
  • 网络community function
  1. 论社区功能的多样化

    On the Diversity of Community Function

  2. 社区功能的涵盖面已涉及到城市管理、服务公民日常生活、促进社会进步等方面,其发挥的作用和影响也越来越大。

    The community function has related to urban management , citizens ' life service , the promotion of the harmonious social development and so on , which has become more and more important .

  3. 建构城市公共领域:论城市社区功能的重新定位

    Re-orientating the Function of Urban Communities to Construct Urban Public Spheres

  4. 缺点:非常有限的功能;几乎没有社区功能

    Cons : very limited functionality ; almost no social features

  5. 基于教育虚拟社区功能的远程教育探讨

    Discussion on distance education based on the function of educational virtual community

  6. 社区功能设计包括项目管理功能设计和社区管理功能设计。

    Community functions include project management functional design and community management function design .

  7. 缺点:有限的图片共享和社区功能

    Cons : limited sharing options and social features

  8. 转型期西部城市社区功能变迁与社区制度创新

    The Communities ' Functional Change and Their System Innovation in Western Cities during the Transformation Period

  9. 第四部分在杭州城市社区功能演变背景下,对杭州城市社区人力资源配置进行研究。

    According to the function transformation , we analyze the transformation in distribution of human resource in city community in Hangzhou .

  10. 而不同的社区功能分工又为城市的正常运转提供了商业和经济保证。

    And the function of the different community also provided the business and political security for the normal running of the Macao City .

  11. 应把发展经济、弘扬先进的谋生文化和社区功能的开发作为解决乞讨现象的着力点。

    Therefore , economic development , advanced culture in making a living and operation of community are the key points in begging resolution .

  12. 但是由于长期以来社区功能的萎缩,制度供给不足已经成为制约居民社区参与的主要因素。

    While due to a long-term dysfunction of community , the shortage of institutional supply becomes a heavy obstacle to the community participation of residents .

  13. 随着社区功能的增加、地位的强化、作用的不断增强,社区也具有越来越重要的地位,因此创新社区管理体制对基层社会管理体系创新具有重要借鉴意义。

    With the increase in community functions , the status strengthening and the role continues to increase , the community also has an increasingly important position .

  14. 整个建筑展示出一个纯粹的形象,却并不减损至关重要的东西,如建筑的音乐功能化和社区功能化。

    The building takes a " pure form so it does not detract from what 's important " such as how the building functions musically and communally .

  15. 按照功能的载体对象的不同,文章将住宅的功能分为居室功能、社区功能、区位功能、环境功能等四大类;

    According to the different carriers of functions , house 's functions are divided into four categories , that is , residence , community , location and environment .

  16. 外滩于1843年上海开埠后迈开了城市化的步伐,在经过不到百年的变迁之后,其社区功能最终定位于银行与公共空间。

    After the urbanization of the Bund in Shanghai in 1843 , the development function was ultimately located in two main aspects : bank finance and public space .

  17. 文章就建立领导机制、加强教育、实施长效管理、提高执法管理人员素质和发挥社区功能等提出若干建议和对策。

    The paper proposes suggestions and countermeasures in the aspects of establishing leadership , strengthening education , long-efficient management , improving the quality of law enforcement body and the functions of community .

  18. 社区功能消退,岛上居民生活十分不方便、旅游业也不尽如人意,只能靠不断上涨门票船票价格来维持局面。

    Gulangyu have many problems , such as the community features faded , the island is very inconvenient for residents , the tourism industry is not satisfied by people and so on .

  19. 最新的更新则是加入了大量社区功能。

    The latest update to Picasa also added a lot of social features to the site , but we think it still doesn 't match the feature set and active community of Flickr .

  20. 同时,还认为应进一步强化农村社区功能,借助农村社区建立自下而上的农村公共服务需求表达机制,充分体现了村民自治,这也是本文可能的创新点。

    Simultaneously , the function of rural communities should be intensified and the down-top representation mechanism of public services in rural areas should be established to fully achieve village autonomy , which is probably the innovative point of this paper .

  21. DB2LUW10.1家族的产品组合中包含不同的版本,从DB2Express-C(一个具有社区支持功能的免费DB2版本)到高级Enterprise版(按照标准配备了多个附加功能)。

    The DB2 LUW 10.1 family is comprised of different editions in its portfolio , from DB2 Express-C ( a no-charge edition of DB2 with community support ) to the Advanced Enterprise edition ( several add-on features included as standard ) .

  22. 这个囊括了指示器、RSS链接资料、社交网络组件和IT新闻共享社区等功能的软件,几乎就变成了一个虚拟的社交网络平台。

    The software , which now includes a dashboard , RSS feeds , social networking widgets and a IT news sharing community , seems to almost be turning into a pseudo-social network itself .

  23. 社区的功能就是指社区在社会生活中所发挥的作用。

    Community function means the function community plays in social life .

  24. 现代社区文化功能与运行方式的解析

    Analysis of Cultural Function and Operation Pattern of Modern Community

  25. 不同碘摄入量社区甲状腺功能减退症的五年随访研究

    A five-year follow-up study of hypothyroidism in areas with different iodine intakes

  26. 论大中型超市社区营销功能的提升

    Function promoting of large and middle community supermarket

  27. 社区保障功能的再认识

    Further understanding of the community security functions

  28. 总的来说,我十分满足于虚拟品牌社区的功能。

    In general , I am satisfied with the ways of on-line brand community functions .

  29. 脑梗死患者住院及社区运动功能康复的连续护理

    Continuous Nursing of Patients with Cerebral Infarction for Recovery of Motor Function During Hospitalization and in Community

  30. 另外,介绍了信息化社区的功能及小区管理任务。

    In addition , It introduced the function of informatization community and the management task of the community .