
  • 网络The Partnership
  1. 本章首先介绍了合伙制SPV的组织形式与治理结构。

    This chapter introduces the partnership form of SPV .

  2. 总部在瑞士的嘉能可,是全球最大私有企业之一。该公司正审视其合伙制结构,已与银行家就首次公开发行(IPO)进行了初步商谈。

    Switzerland-based Glencore , one of the world 's largest private companies , has held preliminary talks with bankers about an initial public offering as it reviews its partnership structure .

  3. 我很欣赏商业改进区(businessimprovementdistricts)的进展,这些地区采用公私合伙制,旨在改善当地的贸易环境。

    I like what I have seen of business improvement districts , which are public-private partnerships designed to improve local trading environments .

  4. 合伙制下合伙人互为代理的制度安排,将有效提升CPA审计质量。

    The arrangement for partners ' mutual agency under the partnership system would effectively improve the quality of CPA audit .

  5. 随着容量的增加,租金也许会承受压力,这将打击业主有限合伙制企业的盈利能力。正在建造油罐的RoseRockMidstream表示,平均租金已经下跌。

    Lease rates may come under pressure as capacity grows , hitting the profitability of master limited partnerships . Rose Rock Midstream , which is building tanks , said average rates had fallen .

  6. 近年来,中国企业以承包商的形式,在非洲的公路、铁路和电厂建设方面占据了主导地位,但公私合伙制(ppp)将是一种更稳定、更长期的合作机制。

    Chinese companies working as contractors have dominated the construction of African roads , railways and power stations in recent years , but public - Private Partnerships ( PPPs ) would be a more stable and longer-term form of engagement .

  7. 最后,在方案假设条件、设置操作流程两部分内容中,大胆模拟了该案例在有限合伙制(RELP)模式下的融资过程。

    Finally , the program assumptions , the process set up operations in the contents of two parts , bold simulation in the case of RELP mode of financing process .

  8. 他特别指出了业主有限合伙制企业。

    He specifically pointed to Master Limited Partnerships , or MLPs .

  9. 合伙制具有近代企业萌芽的某些特征;

    The collective system had some features of primary modern enterprises ;

  10. 一类合伙制被称为有限责任合伙制。

    One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership .

  11. 合伙制:资产评估行业诚信建设的一种制度安排

    Partnership : a System of Integrity Construction for the Appraisal Firm

  12. 十至十四世纪的中国合伙制

    Business Partnership in China from the Tenth to the Fourteenth Century

  13. 但他坚持认为,合伙制模式并非万灵药。

    But he insists the partnership model is not a panacea .

  14. 合伙制与会计职业之间关系的几个基本问题

    Issues on the Relationship between Partnership and the Accounting Profession

  15. 有限合伙制条件下基金管理人的业绩报酬机制分析

    An Analysis of Performance Reward Mechanism of Fund Manager under Limited Partnerships

  16. 合伙制的终结使私斗转变为公战。

    The end of partnerships turned private rivalries into a public tournament .

  17. 清代农业合伙制初探

    A Probe into the System of Agricultural Partnership in the Qing Dynasty

  18. 有限合伙制创业投资机构制度创新与应用思考

    System Innovation and Application Thinking of Limited Partnership in Venture Investment Organization

  19. 推行有限责任合伙制,提高证券中介执业的独立性;

    Practice partnership system , improve the independency of agency ;

  20. 有限合伙制代理风险及其控制制度安排

    The Risk of Limited Partnership Agency and the Controlling System

  21. 我国有限合伙制风险投资的法律规制

    Legal Regulation of the Venture Capital Limited Partnership of China

  22. 有限合伙制私募股权基金法律制度研究

    The Study on the Legal System of Limited Partnership Private Equity Fund

  23. 在美国,风险投资以有限合伙制为主。事实证明有限合伙制是一种使权、责、利密切结合的有效的资金运行模式。

    The limited partnership is the main form of venture capital in America .

  24. 现有的理论研究表明在我国推行合伙制将对提高我国的审计质量有深远的意义。

    Theory shows partnership system will greatly improve the auditing quality in China .

  25. 风险投资中有限合伙制的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on the Limited Co-partnership in Risk Investment

  26. 国际四大会计师事务所合伙制文化探索

    On Partner Culture of Big Four International Accounting Firm

  27. 风险投资组织形式:公司制与有限合伙制的比较

    The Organizational Form of Venture Capital : Contrast between Corporate and Limited Partnership

  28. 有限合伙制是私募股权投资基金最有效的形式。

    A limited partnership is the most effective form of private equity funds .

  29. 从巴县档案看传统合伙制的特征

    Viewing the Feature of the Chinese Traditional Partnership System from the Baxian Archives

  30. 我建议可以考虑采取合伙制形式。

    I suggest we consider the form of partnership .