
gǔ jīn
  • share capital;money paid for shares
股金 [gǔ jīn]
  • [money paid for shares] 以股份的形势投入合营企业或消费合作社中的资金

股金[gǔ jīn]
  1. 中国科学社股东、股金与改组

    Study on Stockholders , Money Paid for Shares and Reorganization of the Science Society of China

  2. 各股份公司成立后,在股金管理、红利分配和组织机构等方面均形成了新的体制。

    New systems of the management of money paid for shares , distribution of bonus and organization formed after stock companies had been established .

  3. 与我国股份合作制企业相比,西方股金合作制企业的产权安排更为规范、稳定、可行,其弊端可以在保持劳动合作基本特征的前提下加以校正。

    After a compare of property rights between cooperative firms in China .

  4. 铁路施工企业员工持股会股金量化方案初探

    A Primary Study of the Staff Carrying-stock Project in the Railway Construction Company

  5. 他们正在争取到1985年能拿到双倍的股金。

    They were aiming for a double share by1985 .

  6. 花两美元或买等量面值的邮票。你的股金与票面价值相等。

    Send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps . Your shares are at par .

  7. 你的股金与票面价值相等。

    Your shares are at par .

  8. 这家再保险会违反他明智的判断,用了大笔股金购买外国债券。

    Against his better judgment , the society had invested much of its holdings in foreign securities .

  9. 无责任公司成员对缴纳欠付的股金没有责任的公司。

    No-liability companies are companies where members will never be liable to pay calls on their shares .

  10. 第一,考察合作社的社员结构和股金结构状况,并分析两者之间关系。

    First , observe the structure of member and share of the cooperatives , and analyzes their relationship .

  11. 指不出股金、赚了分红,而赔了不受损失的股份。

    Shares that do not require payment of a unit price and that can earn a free dividend .

  12. 最后我就只有洗耳恭听,如果你不同意的话,你就太傻了,你最好能把我入的股金还给我,我就走人。

    Finally I was . Listen , if you don 't take this you 're so dum , you 'd better buy me out .

  13. 股金合作制和股份合作制的比较与选择&集体企业典型形式探索信息披露质量与股权融资成本

    A Compare Study on Equity Capital Cooperative System and Shareholding Cooperative System The Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Cost of Equity Capital of Listed Companies in China

  14. 如借款人资不抵债,银行首先用其成员国缴纳的资金全力给予支持,然后要求其成员国再追加认购股金。

    If the borrower defaulted , the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries , then call on them to contribute more .

  15. 第三部分,从股金、人员、业务等情况论述南区合作社从建立到逐步发展,并成为综合性合作社的概况。

    The third part expounds the Southern Cooperative 's stages from establish to gradually develop into a comprehensive co-operatives based on the stocks , personnel , business and so on .

  16. 从新制度经济学“产权”的概念考察,我国农村信用社“股金”不具有完整的产权意义。

    Concerning the new concept of property right in new systematic economics , the " share capital " of rural credit cooperative isn 't qualified with the sense of property right .

  17. 此外,由于合作社股金集中度高的缘故,合作社的所有者和顾客之间存在分离的现象,不再保持着所有者与顾客的同一性。

    The concentration of share is high in the cooperatives . Besides , due to the concentration of shares , the owner and the customer of the cooperatives separate from each other .

  18. 前项所称自有资金系指:社员股金、留置股金、资本公积、公积金、特别公积,未分配盈余及本期损益。

    The ownership capital of the credit union as mentioned in the previous shall be included shares , dormant account , capital reserves , reserves , special reserves , undistributed net income and net income for the year .

  19. 据中国证券报近两年调查数据推算出我国女性股民的规模和发展速度,分析了女股民的年龄、文化、职业结构,以及收入水平、金融、股金结构。

    The article calculates the dimension and development of Chinese women stock traders according to the statistics from China Securities Daily , and analyzes the age group , education level , profession structure , income level , and financial and capital structure .