
  • 网络non-cooperation movement;the cooperative movement
  1. 抗战时期中国工业合作运动的特点

    The Characteristics of Chinese Industrial Cooperative Movement during Anti-Japanese War

  2. 革命根据地互助合作运动

    Mutual aid and cooperative movement in the revolutionary base areas

  3. JosephFair是全球病毒预报公司的首席科学家。该公司设在美国,参与了该项全球合作运动。

    Joseph Fair is the chief science officer of Global Viral Forecasting Inc. , based in the United States of America ( USA ), one part of this global collaboration .

  4. 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)能够全天候、全天时、远距离获得非合作运动目标的精细图像,具有重要的军用和民用价值。

    Inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) is a kind of high resolution imaging radar , which allows fine resolution , all weather , day-and-night imaging of noncooperative targets in long range . Therefore , it is of great military and civil values .

  5. 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)能够对飞机、舰艇、天体等非合作运动目标进行全天时、全天候、远距离成像,在战略防御、反卫星、战术武器以及雷达天文学中都有重要应用价值。

    Inverse Aperture Radar ( ISAR ) can image non-cooperative moving targets such as aircrafts , ships and celestial objects over a long distance under all weather and all day . It is of particular interest for strategic defense , anti-submarine warfare and radar astronomy .

  6. 他最开始相信甘地(Gandhian)的非暴力不合作运动,但当罢工和抗议看似徒劳之后,曼德拉组建了一支破坏者小分队。

    He initially put his faith in Gandhian nonviolence , but when strikes and protests began to seem futile , he founded a band of saboteurs .

  7. 民国时期安徽农村合作运动

    Anhui rural cooperation movement in the period of the national government

  8. 华洋义赈会的农村合作运动述论

    A Review on Rural Cooperative Of China International Famine Relief Commission

  9. 他表现出是合作运动的忠实支持者。

    He showed himself to be a faithful supporter of the cooperative movement .

  10. 抗战时期川省农村合作运动研究

    The Rural Cooperation Movement of Sichuan Province in the Anti - Japanese War

  11. “国家帮助”与我国的农业互助合作运动

    How Exercise Helps State Assistance and Mutual Aid and Cooperation of Agriculture in China

  12. 合作运动也还不能令人满意。

    The co-operative movement is not satisfactory either .

  13. 经济和工业发展中工业合作运动的作用区域间专题讨论会;

    Interregional Symposium on the role of industrial cooperative movement in economic and industrial development ;

  14. 新加坡中华总商会与1963年新加坡对日不合作运动

    The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Local Non-Cooperation Movement towards Japan in 1963

  15. 甘地和他的追随者没有用暴力回应,而采取了一场有序的不合作运动。

    Gandhi and his followers responded not with violence but with an organized campaign of non-cooperation .

  16. 我们将要进行“非暴力不合作运动”

    We are going to protest peacefully

  17. 近代两种农业合作运动之比较

    The Comparison between the Movements of Agricultural Cooperative Led by CPC and KMT during Modern Period

  18. 江西农村合作运动的开展具有重要的实践意义,合作经济组织成为近代江西农村建设的主要组织载体;

    The implementation of the cooperative movement of rural area in Jiangxi takes on crucial significance practically .

  19. 合作运动终因资金、人才等严重匮乏等原因步履维艰。

    The cooperation movement walked with difficulty because of the serious lack of fund and person with ability .

  20. 这种探索对后来南京政府倡导和推动农村合作运动起了一定的影响作用。

    The exploration effectively influenced on the agricultural cooperative movement which the Nationalist government advocated and carried out later .

  21. 发展农业互助合作运动,要坚持自愿原则。

    The principle of voluntary participation must be adhered to in promoting the mutual-aid and co-operative movement in agriculture .

  22. 农村合作运动与近代乡村社会的变迁有着一定的互动关系。

    Certain interactive relationship exists between the rural cooperation movement and the transition of modern rural society in contemporary countryside .

  23. 农村合作运动是以建立农村合作社、构建从中央到地方的合作金融机制为主要措施。

    The main measures of country financial cooperation were the foundation of country co-operation and form of cooperative financial mechanism .

  24. 合作运动与乡村经济的近代转型:以江苏省无锡县为中心的考察

    The Cooperative Movement and the Modern Transformation of Rural Economy : a Research Centered with Wuxi County of Jiangsu Province

  25. 安徽省是民国时期农村合作运动先进省份之一。

    Anhui was one of the most advanced provinces in the rural cooperation movement in the period of the national government .

  26. 农村合作运动是南京国民政府实施的一项重要的农村经济政策,贯穿于南京国民政府统治的整个过程。

    Country financial cooperation is an important country economic policy , which is carried out by Nanjing National Government during its dominion .

  27. 其次对抗战前农村合作运动的各方面展开论述,偏重于各项制度的考察。

    And then , expound all aspects of the rural cooperative movement before Anti-Japanese War , emphasizing on the expedition of the institution .

  28. 农村合作运动的兴起是当时社会经济、思想理论和政治斗争三个方面共同作用的结果。

    The development of country financial cooperation was in that historical background : the development of social economy , academic theory and political struggle .

  29. 最后是抗战时期的农村合作运动,侧重于抗战后农村合作运动的变化的研究。

    The last is the rural cooperative movement in the war , focusing on researching in the rural cooperative movement changes in the war .

  30. 盛行30年,遍布全省60余县的农村合作运动是安徽农业近代化的一次有益的尝试。

    The rural cooperation movement in Anhui that prevailed in more than 60 counties for 30 years was a good trying of agriculture modernization .