
ɡǔ èr tóu jī
  • Biceps femoris muscle;biceps of thigh
  1. 股二头肌pH值和半棘肌pH值QTL分别定位在SSC1和3上;

    Semispinalis Capitis and m. Biceps Femoris were located on chromosomes 1 and 3 , respectively .

  2. 肾脂中亚油酸(C(18:2))占3.67%,眼肌中为5.85%,股二头肌中含8.57%。

    The linoleic acid was 3.67 % , 5.85 % , and 8.57 % in the kidney fat , eye muscle and thigh muscle respectively .

  3. 结论:在每一个正常的成年人身上,通过S1神经根刺激都可以从股二头肌长头上可靠地记录到H反射。

    Conclusions . H-reflex can be recorded from the biceps femoris muscle following stimulation of the S1 nerve root in normal adults .

  4. 电针NSCs组大鼠后肢的股二头肌萎缩程度明显小于其他实验对照组大鼠。

    The myatrophy degree of Biceps femoris muscle at the hind limbs in EC + NSCs group of rat were obviously less than that in the other experimental control groups .

  5. 股二头肌长头肌皮瓣修复6处,皮瓣范围11cm×6cm~14cm×7cm;

    And 6 by long-head of biceps femoris flaps , 11 cm × 6 cm-14 cm × 7 cm .

  6. 另在复合桥组和肌桥组,切取股二头肌外缘纵行肌束,置于60℃水浴变性5min。

    A vertical bunch from the exterior margin of femoral biceps was severed and putted into the 60 ℃ water for 5 minutes in complex and muscle bridge groups .

  7. 随机取5条不同等级金华火腿的股二头肌为样品,利用固相微萃取(SPME)和GC/MS系统进行风味成分研究。

    Flavor study of different grades Jinhua ham was carried out under a SPME ( solid phase microextraction ) - GC / MS system , with Biceps femoris as samples that were taken out randomly from 5 Jinhua hams of different grades .

  8. 诱发兔股二头肌负重收缩观察结果:长电极在波宽为0.4ms,频率30~50Hz,最小刺激电压(31.00±4.48)mV时,兔股二头肌发生负重收缩。

    The observation result of the evoked weight loading contraction of rabbit biceps femoris : The weight loading contraction of rabbit biceps femoris occurred when the range of wave was 0.4 ms with 30-50 Hz frequency and ( 31 ± 4.48 ) mV minimal stimulus voltage .

  9. 肌袢成形术所用股二头肌的应用解剖学

    Applied anatomical study of biceps muscle in muscular loop plastic operation

  10. 电刺激治疗股二头肌急性拉伤的模拟实验研究

    Simulated Experimental Research of Electrical Therapy on Acute Biceps Femoris Strain

  11. 结果家兔股二头肌为扁肌。

    Results Biceps femoris was flat muscle in rabbit .

  12. 脊髓中央裂电刺激对股二头肌的控制作用

    Control action of electrostimulation in central fissure of spinal cord on biceps femoris

  13. 牦牛与黄牛背长肌和股二头肌宰后色差变化及差异性分析

    Color-difference Analysis of Biceps femoris and Longissimus dorsi in Slaughtered Yak and Yellow Cattle

  14. 结论股二头肌长头和短头有单独神经支配。论B股回购

    Conclusion The innervation of BFl and BFs are independent reciprocally . On repurchase of B-share

  15. 股二头肌长头腱等长重建膝关节外侧副韧带

    Isometric reconstruction of knee lateral collateral ligament with the long head of biceps femoris tendon

  16. 股二头肌的积分肌电值出现随着负荷的增加而增加,50%负荷迅速下降。

    IEMG of the biceps femoris increased with the increased load , 50 % load IEMG decreased more rapidly .

  17. 股二头肌部分肌腱转位修复重建后交叉韧带的解剖与临床

    Anatomy and Clinical Practice of Transposition with Part of Tendon of Musculus Biceps Femoris for Repairing Posterior Cruciate Ligaments of Knee

  18. 其次采用盐析法分别提取半膜肌和股二头肌的肌浆蛋白和肌原纤维蛋白,进行SDS-凝胶电泳实验对肌浆蛋白和肌原纤维蛋白的降解趋势进行了研究。

    Secondly the experiment studied the changes of the sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar protein of Semimembranosus and Biceps muscles during the processing of Jin-hua Ham .

