- 名News agency;wire service;wire agency

I was a 26-year-old foreign correspondent working in Moscow for Reuters news agency .
Associated Press , the wire service , quoted an anonymous " US official " as saying " with a high degree of confidence " that the part came from a 777 .
But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .
In 2012 South Korean news agency Yonhap noted a startling change .
HBOS officials quickly began speaking with or phoning newswires and newspapers to say there were no liquidity problems .
One is that the mainstream media are inexorably being dragged toward the Twitter , or news agency , model of constantly publishing and updating information , and away from the traditional approach of waiting for a while to nail down what is clearly true .
But still the Soviet government maintained its silence until , almost 68 hours after the accident , the official news agency TASS published a short , opaque article indicating that there had been an accident at Chernobyl .
Instead of responding directly , Mutko , the minister , organized a news conference with journalists from the state-run news agency TASS , calling the Times inquiry baseless and suggesting it was part of an attempt to discredit Russian sports ahead of the Rio Games .
Only three of 17 penguins survived , the Russian news agency said .
The finance minister was quoted announcing the increased investment yesterday by the Kuwait state news agency .
But this is minor league compared with what our colleague at an international news agency has been through .
A school , a university , or maybe a news agency , to certify yourself as globally knowledgeable .
A clear majority of economists polled by news agencies had been expecting the central bank to tighten policy by a quarter-point .
The French news agency , AFP , reported Tuesday that Niger 's foreign minister has denied reports Gadhafi is in the convoy .
In Sierra Leone on Monday , the authorities reported that a fifth local physician had died of the disease , news agencies reported .
Iran 's state news agency is reporting that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has won re-election , but a reformist rival is also claiming victory .
All economists at16 financial institutions surveyed by Yonhap Infomax , the financial news arm of Yonhap news agency , predicted the bank would leave the rate unchanged .
The Algerian state news agency said the oil cartel might call an emergency session next month , ahead of its scheduled meeting in late December , to discuss the drop in prices .
The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with the Religion News Service found political and religious disagreement on what is behind severe weather , which this year has included extreme heat and drought .
Turkey 's state-run Anadolu news agency late on Wednesday said some 30 military vehicles , including heavy armor , had moved to the border from Iskenderun base on the Mediterranean .
Eight people who walked near the wall , more than two meters high , were buried by the debris and found dead after being pull out by rescuers , state-run Xinhua news agency reported .
Norway 's national news agency NTB said Saturday that witnesses on the island have told police two people were involved .
It is the largest professional international communication body in China and has long engaged in international communication as a non-governmental news agency .
The Koch brothers , heads of energy and manufacturing giant Koch Industries , now rank above three other members of the Walton family and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg , founder of news and information company Bloomberg LP , who round outthe top 10 .
The Press Association ( press agency that gathers home news and supplies it to the British press )