
  • 网络modern calligraphy
  1. 关于高等院校现代书法教育的新探讨

    A New Probe into the Modern Calligraphy Education in Higher Schools

  2. 现代书法阵营中,他是风格特异又独树一帜的探索者。

    Modern Calligraphy camp , he was the specific style is unique Explorer .

  3. 现代书法审美理想的嬗变

    On the Evolvement of the Aesthetic Ideas in Present-day Chinese Calligraphy

  4. 20世纪后期关于现代书法的讨论

    Discussion on Modern Calligraphy in the Late 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  5. 现代书法的发展与观念指向

    Direction of Concept and Development of Modern Calligraphy

  6. 现代书法的现代困境

    The Modern Dilemma of Modern Calligraphy

  7. 谈现代书法的审美创造

    The Aesthetic Creation of Modern Calligraphy

  8. 2002中国现代书法新思考&学术交流研讨会暨作品观摩展

    2002 China Modern Handwriting New Thought

  9. 现代书法的理性回归

    Rational Return of Modern Calligraphy

  10. 本文简要概述现代书法的发展状况及现代书法的观念指向。

    The article states briefly the development and situation of modem calligraphy and evolution of modern calligraphy concept .

  11. 现代书法,特指自上个世纪80年代以来的中国书法,到如今,已有三十年的发展历程。

    Modern Calligraphy , particularly referring to Chinese calligraphy from 1980s , enjoys a history of three decades .

  12. 从时间观出发论现代书法&兼及现代书法与传统书法之比较

    On Modern Calligraphy from the Time Concept & And on the comparison of modern calligraphy to traditional calligraphy

  13. 他是传统书法美学的总结者和终结者,也是现代书法美学的开启者。

    He is not only the terminator and summarizer of the traditional calligraphy aesthetics but also the creator of modern calligraphy aesthetics .

  14. 现代书法作者可通过研究楚辞,汲取其精髓,以丰富现代书法的创作。

    The modern calligraphy author can draw its marrow through studying the Songs of the South , creation of the abundant modern calligraphy .

  15. 学序理论可以视为古代的书法教学法,它对于我们建构和完善现代书法教学法很有借鉴价值。

    The theory of practice order , regarded as the " ancient calligraphy pedagogy ", provides essential reference value for us to construct and improve the modern calligraphy pedagogy .

  16. 中国书法艺术是民族精英艺术,发展书法艺术,提升民族精神质量,是现代书法艺术的历史使命和发展方向。

    The Chinese calligraphy art is our national elite art . Developing the calligraphy art , and promoting national spiritual quality , is a history mission of modern calligraphy art and its developing direction .

  17. “现代书法”的“参照系”相对模糊含混,使其创作与欣赏难以切入、把握和深入。

    Due to the uncertain reference , modern calligraphy is hard to be appreciated but it is found not to go beyond its cultural ground and to tend to blur the gaps in different arts .

  18. “现代书法”的内涵是指与古典和谐美不同的现代性(或现代精神),在美学形态上主要经历了崇高、丑、荒诞三个发展阶段。

    The connotation of contemporary calligraphy lies in the idea of modernity which is different from that of classicism and harmoniousness . From aesthetic morphology , the modern calligraphy mainly experiences three developing stages : sublime , ugliness and absurdity .

  19. 本文研究的内容是香港现代书法史,探讨从战后1945年至今(2010年初),香港书法的发展。

    The content of this thesis is the studies of modern Hong Kong calligraphy history that explore the developments of Hong Kong calligraphy from 1945 till now ( early 2010 ) . Hong Kong has only a short history on calligraphy .

  20. 比如字体一般用的是宋体、楷书、隶书以及篆书以及古代和现代的书法名家的手书体等。

    For example , the font is generally used in the font , the script , script and seal character and ancient and modern calligraphy calligraphy etc. .

  21. 钢笔和粉笔都属于硬笔,这两种笔使用十分广泛,是现代社会文字书法和教育战线必不可少的书写工具。

    The pen and chalk , two kinds of hard calligraphy tools , are widely used in the education field in the modern society .

  22. 于当前所谓的现代或后现代语境中提说书法艺术的本色美,绝对有其存在的必要性。

    The so-called modern and post-modern context at present mention . the calligraphy art 's true qualities , Whose existence is of absolute necessity .