
  • 网络cooperative economic organization
  1. 第五部分是关于加入WTO后中国农村合作经济组织发展的对策分析。主要是提高认识,加强立法工作和政策支持,给农村合作经济组织的发展创造必要的法律和政策环境。

    The fifth part is about countermeasure which the rural cooperative economic organization of China protects to agriculture after join to WTO , mainly enhances the understanding , strengthens the legislation work and the policy support , creates essential law and policy environment for rural cooperatives economic organization 's development .

  2. 农民合作经济组织分配制度研究

    Research On The Distribution System Of Farmers ' Cooperative Economic Organization

  3. 最后,在回顾上述分析的基础上,从政府层面、组织层面和农户层面三个层面提出促进X县农民专业合作经济组织内外系统出现最佳互动状态的有效对策。

    Lastly , based on previous analysis , the author brings forward count measures that could best promote effective interaction of internal system and external system of farmers ' cooperative organizations in X County .

  4. 关于农民合作经济组织几个问题的探讨

    The Discussions of Several Questions of Cooperative Economic Organization of Peasants

  5. 农村新型合作经济组织的发展

    Development of New kind of Cooperative Economy Organizations in the Country

  6. 农业产业化经营中合作经济组织地域模式探析

    On the areal models of cooperative economic organizations in agricultural integration

  7. 发展农村合作经济组织建设社会主义新农村

    Developing Rural Cooperative Economic Groups to Build New Socialist Rural Areas

  8. 太原市农民专业合作经济组织调查与思考

    Survey and Consideration of Taiyuan City Farmer Speciality Cooperation Economic Organization

  9. 农村专业技术协会是农民专业合作经济组织的一种重要形式。

    RSTA is an important form of Farmers'Profession or Economic Association .

  10. 在此着重分析了我国合作经济组织的发展进程。

    The development of co - operational economic organiztions are analyzed .

  11. 对确立农民合作经济组织法人地位的思考

    Give Legal Person Status to the Farmers ' Cooperation Business Organization

  12. 农业合作经济组织发展中的政府行为研究

    Study on Governmental Actions in the Development of Chinese Agricultural Cooperatives

  13. 第四,强化政府在农村合作经济组织发展中的作用。

    Fourth , strengthen government in rural cooperative economic organization developing function .

  14. 政府主导型农村合作经济组织的制度创新研究

    Research on the Institution Innovation of Government Leading Rural Cooperative Economic Organization

  15. 是国外农村合作经济组织的经验启示。

    Is the overseas experience of the rural organization for economic cooperation .

  16. 只有具备一定的专业化分工水平,农村专业合作经济组织才得以产生并节约内生交易费用。

    When specialized , the cooperatives are likely to save transaction cost .

  17. 地方政府在农民合作经济组织发展中的职能

    Analysis on Local Government 's Function in Developing Professional Farmer Cooperative Organizations

  18. 农民专业合作经济组织:认识、问题及对策

    Specialized Cooperative Economic Organizations of Peasants : Understanding , Problem and Solution

  19. 农业市场化中农民专业合作经济组织发展的研究

    The Development of Special Peasant Ecomomic Cooperation Organization in Promoting Agricultural Marketing

  20. 农民合作经济组织的产生属于制度变迁。

    Rural cooperative economic organization belonging to the selection of system changes .

  21. 社区性合作经济组织制度的缺陷;

    The cooperative economy organization system of the community flaws ;

  22. 我国农业合作经济组织制度变迁探析

    The research on institutional change of agricultural economy cooperative organizations in China

  23. 支持农村合作经济组织发展的税收政策选择

    Alternative Income Policy for Supporting the Development of Rural Economical Cooperation Organization

  24. 新型农民合作经济组织发展中政府作用研究

    Study on the Government Functions in the Development of New-style Agricultural Cooperatives

  25. 最后研究了农民专业合作经济组织的形成与发展。在农村信用合作组织的变迁中,以农信社变迁为主线,研究了其发展的不同阶段,并进行了评价。

    At last , the farmer specialty cooperative economy organization is discussed .

  26. 现阶段宁夏农民合作经济组织的发展思考

    A discussion on development of farmer 's economic cooperation organization in China

  27. 我国农村专业合作经济组织运行机制研究

    Operating Mechanism of Rural Special Cooperative Economic Organization in China

  28. 农村合作经济组织规模化的国际经验分析

    Analysis on International Experience in the Large Scale Cooperative Organizations

  29. 农民合作经济组织法相关问题探讨

    Correlative Discussion on the Framework of the Farmer 's Cooperative Economy Law

  30. 农民合作经济组织与社会主义新农村建设

    Peasants'Organization of Cooperative Economy and Construction of Socialist New Countryside