
  • 网络new challenge
  1. 相比打垮一座摇摇晃晃的构造、砸死几头呆着不动的猪,《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)面临的新挑战恐怕要更加艰巨一些。

    Angry Birds ' new challenge may be a bit steeper than knocking down a shoddy structure onto a few static pigs .

  2. 我们必须未雨绸缪,在人力资源的开发和使用上,做好应战的准备,迎接我国加入WTO的新挑战。

    We must take a precaution measures towards the development and right use of human resources in the preparation for the WTO to meet with the new challenge .

  3. 我们可以给自己树立新挑战,认识新朋友,接纳信息、新习惯和新技能。

    We can give ourselves new challenges , meet new people , and expose our minds to new information , hobbies and skills .

  4. 但是哈留和她的同事在2016年开展的一项研究显示,闷爆者不太可能从事建设性活动,比如试图在工作中寻找有趣的新挑战。

    But a 2016 study Harju and her colleagues worked on showed that people who had boreout were less likely to engage in constructive5 activities like trying to find new , interesting challenges at work .

  5. 加入WTO,加快了我国高等教育国际化进程,高校教师队伍面临新挑战和新要求。

    When China enters WTO , it will make greater progress in the international higher education . University teachers will face new challenges and demands .

  6. 文章以外资银行在中国的产生与发展为红线,对WTO下加强对外资银行监管的必要性进行了探析,并分析了WTO下我国外资银行监管面临的新挑战。

    This article , taking the initiating and developing of foreign bank as the main thread , digs into the necessity of strengthening the supervision of foreign banks under WTO , and analyzes the new challenges we are to face to supervise of foreign banks .

  7. 今天,开发人员正面临许多新挑战,原因是新技术已经促成了另一个范式转移&对软件即服务(SaaS)和基于云的应用程序的迫切需求。

    Today , developers are faced with many new challenges as new technologies have facilitated another paradigm shift & the compelling demand for software as a service ( SaaS ) and cloud-b as ed applications .

  8. 土壤面临人类生存新挑战

    Soil faced with the new challenge of human beings proof of life

  9. 抓节能、降成本,迎接新挑战

    Saving energy and reducing cost for meeting towards new challenge

  10. 信息系统的多媒体化给检索带来了新挑战。

    The multimedia is bringing information retrieval new challenges .

  11. 警务人员在禁毒执法中的新挑战

    New Challenges the Police Have to Face in Law Enforcement of Drug Control

  12. 21世纪煤质管理面临的新挑战

    New challenge of coal quality management in 21 century

  13. 针尖化学&化学家的新挑战

    Tip Chemistry & A New Challenge of Chemists

  14. 固体地球科学前沿研究的新挑战

    The challenge in frontier of the solid-earth Sciences

  15. 中国家电业面临的新挑战

    The new challenges of the electrical in China

  16. 中国宏观经济分析面临新挑战

    New Challenge Facing Macroeconomic Analyses of China

  17. 导弹制导技术面临的新挑战

    Missile Guidance Technique Faced with New Challenge

  18. 网络革命:中国国有企业面临的新挑战

    Net Revolution New Challenges to State-owned Enterprises

  19. 争取新挑战。

    Look for new challenges .

  20. 如何把因特网资源应用到写作教学中是英语教师面临的新挑战、新课题。

    Therefore how to use the Internet for teaching English Writing is a new issue for every English teacher .

  21. 探矿工程也必须开拓高技术才能适应2000年的新挑战。

    A development of advanced technology in drilling engineering must be opened up to meet the new challenge of 2000 's.

  22. 在经济全球化背景下,中国已经并将继续面临西方强势文化的新挑战。

    On the background of economic globalization , China has to continue to face new challenges from west powerful culture .

  23. 取消农业税和粮食购销体制改革使县域经济发展面临新挑战。

    In order to abolish agricultural tax and food sale-buy reform system makes the county area 's economic development face new challenge .

  24. 同时也指出大学应当积极变革与创新,应对纳米技术产业化对大学人才培养带来的新挑战。

    Fecing the new challenge of educating nanoscientists brought by industrialization of nanotechnology , university should innovate to adapt itself to the changing environment .

  25. 近年来,高等教育内外部环境发生着深刻的变化,高校面临一系列新挑战。

    The exterior and inside environment taking place the deep variety , universities and colleges faces a series of new challenge in recent years .

  26. 如何在“巴掌大”的地块中进行高品质的小区规划,是对规划师的新挑战。

    It is a challenge to planners how to plan a high-quality residential quarters on a piece of land " as small as a palm " .

  27. 这样我国手机设计生产企业就面临着项目数量多,开发周期短,工作任务重的新挑战。

    This mobile phone design and production enterprises in China faced more than the number of projects , short development cycle , heavy tasks of the new challenges .

  28. 本文在探讨中国国有商业银行盈利的意义和面临新挑战的基础上,首先对银行可能的盈利模式进行了理论研究和对比。

    After discussing the significance of making profits and new challenges faced by state-owned banks in making profits , possible profit-making model of the banks is presented and compared .

  29. 如何引导国有企业在保持必要的发展速度上注重资本回报及发展质量,是绩效评价工作面临的新挑战。

    How to guide state-owned enterprises both maintaining the necessary pace of development and paying attention to returns on capital and development is the new challenge of performance evaluation works .

  30. 研究还在社会现实层面上对这一趋势进行解释,指出它是书籍序言语类在现代社会高度商业化的新挑战下对售书广告的一种屈从。

    This tendency is then interpreted on the plane of social practice as a result of the bending of book preface genre towards book advertising under novel challenges of highly commercialized modern society .