
gǎi liáng zhǔ yì
  • reformism
改良主义 [gǎi liáng zhǔ yì]
  • [reformism] 赞成逐步变革而不赞成革命变革的学说、主张

  • 道德的改良主义

改良主义[gǎi liáng zhǔ yì]
  1. 文章就胡适资产阶级改良主义的政治观进行了系统而深刻的剖析。

    This paper gives a systematic and deep analysis of Hu Shi 's bourgeoisie reformism .

  2. 它引导无产阶级去适合资产阶级的改良主义和不彻底性。

    This tendency would lead the proletariat to accommodate itself to bourgeois reformism and bourgeois lack of thoroughness .

  3. 约翰·阿特金森·霍布森(JohnAtkinsonHobson,1858~1940)是英国新自由主义政治思想家、经济学家、社会改良主义者、帝国主义理论的创立者。

    John Atkinson Hobson was an English Neoliberalism political thinker , economist , social reformist and the creator of imperialism theory .

  4. 薛福成是我国早期资产阶级改良主义思想家,其近代教育思想十分的进步和丰赡。

    Xue Fu-cheng 's modern educational thoughts are quite connotative and complex .

  5. 他逐步放弃了自己的改良主义思想。

    He gradually gave up his reformist ideas .

  6. 这个党变得越来越具有改良主义和机会主义的特征。

    The party grew more reformist and opportunist .

  7. 放弃他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想。

    He finally abandoned his reformist ideas .

  8. 约翰·密尔是英国19世纪功利主义思想家,社会改良主义者。

    John Stuart Mill was an English utilitarian philosopher and social reformist in the 19th century .

  9. 感性改良主义者狄更斯

    Charles Dickens : A Perceptual Reformist

  10. 早期改良主义思想家所设计的中国立宪制的模式是英国式的“君民共主”制度。

    The Chinese constitutional model designed by early reformist thinkers is a British-typed " rule-by-the-monarch - and-the-people " system .

  11. 从19世纪后期到第一次世界大战期间,阿拉伯的文学和文论在普遍展开的资产阶级改良主义运动中,得到了长足的发展。

    During the late19th century and the first world war , in the generally-launched bourgeoisie reformism movement , Arabic literature made rapid progress .

  12. 近代中国新式小学是在19世纪70年代以后受资产阶级改良主义新思潮的影响而产生的。

    Influenced by the new ideological trend of the bourgeois reformism , the new Primary School in China come into being in the 1870 's.

  13. 奥地利马克思主义的哲学至多是一种对各色观念的捏合和折中,从外观上看,他们更类似于改良主义的态度。

    Their philosophy is at best , a concepts kneading and compromising . From the exterior , they were more similar to the reformist attitude .

  14. 中国社会学社成员参与社会建设的过程是改良主义知识分子群体参与社会建设的一个缩影。

    The members of the Chinese Sociology Community participate in the society constructs process is also the reformism intellectuals participate in the society constructs process .

  15. 同时,在劳动合同期限制度的问题上不能采取激进的态度,对其强制性地严格限制和干涉,应该通过温和的改良主义态度,多注重对企业的引导和宣传。

    At the same time , we should not adopt an extreme attitude to the term of labor contract nor restrict or intervene it compulsively .

  16. 改良主义以及近代资产阶级革命对中国传统文化的深层震荡,促使中西方文化在冲突、撞击中交流融合。

    The deep shock of reformism and modern bourgeoisie revolution on Chinese traditional culture made western and Chinese cultures merge together in the conflicts and collision .

  17. 随着西方传教士向中国输入西方男女平等思想,中国早期改良主义者最先萌发出男女平等观念。

    The concept of equal rights to both sexes was brought into China by Western commissioners . This idea began to sprout up first among early reformists .

  18. 他从驱张运动和湖南自治运动中领悟到改良主义在中国绝无希望。

    Seeing from " movement of expelling Zhang " and autonomy movement of Hunan province , he comprehends that " Reformism " has no way to go .

  19. 陈独秀尾巴主义的复活是不能容许的,这是资产阶级改良主义在无产阶级队伍中的反映。

    There must be no revival of the Chen Tu-hsiu type of tailism , which is a reflection of bourgeois reformism in the ranks of the proletariat .

  20. 他极力促进工人阶级的觉醒与革命斗争,但同时他的思想又时常停留在改良主义阶段,悲观主义色彩浓烈。

    He tried hard to promote the awareness of the working class and revolutionary struggles , but his thought often remained in a reformist stage with heavy pessimism .

  21. 晏阳初先生由于受时代和自身的局限的影响,为解决中国社会问题采取的办法是改良主义的,有很多缺陷和不足。

    James Yan adopted modification means for resolve China society problem due to the impact of age and self localization , so there were many limitation and deficiency .

  22. 首先指出梁漱溟的乡村建设的性质,无论从理论内容看还是从实践成果看,都是典型的改良主义。

    First , points out that the nature of the village construction , whether concludes from the theoretical contents or from the practice results , is typical of reformism .

  23. 其中罗大佑本人的创作心理也在实际的创作实践中演进,呈现塔式形态,由高耸上扬的愤世嫉俗状态逐步深沉,成为改良主义思想的文化抵抗者。

    The psychological emotion of his creation was evolving during the creation practices , appearing as a Tower Shape , from the cynical situation to the culture fighter of reformism .

  24. 实质上,这一派在政治路线的术语上谈论一些革命,然而在实践中却表现出改良主义的性质,并沿着假革命-改良主义的方向发展。

    In essence in terms of political line , this section talked of some revolution ; however in practice it assumed a reformistcharacter and moved along in a pseudo-reformist direction .

  25. 他的这些思想主张超脱了以往儒家政治思想的高度,是向晚清改良主义思想过渡的一个中间环节。

    Zhou 's ideological views were detached from the previous political thoughts of Confucian school and the intermediate link of transition to the reformism thought in the late Qing Dynasty .

  26. 同盟会的活动主要在两个方面,一方面与改良主义的政治理念展开论战,另一方面发展一系列武装起义。

    The activities of the Tong Meng Hui had two main aspects , the debates with the reformists on political ideology and the development of a series of armed uprisings .

  27. 屠杀主义固然是为渊驱鱼,改良主义也再不能号召群众了。

    The Kuomintang 's policy of massacre only serves to " drive the fish into deep waters ", as the saying goes , and reformism no longer has any mass appeal .

  28. 它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。

    It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism , but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears . What the Third Path ?

  29. 这次由改良主义者及初步具有资产阶级思想的知识分子倡导的戏曲改良与当时求改革、求进步的思潮相适应,并得到了戏曲艺人的广泛响应。

    The opera improvements advocated by the reformists and the initial intellectuals with bourgeois ideology and was seeking reform , and progress of thought to adapt , and the wide response of the opera artists .

  30. 欧洲其他国家自20世纪60年代起,一直追求改良主义的政策,即“高税收高福利”,只有美国坚持“高风险高回报”。

    European countries have been pursuing a reformist policy of " high tax and high welfare " since the 1960s , while only the U.S. sticks to the policy of " high risk and high return . "