
  1. 复星表示,这一出价较过去6个月ESS的平均股价溢价31%。

    The bid represents a premium of 31 per cent above the average share price over the previous six months , Fosun said .

  2. 这位电子艺界掌门人认为,自己每股26美元的出价(较Take-Two股价溢价60%)相当慷慨。

    The EA chief believes his $ 26-a-share offer , giving a 60 per cent premium on Take-Two 's share price , was generous .

  3. 55亿美元的收购价格并不高:较标准银行此前30日的平均股价溢价约15%。

    The $ 5.5bn purchase price does not appear inflated : it represents a premium of about 15 per cent on the previous average price of Standard Bank Group shares .

  4. 萨尔卡梅斯指出,假设诺基亚派发每股1.5欧元的特别股息,按照明年的预期盈利计算,爱立信相对于诺基亚的股价溢价仍高达40%。

    He says that , assuming a 1.50 per share extraordinary dividend from Nokia , Ericsson still trades at a 40 per cent premium based on next year 's estimated earnings .

  5. 每股中国网通的股票将换取1.508股中国联通股票,较中国网通股票5月23日停牌前27.05港元的股价溢价3%。

    Each Netcom share will be exchanged for 1.508 shares in Unicom , marking a premium of some three per cent to Netcom 's HK $ 27.05 share price before its shares were suspended on Friday .

  6. 工行所收购的标准银行股权,一半来自新股,一半来自现有股票,收购价较周二之前30个交易日的平均股价溢价15%。

    Half of ICBC 's stake is to come from the issue of new shares and half by the acquisition of existing shares at prices equivalent to a 15 per cent premium to the average stock price in the 30 trading days before Tuesday .

  7. 但基于企业价值与2013年盈利的比率,法航荷航集团相比同行业股价存在溢价。

    But on an enterprise value to 2013 earnings basis , Air France-KLM now trades at a premium to the sector .

  8. 综合来看,EMC股东可以获得每股约33.15美元的价格,与EMC上周三的股价相比,溢价近28%,当时这两家公司谈判的消息尚未报道。

    The stock component would give EMC shareholders a total of roughly $ 33.15 a share , a premium of nearly 28 percent to EMC 's stock price on Wednesday , before news reports emerged of the talks between the two companies .

  9. 两家中国公司对corriente的出价为每股8.60加元,相对于corriente近期股价有27%的溢价。

    The two Chinese companies have offered C $ 8.60 for each corriente share , a 27 per cent premium on the recent market price .

  10. emerald执行总裁阿拉斯泰尔贝尔德索尔(alastairbeardsall)表示,中化的报价相比谈判确认之前的公司股价有34%的溢价代表了“公允价值”。

    Alastair beardsall , executive chairman of emerald , said the Sinochem offer , at a 34 per cent premium to its share price ahead of the confirmation of talks , represented " fair value " .

  11. 该报价较库卡2月3日(美的称增持其股份至10%之前)未受影响时的股价有60%的溢价。

    The offer is a 60 per cent premium on Kuka 's undisturbed price on February 3 , before Midea said that it had raised its stake to 10 per cent .

  12. 渤海租赁周五早间以每股31美元赢得竞购,该报价比此前报价低1美元,较7月13日未宣布竞购消息前的股价有31%的溢价。

    Bohai secured its prize early on Friday with an offer of $ 31 a share , $ 1 a share below its previous offer and a 31 per cent premium to the undisturbed share price on July 13 .

  13. 相对于世界其它地方的股价,中国股价的溢价比上一次泡沫期间上升得更快。

    The premium China commands over the rest of the world has risen even faster than in the previous bubble .

  14. 马丁表示,同时在香港和内地上市的企业,会发现其内地股价较香港股价有6%的溢价。

    Companies listed on both the Hong Kong and mainland markets have seen their mainland shares trade at a 6 per cent premium to their Hong Kong listings , Martin said .