
  • 网络neo-nazi;neo-Nazis;neo-nazism
  1. 晚年,他重新找回自己的犹太人传统。1991年,他制作并主演电视电影《永不忘记》(NeverForget),该片是根据一个犹太大屠杀幸存者的故事创作的,这名幸存者起诉了一个否认大屠杀的新纳粹组织。

    In later years , he rediscovered his Jewish heritage , and in 1991 he produced and starred in " Never Forget , " a television movie based on the story of a Holocaust survivor who sued a neo-Nazi organization of Holocaust deniers .

  2. 德国新纳粹兴起的原因

    The Cause of Neo-Nazi Formation in Germany

  3. 队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。

    A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks . We must weed them out as soon as possible .

  4. 挪威及其他北欧国家过去曾兴起过较大规模的新纳粹运动。

    Norway and the Nordic countries have in the past had relatively large neo-Nazi movements .

  5. 该市有一名新纳粹分子任市议会议员,这使市民们感到忐忑不安。

    To the discomfort of its citizens , the city has a neo-Nazi on the City Council .

  6. 在20世纪80年代,他是新纳粹组织白人雅利安抵抗组织的头目兼组织者。

    In the 1980s , he was a skinhead and organizer for the neo-Nazi group White Aryan Resistance .

  7. 但令我难以置信的事实是,手持这些十字架的是新纳粹。

    But what struck me as strange is the fact that the people holding the crosses were neo-Nazis .

  8. 然而,这些抗议有将胆怯的工薪阶层中的贫困成员推入种族主义者和新纳粹分子的怀抱的风险。

    Yet they risk throwing struggling members of a fearful working class into the arms of racists and neo-Nazis .

  9. 德国的司法部长们承诺,将确保公众只有有限途径接触到这本书,担心它会煽动新纳粹情绪。

    German justice ministers have pledged to ensure that general public access to the text remains limited for fear of stirring neo-Nazi sentiment .

  10. 美国新纳粹分子希思坎贝尔进入了公众视线,一家蛋糕店拒绝冷藏写有他儿子的名字阿道夫希特勒的蛋糕。

    American neo-Nazi Heath Campbell came to public attention when a cake shop refused to ice a cake with his son 's name - Adolf Hitler .

  11. 星期一,莫斯科一个法庭判处5名当地新纳粹份子无期徒刑。他们被控两年时间里在莫斯科地区杀害了27个非俄罗斯人。

    On Monday , a court in Moscow handed down life sentences to five local neo-Nazis convicted in the murders of27 non-Russians in the Moscow area during a two year period .

  12. 那以色列就是新的纳粹国家。

    Then Israel is the new Nazi state .