
  • 网络tertiary;tertiary syphilis
  1. 呈现多发性结节性损害的三期梅毒1例

    A case of tertiary syphilis presented multiple nodular lesions

  2. 很多阅读了这些文件的医学研究员表示,希特勒的许多症状符合三期梅毒的表现。

    Many medical researchers who have read the documents have stated that many of his symptoms match those of tertiary syphilis .

  3. 浅表结节型三期梅毒表现为附属器周围和皮下脂肪小叶内限局性上皮样细胞肉芽肿,其间混有多核巨细胞。

    The superficially nodular tertiary syphilis showed a localized epithelioid granuloma mixed with multinuclear giant cells infiltration around appendages and fat lobules in the subcutaneous tissue .

  4. 结果:广州市近五年性病报告发病率逐年下降,但AIDS/HIV、胎传梅毒及三期梅毒发病数及发病率呈上升趋势;

    Results : The reported incidence of STDs decreased year by year , but that of AIDS / HIV , congenital syphilis and late syphilis increased .

  5. 结论硬下疳和二期梅毒基本病理改变为梅毒性亚急性炎症,结节型三期梅毒为上皮样细胞肉芽肿。

    Conclusion The fundamental pathologic changes of hard chancre and secondary syphilis are a subacute inflamation caused by pallidula spirochaeta , and those of nodular tertiary syphilis epithelioid cell granuloma .