaphs , biographies and the others .

  8. 遗山碑志文以记叙事情为依托刻画人物,每一篇碑志文都是一篇成功的人物传记。

    The epitaphs written by Yuan Haowen portray the dead with narrations , so each one is a great success of biography .

  9. 在我国碑志文发展史上,庾信是继蔡邕之后又一位具有里程碑意义的碑志文作家。

    In domestic epigraph development history , Yu Xin has been recognized as a epigraph writer of milestone significance following Cai Yong .

  10. 现存朝鲜半岛和唐朝关联的金石碑志共有233篇。

    Preserved now on the Korean Peninsula are233 inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets that are related to the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 幸好解放后新出土的数方高氏碑志,为此提供了重要线索。

    Fortunately , however , several gravestone epitaphs excavated after liberation in1949 have provided the most significant clues to look into their lives .

  12. 同时结合地方志、碑志铭文等文献资料,通过对比史书对其生平事迹的进行补遗和考辨。

    Combined with local history , monumental inscriptions and other documents , by comparing the historical conduct of its residual life story and dynasty .

  13. 他将浓郁的悲情引入碑志文创作,并成功地在碑志文中运用了“鹤”、“松”等意象,为悲情的生发营造适合的氛围。

    He led pathos up to the writing of epigraph , and triumphantly used images like crane and pine to build the likely atmosphere .

  14. 碑志文是柳宗元散文创作的重要组成部分,但长期以来备受冷落。

    Epitaphs is the important part of the Liu Zongyuan prose , which is left out in the cold ever since long time ago .

  15. 柳宗元碑志文具有重要的史料价值、丰富的思想内容和高超的艺术成就,他对此文体的发展做出了重大贡献。

    His epitaphs have the important historical data value , rich and profound ideological content , Superb artistic achievements who make significant contribution to the style .

  16. 本文以高氏碑志为中心,再结合相关的文献记载,试考察与高力士相关的几个问题。

    Based on Gao 's gravestone epitaphs , this paper makes an attempt to explore some problems related to Gao Lishi by combining relevant documentary records .

  17. 从体裁可分为五类:寓言散文、说理散文、游记散文、碑志散文、颂圣散文。

    From the genre , it can be divided into five categories : Fable prose , reasoning prose , travel prose , Bei Zhi prose , Chung San prose .

  18. 第三部分,分析碑志文中的相关材料,管窥中唐比丘尼之情况及社会教育状况。

    The third part , dealed with the situations of the Buddhist nun and the education in Mid-Tang through analyzing relevant information in the records of events inscribed on tablets .

  19. 多年之后的今天,我们只能谦卑地试图以仙沓古律市战役纪念碑的落成和国家历史学会颁发碑志揭幕的方式,来缅怀那些阵亡的英雄和勇敢的战士。

    We , who enjoy the blessings of peace and harmony today , owe so much to these heroic fighters of Wha Chi who put their lives in harm 's way in Santa Cruz during World War II .

  20. 庾信及魏晋南北朝墓志与韩愈及唐墓志之比较从汉唐碑志的文体演变看韩愈碑志的正与变

    The Comparison between Epitaphs by Yu Xin , Northern and Southern Dynasties and those by Han Yu , Tang Dynasty ; On Innovation of Han Yu 's Stele Script in Terms of the Style Evolution of Han and Tang Dynasty

  21. 然而这些研究或是以单篇论文的形式出现,或是散见于一些专著及硕博士论文中,尚未形成完整的体系,因而不足以反映庾信碑志文创作的全貌。

    However , these studies , either appearing in the form of single papers or scattered in a few monographs or master theses and doctoral dissertations , are not in a whole integrated system and hence not enough to provide a panorama of Yu epigraph creation .