
bēi wén
  • epitaph;an inscription on a tablet;tablet inscription;monumental writing
碑文 [bēi wén]
  • [inscription on a tablet] 刻在石碑上的文词

碑文[bēi wén]
  1. 碑文写着:马格勒斯之子卡廷长眠于此。

    The inscription reads : Here lies Catin , the son of Magarus

  2. 碑文已深深地刻在石头上。

    The inscription is deeply cut on the stone .

  3. 年深月久,碑文已经磨灭了。

    The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time .

  4. 碑文经受了岁月的磨洗。

    The years have eroded the inscription on the stone .

  5. 碑文讲的是喇嘛教史。

    The inscription on the stele tells the history of Lamaism .

  6. 碑文铭记他的爱国行动

    A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities .

  7. 欧洲有传闻称,如今在美国甚至能发现有墓碑上写着ToOurBelovedSon,Brotherand,Like,Husband这样的碑文。

    It is rumored in Europe that you can now find tombstones in the U.S. reading ' To Our Beloved Son , Brother and , Like , Husband . '

  8. 考古学家根据碑文基本上可以确定这具遗体的主人很可能是露易·迪昂古(LouisedeQuengo),死于1656年。

    Inscriptions allowed the archaeologists to identify the nearly intact body as belonging to Louise de Quengo , Lady of Brefeillac , who died in 1656 .

  9. 碑文,有石头雕刻家NickBenson用特制的字体设计,充分表达了严肃庄严和现代力量。

    The inscriptions , set in a custom typeface designed by the stone carver Nick Benson , manage to convey both extraordinary gravitas and a modern energy .

  10. 这里质地丰富的装饰品是新与旧的迷人结合——从文艺复兴时代的大理石碑文到安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的丝网印画——在温暖的季节里,仅对房客开放的屋顶露台是喝开胃酒的好地方。

    The richly textured d é cor is an appealing mix of old and new - think artworks ranging from Renaissance-era marble inscriptions to Andy Warhol silk-screens - and the clubby rooftop terrace is a new hot spot for aperitivi in warmer months .

  11. 《头陀寺碑文》的佛理及其表达策略

    On Buddhism and Its Expression of " Toutuo Temple " Inscription

  12. 如果为死去的迈巴赫写篇墓志铭,碑文恐怕不会很体面。

    The Maybach epitaph will not be a not pretty one .

  13. 最近发现的碑文增加了这一理论的重要性。

    A recently discovered inscription has added weight to the theory .

  14. 这碑文解释了不同文化的人在长久分离后如何亲吻爱人

    The plaque explains how different cultures kiss after long absences .

  15. 现在,官员们称他们将要移除掉这个碑文。

    Now , officials say they are going to remove the inscription .

  16. 一块由石头或木头做成的,适合题字、刻碑文的平板。

    A slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription .

  17. 如果要你写自己的碑文,你会写些什么?

    If you were writing your epitaph , what would you say ?

  18. 在这些下边并没有骨灰的镶黑边的碑石里,是多么凄怆和空虚!这些不可移动的碑文多么使人绝望!

    What bitter blanks in those black-bordered marbles which cover no ashes !

  19. 一般来讲,碑文主要是指墓碑文。

    Speak generally , the inscription mainly mean tombstone text .

  20. 开封犹太人碑文研究

    A Study on the Inscriptions of Kaifeng Jews

  21. 从两处碑文看青州先民的自然保护意识

    See the nature protection ideology of Qingzhou people early by two inscriptions on tablets

  22. 几个世纪的风雨已磨损了墓碑上的碑文。

    Centuries of wind and rain had worn away the inscriptions on the gravestones .

  23. 我会翻译一下这些达芙妮找到的碑文。

    I 'll translate these inscriptions Daphne found .

  24. 他在大理石上刻碑文。

    He chiselled an inscription on the marble .

  25. 他在坟墓前读着碑文。

    He read the inscription before the tomb .

  26. 纪念他的碑文刻在石碑上。

    His memorial was engraved on the stone .

  27. 没有过道,没有拱形结构,没有碑文,没有旗帜。

    Here are no aisles , no arches , no inscriptions , no banners .

  28. 按照玛雅碑文的说法,他深爱着他的妻子。

    And Mayan inscriptions proclaim that he was deeply in love with his wife .

  29. 中古墓碑文的文学化进程

    On the Course of Literary Creation of Words on Tombstones in the Mediaeval Times

  30. 是碑碑文书法具有很高的艺术价值。

    The calligraphy of the inscription on the tablet is of high value of art .