
lǐ bīn sī
  • the Protocol Department;the Department of Protocol;office of protocol
礼宾司 [lǐ bīn sī]
  • [the Protocol Department; office of protocol] 政府中专管迎宾仪式的部门

礼宾司[lǐ bīn sī]
  1. 我作为礼宾司司长很高兴欢迎诸位来到国务院条约厅参加下一任美国驻中华人民共和国大使骆家辉的宣誓就职仪式。

    It is my pleasure as the chief of protocol to welcome you to the State Departments Treaty Room for the swearing-in of Gary Locke to be the next Ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China .