
  • 网络recent tectonics;recent tectonism;modern tectonic movement
  1. 水系历史演变又表明现代构造运动具有周期性。

    The historic evolution shows that the modern tectonic movement is periodic .

  2. 渭河盆地的水系与现代构造运动

    Drainage system and its implications of the modern tectonic movement in the Weihe Basin

  3. 它是地球上陆地隆升最显著的地区,是欧亚大陆现代构造运动最活跃最强烈的地区,也是世界大陆岩石圈构造运动最活跃的地区之一。

    It is the most active tectonic area of the Eurasia .

  4. 渤海沿岸地区的现代构造运动

    Recent tectonic movements in the coastal area of the Bohai Sea

  5. 京津唐地区地壳形变及现代构造运动

    Crustal deformation and recent tectonic motion in the beijing-tianjing-tangshan region

  6. 用考古学方法讨论渭河断陷带现代构造运动

    Study on the recent subsidence and tectonic movement in Weihe Basin by the archeological methods

  7. 应用大地测量资料论证北京平原的现代构造运动和现代应变场

    On the recent tectonic movement and strain field in Beijing plain area by the geodetic data

  8. 它是西南地区现代构造运动及构造应力场调整变化的反映。

    They are the reflection of adjustment and variations of the contemporary tectonic movement and the tectonic stress field .

  9. 渤海内部的现代构造运动是以水平构造应力场作用下的走滑运动为主要特征。

    Contemporary tectonic movement inside Bohai sea is mainly characterized by strike slip motion under horizontal tectonic stress field .

  10. 威宁现代构造运动触发滑坡的地质背景及数理探讨

    The geological background and mathematical probe of the landslide caused by present tectonic movement in Weining area of Guizhou Province

  11. 区内现代构造运动强烈。

    The Red River fault is a major regional fault in Yunnan and there is strong modern tectonic motion in this region .

  12. 1988年澜沧&耿马双主震型地震破裂与震区的现代构造运动

    The seismic rupture of the 1988 Lancang-Gengma earthquake with double main shock type and the recent tectonic movement in the seismic region

  13. 本文通过地壳垂直形变和水平形变,阐述渤海沿岸地区现代构造运动。

    The recent tectonic movement in the coastal area of the Bohai Sea is mainly characterized by the tectonic movements of NNE , NE and EW directions .

  14. 本文通过近年来,在京津唐地区取得的大地测量资料,研究本区现代构造运动,指出了北北东&北东向、北西向及东西向三组构造最为活动。

    This paper deals with the recent tectonic motion in this region using the geodetic data , indicating three groups of the most active structures in NNE-NE-NW directions .

  15. 本文最后还讨论了根据水系研究现代构造运动的意义以及应注意的问题。

    In the light of the drainage system , the significance of the modern tectonic movement and some problems which should be paid more attention to are also stated in this paper .

  16. 这一景观结构的形成与公路断裂的现代构造运动、地壳物质组成的差异和人类活动的差异相关。

    The cause of two the landscape grillwork formation is correlation with the following factors , current tectonic activity of road fault zone , difference of material crust and activity of mankind .

  17. 地热异常、地壳内存在低速层和高导层、强烈地震频繁发生等现象说明,这一地区是现代构造运动的活动区。

    The geothermal anomaly , low velocity zone and high conductivity layer in crust , and frequent occurrence of strong earthquakes show that the study area is an active area of modern tectonization .

  18. 分析表明:现今地壳构造活动与现代地壳构造运动性质基本一致,但量值有所差别;

    The analysis indicates that the current crustal tectonic movement is basically consistent with the current crustal tectonic kinematic property with a little bit difference in the amplitude ;

  19. 现代板块边界是现代构造运动最强烈的地带,也是地震强度最大、频度最高的地带。

    Modern plate boundaries are the zones with the most intense tectonic activities , as well as the largest earthquake intensity and the highest earthquake frequency .