
  • 网络CrM;customer relationship management;CRMS;eCRM;icrm
  1. 赤峰电业局客户关系管理系统总体规划

    General Plan of ChiFeng EIB CRM System

  2. 论文的研究对旅游景区实施客户关系管理系统具有一定的实践意义和参考价值。

    This study has certain practical significance and reference value on the tourist attractions to implement CRM system .

  3. Internet环境下的虚拟企业客户关系管理系统

    Virtual Enterprise Custom Relation Management System under the Circumstance of Internet

  4. 基于Web服务的客户关系管理系统

    Customer Relationship Management System Based on Web Service

  5. 客户关系管理系统(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)是一个结合计算机、客户关系和网络集成的综合性的新系统。

    Customer relationship management system is a comprehensive new system which combines computer , customer relationships and network integration .

  6. 客户关系管理系统(CRM)是指对企业和客户之间的交互活动进行管理的过程。

    CRM is a together management process between enterprise and client .

  7. 基于UML的系统需求分析&E-motor客户关系管理系统设计

    Design of Customer Relationships Management in E-motor Using UML

  8. 第五章针对面向制造企业供应链管理系统集成平台中客户关系管理系统的Web数据库技术应用实施方案完成了具体的软件开发实现工作。

    In Chapter five , based on the above Web database solution to the customer relationship management system , the software system is developed .

  9. 客户关系管理系统研究及北京有机化工厂CRM的规划设计

    Customer Relationship Management System Research and Beijing Organic Chemical Plant Planning and Design of CRM

  10. 商业银行客户关系管理系统(CRM)发展问题的研究

    CRM System in Commercial Banks

  11. NET平台下开发和研制了一个基于Web服务技术的客户关系管理系统,给出了系统功能模块的划分、系统结构、数据库的设计及数据库存取操作的四层结构。

    NET platform , give the division of system module and the system structure , the method of database design and introduces the realization of some key technology .

  12. 客户关系管理系统(即CRM)是现代经营管理科学与现代信息技术结合的产物。

    Customer relationship management ( CRM ) system is the application of information technology in modern business management .

  13. 基于OLAP的制造业企业客户关系管理系统研究及应用

    Application Research of Enterprise Customer Relationship Management System of Manufacture Industry Based on OLAP

  14. 望本文的研究成果能为G证券公司客户关系管理系统的完善提供务实的支持。同时通过体系复制,为同行业其他证券公司提供借鉴。

    Hope this research is use for G securities to improve CRM system in business supporting ; while copying for other securities to provide reference .

  15. 建立客户关系管理系统的功能模型,详细论述了系统的目标、结构、功能和关键技术,从而,提出了汽车制造业客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement)系统的解决方案。

    Established functional model of the Customer Relationship Management System , discusses the objective , structure , function ang key technology of the system , and give a solution of the Marketing Management about auto industry .

  16. 基于SaaS模式的客户关系管理系统的研究

    Research of CRM Based on SaaS

  17. 随着银行的CRM客户关系管理系统的广泛应用,在CRM的数据仓库中也大量的储存了客户的数据。

    With the bank of CRM system in the wide application of data warehouse , CRM is a large store customer data .

  18. 使用面向对象的方法,运用统一建模语言,对基于UML的客户关系管理系统进行了分析与设计。

    By using the object-oriented method and UML ( unified modeling language ), this paper analyzes and designs the CRM system based on UML .

  19. 该客户关系管理系统为提高银行业务部门效率提供了有力的技术支持,也总结出一些银行建设CRM系统的经验,可供国内银行参考。

    The CRM system supports the development of bank business departments well and also concludes some experience about building CRM system in banking sector .

  20. 但随着行业内新的政策法规的出台,以及更多的竞争对手的加入,疫苗行业的竞争不断加剧,G公司客户关系管理系统也应该随着市场的发展变化而进行调整和完善。

    But with the promulgation of new policies and regulations , more and more competitors join the competition in the vaccine industry , and G should also adjust its CRM system .

  21. 最后结合安全ESB架构,描述了企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现。

    Finally , this thesis describes the design and realization of relationship management system between corporation and customer with security ESB architecture .

  22. 随着ERP系统、客户关系管理系统、OA办公系统等信息管理系统的蓬勃发展,企业积累了大量的历史数据。

    With Vigorous development of ERP system , customer relationship management system , OA system , the enterprise has accumulated a large amount of historical data .

  23. 本文通过分析CRM的特征以及陶瓷企业特性,提出了一种基于工作流的陶瓷企业客户关系管理系统的构建方法。

    This article advances a Structure method for the Stream working-based ceramic enterprise customer relationship management system by analyzing the characteristics of CRM and Ceramic enterprise .

  24. CRM客户关系管理系统的基本框架是发现客户、与客户交流以及调整相应的管理制度,这是一个循环反复的过程;

    The basis circle of the CRM system is discovery of the clients , communication and adjustment of the system . This is a repeating circulation .

  25. 在介绍系统之前,本文首先介绍了什么是客户关系管理系统(CRM),CRM的现状及研究内容。

    Before introducing the system , we will firstly narrate what is CRM , the present situation of CRM and what CRM is studying in this essay .

  26. 在传统主动数据库的基础上,提出了主动WEBDB的概念,讨论了主动WEBDB的体系结构、实现途径以及在客户关系管理系统中的应用。

    This paper proposes the conception of active WEB _DB on the basis of the traditional active databases , discusses the architecture about active WEB _DB , realization ways and applications in CRM .

  27. CRM客户关系管理系统的核心是个性化的营销,通过个性化的营销来满足客户的个性化需求,最终实现客户价值的最大化和企业的持久赢利。

    The core of CRM system is individuation marketing . The individuation marketing would content clients ' individuation need . This would bring long-term profit to the company .

  28. 客户关系管理系统(CRM)是提高企业核心竞争力的有力武器,但现有客户关系管理产品存在服务对象简单、功能模块单一以及系统协同能力差等缺陷。

    Customer Relationship Management System ( CRM ) is powerful for improving the enterprise 's kernel competition capability . But there are some shortcomings of the existing CRM product .

  29. 因此,客户关系管理系统CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简称CRM)在这种市场的需要和企业盈利目标的渴求下继ERP之后应运而生,成为解决这一问题的有效途径。

    So , after the appearance of ERP and with the thirsty of the market and the enterprise , CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) emerged as the time requires , became a key to the situation .

  30. 本人研究了一个基于多维查询分析的客户关系管理系统,进而提出了基于OLAP的多维分析算法。

    I studied customer relation management system based on many dimensions , then put forward analysis calculate way based on many dimensions of the OLAP .