
  • reorganization and expansion
  1. 立新而不破旧&福建医科大学附属第二医院改扩建工程设计方案

    Establishing the New but no Dilapidated & The Design Scheme of Fujian Medical University Second Subsidiary Hospital Reorganization and Expansion Engineering

  2. 基于AHP法的旧路改扩建工程社会经济效益分析

    Social and econmic benefit analysis of the highway reconstruction project on the base of AHP

  3. 近年来,随着国内乙烯装置的不断改扩建,对C4馏分的综合利用形成了很大的压力。首先受到扩产压力的就是现有的丁二烯抽提装置。

    Recently , comprehensive utilization of the C_4 mixture is a pressing problem along with the continuous revamping of ethylene plants , especially for existing butadiene plants .

  4. 具体阐述在大化肥石脑油制氨装置改扩建为水煤浆制氨装置工程中的耐硫CO变换系统的安全设计。

    This article presents the safety design of CO shift system for large scale ammonia revamping project where feedstock shall be changed from naphtha to coal .

  5. 沈大高速公路改扩建路面工程SBS改性沥青现场制备工艺与质量控制

    Site Production Technology for SBS Modified Asphalt and Quality Control on Reconstruction and Extension Engineerings of Shen-Da Freeway

  6. 对于改扩建线形设计的特殊性要求,本文提出了不同于传统勘测方法的车载LiDAR技术。

    For the particularity of alignment design requirements of expansion , the on-board Light Detection and Ranging technique is raised .

  7. 500t半圆体与箱筒预制场的改扩建

    Extension and Reconstruction of Precasting Yard for 500T Semi-circular Cylinders and Caisson Cylinders

  8. 介绍了马钢原料厂改扩建工程后,PLC在马钢原料场自动化控制系统中的配置、软硬件组态及功能。

    This text introduces the disposition , software , hardware configuration and function of Programmable Logic Control in automation control system of The Port Raw Materials Plant Ma Steel after rebuilding and expand building works .

  9. 分析石脑油制氨装置改扩建为水煤浆制氨装置CO耐硫变换工艺的特点,具体阐述其工艺流程优化设计中需考虑的主要技术问题。

    Analyzes the process characteristics of CO shift unit for large scale ammonia revamping project , where feedstock shall be changed from naphtha to coal . Presents the key technic points in CO shift process optimum design .

  10. 结合沈大高速公路改扩建现场生产改性沥青的情况,介绍SBS制备工艺及质量控制要点。

    In the light of site production of modified asphalt on reconstruction and extension engineerings of Shen-Da Freeway , the paper introduces the essentials for SBS producing technology and quality control .

  11. Z监狱改扩建工程项目的建设是为遏制社会犯罪、稳定社会治安局势、提供好的经济建设环境、为建设和谐社会服务的。

    The conclusions follow : The construction of Z jail renovation and expansion project is service for curbing the social crime , stabilizing the social public order situation , providing a good economic environment and constructing a harmonious social .

  12. 针对大化肥石脑油制氨装置改扩建为水煤浆制氨装置设计中耐硫CO变换的工艺特点,及其对变换催化剂的要求,分析国内目前耐硫变换催化剂的状况,选择适用的催化剂。

    According to the CO shift unit characteristics and its requirements for catalyst in large scale ammonia revamping project , where feedstock shall be changed from naphtha to coal , the situation of available catalyst made in China and the selection of the suitable catalyst were discussed .

  13. 许多新建和改扩建的水处理工程,虽然投资组建了fcs、dcs、plc监控系统,但任然不能实现网络化监控的目的,造成了资源的浪费。

    Many new and expanded water treatment works , although the investment in the formation of fcs , the dcs , plc , monitoring system , but any contingent can not achieve the purpose of network monitoring , resulting in a waste of resources .

  14. 与此同时,在协和广场(PlacedelaConcorde)边角上,临时搭建了一幢七层办公楼,建筑设计师、工程师以及领班济济一堂,克利翁酒店(HoteldeCrillon)的改扩建规模可见一斑。

    Meanwhile , on the corner of Place de la Concorde , a seven-storey temporary office block housing architects , engineers and foremen provides just one clue as to the scale of renovation taking place at the H ô tel de Crillon .

  15. 根据中国石化齐鲁石化股份有限公司烯烃厂乙烯装置改扩建中汽油分馏塔和急冷塔的施工特点,从危害分析入手,制定相应的HSE管理措施,保证了施工的安全进行。

    According to the construction features of the gasoline fractionator and quench tower in the expansion of the ethylene plant in Qilu , corresponding HSE control measures are developed based on the hazard analysis , thus ensuring the security of the construction .

  16. 希望本文能够为上海港吴淞VTS中心操作员的监管工作提供新的思路,也能够为改扩建后的上海港吴淞VTS系统发挥更大的绩效提供帮助。

    Hope that this text can offer the new train of thought for supervision of the operator of Wusong VTS centre of Shanghai Harbor , can produce greater performance and offer help for Wusong VTS system of Shanghai Harbor after expanding too .

  17. 通过对比中原NGL的改扩建装置与老装置,认为NGL的乙烷收率在原料气中乙烷含量较低的情况下达不到设计值是正常的,但新装置远没有发挥应有的能力。

    Through the comparison with the old NGL plant , the new one 's lower recovery rate is in gear under the lower content of ethane in the crude gas . But the level does not match to its capability .

  18. 介绍了天津乙烯装置改扩建后,甲烷气富裕量约1.5t/h,从燃料系统放掉,损失很大,经过技术改造,增加了甲烷外送,使装置节能降耗。

    The article introduces that the overplus methane in Tianjin 's ethylene plant is about 1.5t/h after revamping , it was great loss if the methane being vent to flare . After innovation , the energy and raw material consumption is reduced by increasing methane exportation .

  19. 乙烯改扩建工程裂解装置改造施工技术综述

    Summary of Reconstruction Technology of Cracking Unit of Ethylene Modification Project

  20. 某砖砌体办公楼改扩建的结构设计

    Structural design of reconstruction of an office building with brick masonry

  21. 改扩建钢铁企业总平面设计研究

    Research on General Layout of the Reconstructing and Extending Steel Complex

  22. 某大型商业楼的改扩建工程设计

    Design for reconstruction and extension project of one large commercial building

  23. 普通公路黑色路面改扩建工程常见病害发生原因及对策

    Common Diseases and Treatment Measure of Highway Black Pavement Reconstruction Engineering

  24. 上海杨浦1地块某楼改扩建设计探讨

    Reconstruction and Extended Design of One Building in Yangpu Plot 1

  25. 试谈既有电气化铁道变电所改扩建施工

    Discussion of Reconstruction and Expansion of substation in exiting electrified railway

  26. 某冷库改扩建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-assessment on occupational hazards in construction project of a cold storage

  27. 武钢硅钢厂改扩建工程投资项目研究

    The Project Research of WISCO Silicon-steel Plant 's Alteration and Continuation

  28. 高原公路改扩建工程中若干问题的思考

    Considerations of several problems in plateau highway upgrading and expansion engineering

  29. 矿井技术改造及改扩建方案选择的通用优化模型

    A General Optimization Model for Selecting Technical Renovation Plan of Mines

  30. 煤矿改扩建投资决策支持系统

    A Decision Support System for Coal Mine Renovation and Investment Projects