  19. 同时取绵羊背最长肌和股二头肌组织样,应用常规分析方法测定肉品质的常规指标。

    At the same time , taking the longissimus and biceps femoris to determine the main indicators which affect the meat quality by conventional analysis methods .

  20. 杂交后显著地降低了腰肌、股二头肌和背最长肌肌纤维密度(P<0.001);

    The density of fibres in muscle was consistently and significantly lower for all muscle types in hybrid compared to Saba pigs ( P < 0.001 ) .

  21. 目的:通过对兔损伤平面以下脊髓中央裂电刺激实现对股二头肌牵张反射和收缩功能的控制作用。

    AIM : To control the deep reflex and contraction function of biceps femoris in rabbits by electrostimulation in central fissure of spinal cord under the injury level .

  22. 结论:采用脊髓中央裂电刺激的方法可以使股二头肌获得可控制的反射抑制和肌肉运动功能。

    CONCLUSION : The biceps femoris muscle can obtain the controllable reflex inhibition and muscular movement function with the method of electrostimulation in central fissure of spinal cord .

  23. 两种角速度下,在起始角90。时,虽屈肌峰力矩有所降低,但股二头肌和腓肠肌均处于较佳的放电状态。

    Compared the two angular velocity , the initial angle of90 °, the flexor peak torque is decreasing , but the biceps femoris and gastrocnemius are in better discharge status .

  24. 米兰消息&经过国米队医的医学测试证实阿尔瓦罗。雷科巴左大腿股二头肌二度拉伤。

    MILAN-After medical tests performed by Inter 's medical staff it has been confirmed that Alvaro Recoba has suffered a second-degree strain of the biceps femoris muscle in his left thigh .

  25. 在宣威火腿干燥成熟过程中,火腿肌肉中形成的挥发性化合物的种类逐渐增多,12个月终产品的半膜肌和股二头肌中的挥发性化合物分别为98种和67种。

    With the ripening process of Xuanwei ham , the volatile compounds identified from M. semimembranosus and M. Bicepts femoris of the ripened hams at 12 months are 98 and 67 respectively .

  26. 胫骨前肌和左腿股二头肌的肌电持续时间较长,三角肌前部、肱二头肌和股外侧肌持续时间为最短。

    Tibialis anterior muscle and left leg of the biceps muscle electric continues for a long time , deltoid muscle front , biceps and the lateral femoral muscle for the shortest duration . 6 .

  27. 通过相关性分析发现,磷脂和甘油脂含量与游离脂肪酸含量之间的R~2在股二头肌和皮下脂肪中分别为0.91/0.67、0.97/0.94。

    The R2 of phospholipids and triacylglycerol contents with free fatty acids contents were 0.91/0.67 0.97 / 0.94 , respectively . Results analysis showed that , the main source of free fatty acids was phospholipids .

  28. 自1993年以来,应用带同侧比目鱼肌或股二头肌蒂腓骨段转位,治疗股骨下端、胫骨上端肿瘤切除后骨缺损6例。

    Since 1993 the authors have treated 6 cases of defect of lower femur and upper tibia after tumor excision by using transposition of ipsilateral fibula segment pedicled with flaps of soleus or biceps femoris muscle .

  29. 初步报告了取1/2股二头肌与半腱肌前移新术式及同侧臀肌瘫痪重建术与股四头肌替代术一次性手术同时进行的优选组合方法。

    Also , we report a new method about combining four surgical procedures ; including transference of 1 / 2 biceps femoris and semitendinosus anteriorly , reconstruction of the same-side gluteal muscle paralysis and quadriceps replacement operation at the same time .

  30. 以髋腰肌为主的屈髋肌群及股二头肌为主的伸髋肌群,是人体水平加速的主要原动肌;前支撑段是人体水平加速的重要动力阶段。

    The flexion and extention muscle groups of the hip are the dynamic force producer in the body 's horizontal acceleration , and the early part of the supporting phase is the important dynamic stage for the body 's horizontal acceleration .