
sān quán fēn lì
  • 熟语separation of (the three) powers;checks and balances
  1. 三权分立的理论与现实问题之考察

    The Investigation of the Theories and the Realistic Problem of " Separation of Powers "

  2. 例如三权分立、自然法理论、自由等等。

    For example , the separation of powers , natural law theory , freedom and so on .

  3. 三权分立与五权宪法思想三大比较三维Delaunay三角剖分快速点定位算法研究

    A Comparative Study of the Doctrines of " Division of Power " and " Five-power Constitution "; A Fast Algorithm for Point Location in 3-D Delaunay Triangulation

  4. 为什么我们要有三权分立的政府?

    Why do we have three branches of government ?

  5. 中国监督制度的问题及道路选择&以三权分立批判为视角

    Institutional Problem in Supervisor in China and Road Choice

  6. 论传统三权分立与现代行政法思想的发展

    On Traditional Separation of the Three Powers and Development of Modern Administrative Law

  7. 三权分立不是资产阶级的专利

    " Separation of the Three Powers " is not a patent to the bourgeois

  8. 第二,立法、行政和司法三权分立;

    Second , a separation of the legislative , executive , and judicial powers ;

  9. 英国三权分立制度更加完善。

    British separation of powers system more perfect .

  10. 美国是典型的三权分立国家,权力分立与制衡思想在美国是多角度、多层次立体式展开的。

    The ideology of the separation and balance of powers is multi-angle embodied in America .

  11. 中美关系纵横谈对中美关系的几点分析论三权分立的美国权力架构及其对中美关系的影响

    Free discussion on China-US relations Separation of Powers : American Power Structure and Its Impact on China-US Relations

  12. 洛克分权理论研究&与孟德斯鸠三权分立理论之比较

    The fundamental Research on Locker 's Power Division : Compared with Montesquieu " The separation of powers "

  13. 作为一项基本原则,司法独立是由资产阶级“三权分立”学说派生出来的。

    As a basic rule , judical independence was derived from the theory of bourgeois seperation of power .

  14. 这与西方的宪政政体中强调三权分立和相互制衡的立宪理念完全不同。

    This is completely different from western constitutional concept that stresses separation of three powers and mutual balancing .

  15. 这是因为,我们是在合众国宪法规定的三权分立的范围内采取行动的。

    For action has been taken within the three way framework of the Constitution of the United States .

  16. 在我国立法与实践中,权力机关与审判机关之间的关系均不同于实行三权分立的国家。

    In our country , the relationship between people 's congress and judicial organ is distinguished the western countries .

  17. 著名思想家孟德斯鸠提出的“三权分立”思想确立了分权运行的“依法行政”原则。

    The ideas of Separation of Powers submitted by a famous thinker established the principle of Administration in Law .

  18. 本文研讨的内容是美国三权分立制度创立的深条理因为。

    This thesis is mainly about the deep reasons of American separation of the executive , legislative and judicial powers .

  19. 可关于这一主题有大量的判例法,适用了概括性的三权分立学说。

    There is , however , a substantial case law on this subject , applying generalized separation of powers notions .

  20. 另外,传统的功能性的宪法框架下的三权分立逻辑亦呈现出悖论特征。

    In addition , the traditional logic of separation of the three powers under the functional constitution also present paradox .

  21. 为此,文章试图借鉴“三权分立”的理论来谈谈司法对公民权利的保障问题。

    Therefore , the paper try to use the separation of the three powers to discuss the judicial insurance for citizen right .

  22. 美国是个典型的三权分立国家,其国家体制在200多年内不断变化,尤其是总统权力不断扩大。

    The United States is a typical separation of powers country , the state system has been constantly changing in 200 years .

  23. 所谓三权分立是指把国家权力分为立法权、行政权与司法权,三权分工、相互独立、相互制衡。

    The power of the state is divided into legislative , judicial and executive powers which are relatively independent and mutually balanced .

  24. 但是,奥巴马说,任何通过立法手段阻碍他雇用高级顾问的行为,会违反宪法中的三权分立。

    Still , Obama said any legislative effort to impede his ability to retain senior advisers would violate the constitutional separation of powers .

  25. 司法独立原则起源于西方的三权分立理论,其目的在于确保司法权公平正义目的的实现。

    The principle of judicial independence of separation theory originated from western , whose purpose is to ensure the realization of judicial justice .

  26. 本文重在论述三权分立制衡原则理论的发展和实践以及它的精神对于美国法治影响,并探讨其对建设我国社会主义法治的借鉴作用。

    It will play mirroring role for Chinese rule of law by expounding the effect of the theory on American role of law .

  27. 但随着社会的发展,人们发现三权分立有时也不能有效地平衡权力。

    With the development of the society , however , people find that these three branches sometimes can 't effectively balance the power .

  28. 从西方思想家的三权分立说到中国封建社会对权力系统的控制;

    From the western thinkers ' theory of dividing into three kinds of powers to taking control of power system in Chinese feudal society ;

  29. 美国的三权分立制度是1787年联邦宪法的一项重要内容,是美国政治思想体系的重要组成部分。

    The separation of the system of three powers is a crucial part of America Constitution ( 1787 ) and of American political tradition .

  30. 美国三权分立的政治制度形成决策机构之间的相互制衡和权力共享,为各种政治力量渗入决策过程提供了可乘之机。

    This combination of separation of powers and checks and balances provides various political forces with good chances to influence the process of decision-making .